What was your happiest moment today?

Reaching the endpoint of our hike up Mt. Pacaya in Guatemala- not to the peak but a 1,300- foot elevation gain over 1.5 miles. This is an older group-at 71, I’m probably average- but I’m still proud to have made it.

We saw younger groups going up on horseback.

And it’s not quite 10 AM here. :)
Reaching the endpoint of our hike up Mt. Pacaya in Guatemala- not to the peak but a 1,300- foot elevation gain over 1.5 miles. This is an older group-at 71, I’m probably average- but I’m still proud to have made it.

We saw younger groups going up on horseback.

And it’s not quite 10 AM here. :)
Nice job! Keep up the active lifestyle!:)
Great Doctor visit - everything stable! Nothing changed that shouldn't have and most everything that should have gotten better, did so. Kinda relieved and happy.
Great Doctor visit - everything stable! Nothing changed that shouldn't have and most everything that should have gotten better, did so. Kinda relieved and happy.
I guess after a certain age that’s about as good as it gets.
"Our" happiest moment today was LEAVING the vet (as opposed to entering the vet.)
Those of us who grew up "back in the day" had the amazingly good luck of growing up with some of the best popular music ever (IMO). So, almost every day, at least once I listen to a song from that era that I haven't listened to in a while. These are some of my happiest moments.

Today, it was John Denver, singing Take me Home, Country Roads. For me, that song brings back the sights, sounds, and feelings of long ago visits to West Virginia, a beautiful (and often terribly unappreciated) place to be. What an experience to go there and see West Virginia, whether IRL or on the internet.

Yesterday it was The House of the Rising Sun, by the Animals.

These musical experiences mean a lot to me. I love the fact that he pronounces New Orleans correctly, with all the syllables.
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Took the wife out to a really nice lunch for Mother's Day. (Yes I know I'm a day late) but the weather was so bad yesterday we decided to wait a day. It was a long drive to get to a really nice restaurant but we both enjoyed it and "no crowds".:)
I got back from a trip to Central America in the wee hours of Friday morning. Ever since, I've tried multiple ways to get a tip to the tour guide- I'd assumed that ATMs would be plentiful and I could get the local currency (Belize dollars) any time. Nope.

Nothing near our hotel; one was destroyed when the Radisson containing it was demolished, the one near the Water Taxi terminal didn't work. (Apparently the majority of ATMS in Belize don't work.) I talked to the guide; PayPal doesn't work between the US and Guatemala (his home country). His bank wouldn't take a personal check from a US bank. He'd used Western Union but after we poked through all the menus on the app and I tried to send money from my Fidelity Visa it was processed and immediately reversed. Fidelity and Western Union blamed each other.

So- I talked to my guy at UBS. The guide's bank DOES accept wire transfers in $US and the guide just sent me a screenshot of the relevant bank and account numbers. UBS guy out of the office now but will try to put it through tomorrow. The amount is about $250- not a big deal to me but I REALLY want to compensate the guide. Fingers crossed.

Lesson learned: next trip I plan to get the tip amount in $US and hold onto it till it's time to hand it over to the guide. I don't like carrying cash. Or, since it's countries on the Baltic, I may ask the guide beforehand what works. I understand Sweden is 99 4/100% cashless now.
DS was rear ended and car totaled last week, after a few chiropractor appts, his back is feeling better.
He just got notice from the other guys insurance on his payout, larger than he thought it would be, so he is happy.
I am simply thankful he is OK
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DS was rear ended and car totaled last week, after a few chiropractor appts, his back is feeling better.
He just got notice from the other guys insurance on his payout, larger than he thought it would be, so he is happy.
I am simply thankful he is OK
Glad he is OK and that the insurance company is being generous on the payout, which is usually not the case.
Looking out at the sunny day at breakfast this morning and finding out it's getting up to 86 degrees today. I think summer's almost here! :)
Many things made me happy today! How can I pick just one? Was it being able to grab a 20 minute nap on the daybed with our kitty curled up with me…. Or meeting DW at this lovely little cafe set in an independent bookstore. Nice cappuccino and 1/2 a veggie sandwich for a mid afternoon break. Or perhaps it was being free to go to the really nice gym we belong to and there never being a wait for a machine to be followed up with a swim and a steam? Still to come tonight sitting with a drink by a crackling fire with DW and the dogs, nice music playing and maybe a good book.

For me anyway Retirement rocks!
We are in London for a long awaited (postponed b/c of Covid) retirement celebration. Today we took the train to Oxford and had a whirlwind guided tour with a gentleman that had been a teacher for 40 years. The neat thing was that we had signed up for a group tour and we were the only ones signed up for that particular time slot. We had a fabulous time; David our tour guide was knowledgeable and personable and was quick on his feet. We could barely keep up with him! But what a pleasant surprise and happy afternoon.
90 minutes of pickle ball, running around like a kid.
I was worried a tweaked back Friday would be limiting, but full speed head.
I got back from a trip to Central America in the wee hours of Friday morning. Ever since, I've tried multiple ways to get a tip to the tour guide- I'd assumed that ATMs would be plentiful and I could get the local currency (Belize dollars) any time. Nope.

Lesson learned: next trip I plan to get the tip amount in $US and hold onto it till it's time to hand it over to the guide. I don't like carrying cash. Or, since it's countries on the Baltic, I may ask the guide beforehand what works. I understand Sweden is 99 4/100% cashless now.
When we were on our Belize/Guatemala trip in February, Lindblad suggested that we pay guides and tip staff on board with a CC. They must know the drill.
Yesterday my happiest moment was playing golf with friends. I hadn’t played in a month but shot 74 and had 2 birdies and an eagle. Playing less seems to help me as I have no expectations and just play more free. Our team still lost but that’s ok.

Wow! Have you ever thought about joining the PGA tour? ;)
This past weekend DW and I danced for hours at an event, the first time we have danced in almost a year due to her fracturing her ankle last July. Too much fun to describe here 😉:cool:.
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