What Was Your First Word?


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Jan 21, 2008
Thought it could be amusing. I assume we all know? I assume “mama” is one of the most common.

Mine was “wheel.” Evidently I was fascinated with toy cars very early on.
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I don't know for sure, but I am guessing mama. Same with most of the little kids I have been around. Sometimes they will say a pet's name for their first word.
Mine was "hot". My parents thought I'd never talk. Then one day grandma was holding me in the kitchen, standing by the stove, and when I reached out towards the stove, she said, "Hot!" and I repeated it.
"Tickle". Apparently I liked being tickled.

Funniest one I'd heard of was I dated a girl in college whose first word was "damn". Her father was in the Army at the time and had a lot of buddies visiting and she picked it up that way. She'd jump up and down in the crib and say "damn, damn, damn, damn". It is understatement to say that her Mom was "annoyed".
DM claimed my first word was Mama - DF claimed it was DaDa.
I was too young to remember :LOL: :facepalm:

Since both of my parents are gone and I am the oldest kid, I can't ask.
According to a discussion with my mother years ago, she said my first word was "light". Apparently as a baby I would often point to a ceiling light and she would tell me it was a light. Eventually I would point and say "light". I have no idea, I just had to trust her :).
"Inconceivable!" And then Inigo Montoya showed up and told me it did not mean what I thought it meant.
My first word was "dada". DH's first word/s...and I kid you not, was "fan ah turnin'". :D
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jollystomper, had to laugh at your post.

We have a now 2 yr old grandson who followed right in your footsteps.
I cared for him a fews days a week while his parents worked. From very early on, he wanted me to walk him around his house and point out lamps, sconces, ceiling lights, etc saying 'light'. Started with smiling, then giggling, then finally a triumphant 'LIGHT!'

It evolved to him asking to play with wall switch to control his various light friends.

Pretty sure this was before 'mama'.
Dont think his Mom was amused.
Youngest of 6, so I have no idea. They didn't pay much attention after a while. (True story: Once we were supposed to bring baby pictures of ourselves to school. We didn't have any of me, so they sent me with a picture of my brother.) But I had a wonderful, sloppy, loving childhood so it is all good!
Thought it could be amusing. I assume we all know? I assume “mama” is one of the most common.

Mine was “wheel.” Evidently I was fascinated with toy cars very early on.
You need a poll. I bet 80% of us have no idea. Maybe half that do are outliers, like you, whose parents frequently laughed about their oddball first word. The other half are first born whose parents made a big deal of dada or mama.
No idea about the first word, but I'm pretty sure my first complete sentence was "Get off my lawn."
Don't know - but my gal has known a "kid", now in his 50's, since he was 6 months old. She was with him for his first word, which was used correctly to express the frustration he was feeling. That word? "f***".
I would imagine it was mama. But now, I need to go check my baby book that Mom gave me years ago!

Both my kids started with DaDa.
My DS actually said a few syllables around 9 months, then stopped verbalizing completely. At 2, we had him evaluated. The therapist said he was intelligent, knew all of the pictures and followed instructions. She told us not to worry.
Within a month or two, he started talking in complete sentences!

Our DD on the other hand, started talking early and hasn't stopped since.:LOL:
According to our baby books:
- My first word was "DaDa" at 5 months.
- My wife's first word was "Da" at 7 months.
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