What was your happiest moment today?

Watching my youngest DGD at her dance competition while sitting with my son, DIL and oldest DGD. It makes me happy simply to sit with them and hear what is going on.
DH, DD, D-SIL and 3 DGK's and I participated in the Run for the Hill of it race today. We did the walk version and I was so glad when I finally reached the top of the hill. It was a nice event and raised money for the EMS and fire department in Aspinwall PA. We got up at 5:30am to make sure that we would be there on time at 9:00am.
Watching my 7 yr old DS and all his friends celebrate his birthday. Man, to be that young and free.
Today was pretty good. I picked up my brother at my sister's place, and we drove from Seattle to White Rock BC, where he took a bus the rest of the way home. We had a couple of hours to visit.
Then I came back down to my other sister's apartment, where I hung up a couple of quilts that my wife had made for her and her son. She wanted them in the bedroom to add some atmosphere and warmth.
These are not wall hanging quilts, my wife made them to be used.
My sister was just thrilled with the results and that had to be the high point of a very good day indeed.
Heh, heh, hearing that the Musk deal went through. YMMV
skyking 1--beautiful quilts!

have DGS, age 2 with us today--delightful.
Went to the dermatologist today and she cut and burned several suspicious spots from my face. (So far, not a happy moment.) On the way home, I stopped at the bank to deposit a check. Several folks were waiting in line on both sides of me. I wasn't wearing a mask and neither were half the folks in line. (Still, not a happy moment - well, maybe just a little bit since I didn't have to wear a mask.)

So as the teller was processing my check she pleasantly asked "How's your day been going." I replied. "Look at my face!" (My face had 4 bandages and a couple of weeping freeze-burns.) She looked horrified until I laughed. And then half a dozen folks in ear-shot joined in the hilarity. All in all, it was a very happy moment for a lot of folks. I guess that's turning lemons into lemonade or some such - though YMMV.

Now I look like the Mayhem guy on the Allstate ads...
thanks Pacergal. That is my sister I am taking time off to spend time with. Yesterday was a good one. Enjoy DGS. :)
Let our pups outside, a few minutes later one went nuts. Our 8 month old bernedoodle has seen her first deer. Only 20' away from her and she was excited to see a new friend.
DW and I changed a toilet valve! Afterwards, there were no leaks, and everything works. We have no skills or experience with household repairs, so this was quite an achievement for us.

Now THAT is HUGE! As someone who's "challenged" in the area of home repair, I celebrate ANY successes on that front. Way to go! :)
My happiest moment of several days is starting to warp into, "I watered the irises!" Last year in about May or so, I woke up, looked outside, and asked DW, "Wouldn't you like to have the home surrounded by flowers?" She agreed, and thus began the quest for the "reasonably perfect flower patch." I'm not sure I thought that through all that well - now I'm engaging in more outdoor work than is all that comfortable. When I don't water them, DW is not on me much but I can tell she's a little sad and anxious. When I do the job, she's much happier. So now I can say for today, "I watered the irises!"
I looked outside and saw the sun shining, (we've had clouds and rain for 2 months). The flowers blooming, the trees budding, the news OFF, ignoring the stock market, and happy to be me.
Sitting by the stream at my camp, doing nothing.
I had family in town and my better half asked if we would help chaperone some students for an Elementary School trip they were taking to a local museum. We were assigned a small group with two children that had arrived in the United States in just the past few weeks and spoke almost no English.

My happiness moment was walking through the museum on our scavenger hunt. We took turns pointing at things so that I could practice my Spanish vocabulary while they learned English. The 10-year-old brain is like a sponge/esponja.
(Relatively) good news about two conditions my docs are following (as am I:LOL:)
Happy: Finally got one of my old cars (68 GTO) out of garage for first time this year. Been in garage since last October. Have owned this car for 42 years now, always puts a smile on my face driving it.
Sad: Put $50 in fuel and little under 10 gallons. Needs premium which is over $5/gal locally.
Woke up to a glorious bright sunny day!
Broccoli doing well, strawberries finally starting to turn color, other garden flowers, veggies brightening up the yard.
Coffee on the deck, peace and quiet before all the yard toys in the neighborhood start up.......
ColoGuard results are in: Negative! Gross as the process is, it beats the colonoscopy prep! YMMV
Getting home from a rough day at work and realizing that I could retire soon.
Happiest moment was a few minutes ago when a family in need picked up the push mower that I was giving away. Their mower broke down and they couldn’t afford a new one. I’m glad that I could help.
Getting up from a dentist chair after three hours. ?
Setting up my first-ever Kindle, which arrived this afternoon.

I love playing with new toys! :D :LOL:
Setting up my first-ever Kindle, which arrived this afternoon.

I love playing with new toys! :D :LOL:

My wife and I both have the Kindle paperwhites & really like them. I also have the regular Kindle which works but the paperwhite is so much better.If you don't already know there are some sites that you can go to and download free books,some are really good-- others meh-- but they are free. I hope you have many enjoyable hours of reading.:)
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