What was your happiest moment today?

Leaving the gym in a better mood than I arrived. This actually happens quite often, but today it was a drastic difference.
I'm teaching our 15 year old son to drive. Happiest moment was when I got out of the car...


I usually don't sweat from being nervous, but do remember those times in the passenger seat with both of my kids. :D
ran across a former co worker on Facebook, haven't seen each other for over 15 years. Planning a lunch together in a few weeks.
Sometimes FB is a good place ;)
I actually had a door to door solicitation for a product (patio sliding door) that I am in the market for, right now. Offering (supposedly) big discounts (Anderson). Came at the right time. And, made the beleaguered door to door pair very happy (or pretending to be very happy) even to the point of telling me they enjoyed history. Was able to lay on them the very relevant Marcus Aurelius stoic quote about how every day you meet with anger, stupidity, jealousy, etc, but you tell yourself that you yourself have had each of these. They feigned interest (but it's true, d%*mn it), so maybe it will help.
Heard from our DD, who was laid off earlier this month from a job held for almost five years, that a job offer came in and was accepted. Starts in a couple of weeks. Same area of the state as her previous employer.

The previous employment, for a group she helped build from the ground up over three years ago, was being split into two groups and moving to two separate states (1,000 and 1,400 miles away). Opted to be laid off rather than move (neither location was appealing). Stunned the previous employer, who thought it was a slam dunk she would just move to another state. They're going to be so screwed for a while until someone (or a few someones) come up to speed.
Pass CALIFORNIA smog check on my 1991 Suzuki Samurai. Tech told me it's cleaner than just about any other car he's ever tested. Ha!
Paying a credit card bill. There was an unusually high dining out charge. It was for a dinner I had with my daughter in law. Such a delightful memory. Funny how paying the bill gave me the opportunity to relive a splendid evening we had together.
After four months , two oral antibiotics . and three weeks of I.V antibiotics I am finally feeling better . Tomorrow is my last IV treatment .Yeah !!!!!
After four months , two oral antibiotics . and three weeks of I.V antibiotics I am finally feeling better . Tomorrow is my last IV treatment .Yeah !!!!!

Yay!!!!!! That is certainly cause for celebration! :dance:
Finished my taxes for a (for me) very complex 2019 -- switched jobs (resulting in an additional 2 W-2s since I was hired under one company's tax ID and then transferred to a new entity with a different tax ID, so 3 W-2s in total), moved states, more than doubled my salary (if you include signing bonus), had to withdraw my Roth IRA contribution due to exceeding the income limits, had unexpected 1099-K from Paypal that I had to account for -- and managed to only owe about $1500 to the Feds and 2 states on AGI of $176K.

Looking forward to a more normal 2020!
The handyman returned my call this morning and he will be over Friday morning to replace my mailbox and post. This is such a relief as I've been trying to dig out the remains of the rotted post and just am not up to it. Stopped mail till Monday so by then all should be good!
Yesterday...swimming in the ocean, we are here in Key West. Today, waking up happy and healthy with my DH in Key West.
Seeing DW coming out from her eye exam with a big smile! The background was right before we relocated she had an eye exam where the doctor told her she had AMD, during the move this horrendous information was pushed out of her mind. After recently resurfacing and causing much anxiety there's nothing to worry about, the other doc was wrong.
My DW found a local guy who rarely advertises, but make the most awesome home made egg rolls, including several sauces 12 rolls for $10 delivered. They taste incredible !
After four months , two oral antibiotics . and three weeks of I.V antibiotics I am finally feeling better . Tomorrow is my last IV treatment .Yeah !!!!!

Great to hear.
We hope to see you again next year.:dance:
I put in my notice today. :D

My coworkers are awesome, though, so I'm part :dance: and part :(

But it's been 20 years in the making, so I'm very proud of us, and thankful.
My happiest moment today was finding out we scored a condo rental in Palm Springs for next year. There wasn't much left on the market that met our criteria. Plus, it's $2k cheaper than the place we have this year.

My life is incredibly blessed. We have our health, we both had great parents, we are retired, we have a great marriage, we have wonderful friends and we have plenty of $. Holy cow, that's a lot to be thankful for.
After four months , two oral antibiotics . and three weeks of I.V antibiotics I am finally feeling better . Tomorrow is my last IV treatment .Yeah !!!!!

Great news. Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
DS and DDIL are visiting with 9 month old granddaughter. Watching her have absolute joy discovering and learning to climb up stairs - lots of smiles and happy sounds - is wonderful.
Still in Key West. Probably my happiest moment was swimming in the pool here at the resort. Beautiful blue skies and palm trees!
I'm teaching our 15 year old son to drive. Happiest moment was when I got out of the car...
Lol. I recently finished teaching my 18 year old daughter to drive. Wife absolutely refused to help. Too scared. Glad that's finally over.
Went for a great hike today and got down the mountain (1,500 ft) without using my trekking poles! I’m getting more confident as a hiker and I just love it.

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