What was Your Workout Today?

Day of rest on Wednesday always helps.

1500yd swim - 31 minutes,

followed by 10x100yd sprints on the 2:45 minute.

followed by (a few hrs later) P90X - Shoulders and Arms - Heavy.

Impressive. My day of rest (which is today) usually means light activity with no sweating or cardiovascular stuff. Today, I did some stretching and tai chi for 45 minutes. Then, lots of shopping and walking round town.
Today is my rest day! no work out.

6 days a week I run in the Ellipticals for 3 miles, about 30+ min, at level 7 to 10 resistance, which according to the machine is about 3300 to 3400 ft climb up hill.
Then I walk another 10 to 15 min at 3.2 mph. to cool down.

I combined that with Weight training with "Nautilus" about ten machines with diff. push, pull, crunches etc about 3 x a week.

So I am in the gym 6 days a week. I give myself a day to heal up.
Fri - bench press, lat pulldowns, dead lifts
Sat - walk two miles
Sun - bike 19 miles
Mon - chest press, lats, shoulder press 5x5
Tue - rest
Wed - walk/run mile, seated leg press, seated leg curls 5x5
Thu - repeat of Mon
Fri - 12oz curls
Didn't have the goods today.

500yd swim - 10 minutes (Too Fast ) followed by 1000yd Kickboard (alternating 100yd of Breast and Freestyle) followed by 3x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.

Followed by 45 minutes of Misc workout stuff.
Twelve ounce curls, or, in this case, sixteen ounce...


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3 mile run with some of my young colleagues/staff, followed by 16 miles on the bike. I was tuckered afterwards. This was our last big charity event for the season.

A five hour hike on the plains today. It was the beagle's turn. The pic was pretty much my view all day.

We saw almost no animal life. I saw a brief flicker of a squirrel's tail, a bunny at a far distance, a few songbirds, and the biggest hawk I think I have ever seen. Normally I would see dozens of squirrels and likely several rabbits. I now know the location of probably hundreds of active rabbit holes courtesy of Miss Floppy Ears. I am tired now and puppy girl is pretty much not moving ((she was sound asleep in the truck on the way back).


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250yd swim - warmup

followed by 10x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.
followed by 700yd Kickboard (freestyle and breast stroke)
followed by 45 min chest workout - long
Ran in a 10k (6.2mi. for the metrically challenged) race today. 1 minute slower than my personal best but a solid effort as it was crowded and pouring rain. The puddles were huge and required a lot of detours.
Walked with 2 friends about 3.5 miles through a very interesting / eclectic neighborhood, ending up at a local watering hole for drinks and snacks. Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
P90X - Back and Biceps in the morning.

Afternoon -

250yd swim - warmup

followed by 10x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.
followed by 200yd Kickboard (freestyle and breast stroke)
250yd swim - warmup

followed by 10x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.
followed by 500yd Kickboard (freestyle and breast stroke)

followed by Shoulders and Arms Gym workout
Loaded a bunch of scrap metal onto my pickup truck at my camp, hauled to scrap yard. It weighed 880 lb.

Good workout it was.
I've been doing housepainting every other day for the last week.

I did the priming high work and most of the final coat a year ago after our familyroom renovation was finished, and then I started caulking indoor trim. Spouse took over some of the high work while I was caulking but then found other (lower) trim to paint. I only recently realized that she wasn't very interested in hopping back up on the ladder to finish the high work.

You wouldn't think that standing on a ladder and swinging a brush is hard physical labor, until you get off the ladder and try to walk with your arms at your sides. Too many of my hand's brush-swinging muscles are also my keyboard-typing muscles.

The "good" news is that I'm almost finished outside, and then I'll go hunting for the last few pieces of inside trim that haven't received their final coat of paint.
I finished 90 days of P90X a couple weeks ago. I am now in week two on my second time through it. I really like this workout and only occasionally skip a day. When I started there were many exercises I struggled with. I had to hit the pause button quite a bit. I now only have to break the workout in half hitting the pause button and taking a break during Plyometrics. I usually do break the Yoga in half doing part in the morning and the rest in the afternoon because it is a bit boring. There are still a few Yoga poses that I cannot do. As many of you know P90X is a program alternating days of resistance (weight) training with days of Plyometric (jump training), Kenpo (martial arts) or Yoga. One day of the week is rest or easy stretching. My results have been amazing. I started in august at 159 pounds and guestimated 25% body fat. My waist was 33 inches. I could only do 35 pushups and three chinups. I now weigh 146 with body fat at 17%. I can now do 70 pushups and 14 chinups. My waist is down from 33 to 30 inches. I even had to buy new Levis. My goals for this time through the program are body fat of 12% and ability to do 20 chinups and 100 pushups. I would also like to be able to do all of the Plyometrics at high intensity without taking a break. The unexpected benefit of this program is that the Yoga and stretching have made me MUCH more flexible.
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250yd swim - warmup

followed by 7x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.
followed by 1000yd Kickboard (freestyle and breast stroke)

followed by 30 min - Odds and Ends stuff around the gym.
I teach 6 yoga classes a week on a regular basis. On some week, I also teach a a yoga workshop so a total of 6 to 10 hours of yoga each week, plus 1 mile walk each day with my dogs.
Gave blood yesterday. Light workout today

250yd swim - warmup

followed by 6x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.
followed by 600yd Kickboard (freestyle and breast stroke)
250yd swim - warmup

followed by 6x100yd sprints on the 3:00 minute.
followed by 2000yd Kickboard (freestyle and breast stroke)

In the afternoon, P90X - Legs and Back
I went surfing today in my new long-sleeve high-neck 2mm neoprene rashguard. The water's usually pretty chilly during dawn patrol, but it was quite nice this time. Having an out-of-season south shore swell was just an unexpected bonus.
Starting training for a half ironman... did a brick today 20 miles on the bike followed immediately by a 4 mile run... Any triathletes out there? No swimming for the next 3 weeks so will do weights on alternate days.
Any triathletes out there?
My daughter's been hanging out with them, and she's starting to get sucked into the lifestyle.

It's like watching someone learn a foreign language and then having them practice it on you.
I got an ass-kicking today. 6 hours hiking in the back country (mostly between 8,000 and 9,000 feet of elevation) with a 20 pound pack, 7 pound rifle, sidearm and heavy winter clothing. I was going to try again tomorrow, but the high will be single digits in a snowstorm and frankly I don't think I can do two days of this in a row. Try again on monday.
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