What would you say to an 18 year old you?

Oh man, at 18, the world is a big unknown, WTF kind of place is this? Especially if you throw in hallucinogens.

I truly did it my way, some to the good, and certainly some to my detriment.

If I could talk to an 18-year-old and he'd listen, I'd say: Accept the fact that you could be wrong. Think through your decisions. And seek out older people for advice. See if there's a common thread.
And seek out older people for advice. See if there's a common thread.

This is good advice. One of my closest friends is 32 years older then me and from a vastly different background as well. I have learned volumes just talking with him over the years.
Que sera sera

What you think you want now probably is not what you really want. But you're going to have to go down a bunch of dead ends before you understand why.
I'd say: "You'll have an opportunity to study in another country for a while. Do it, dummy."

One of my few regrets in life is not living overseas while in school.

Money-wise, I can't say I'd do much differently. I worked my dream job for a few years (newspaper reporter) and made terrible wages. But once I started earning more, I had gotten used to living on very little and I socked away what I could in savings. My dad was a great role model for that and I am appreciative.
Probably what I have told the 18 year old progeny-relax, because things work out. Make the best of this time in your life, because responsibilities come at you fast once you take on the first one, like getting married or signing a lease or car loan. Save what you can, you'll need it in a few years. Decisions you make now are reversible, as long as they don't involve running afoul of the law or having kids. Enjoy this time, take risks, travel abroad if you're inclined, as it will never be easier.
On reflection, I don't think I could offer better advice than this Mark Twain quote:

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do..."

I might add, you could change that to thirty or forty years and it still holds true.
Leave men alone!! Leave drugs alone, too!! And travel to study when in college.
Listen to your future FIL, he is very smart. Much smarter than his slow methodical ways suggest. Pay no attention to your father, his ability to add value to your life ended when he impregnated your mother.
I'd tell myself that college isn't absolute necessary and taking time off to figure things out won't hurt. However, if I did that I probably wouldn't be with my spouse or have the life I have now.
I ended up dropping out of college at age 19 and doing 20 years of hard labor for low wages so I would say to do whatever is needed to get a degree. Get a tudor. Take 12 credits per semester and take 5 years to get the degree if needed. Take on more debt so I don't have to work much so I can focus on school. The extra debt would be no problem to pay off with the much better job I would get with a degree.
I do not know if I would say anything to my 18 year old self, as my 18 year old self would not listen. :)
Switch majors to the one you really want (STEM) instead of trying to please another & so you can get Uncle Sam to pay for undergrad (my school was weird...only one major, no minors)

And take the MCATs like you wanted...same guy could have paid for that as well.
I dunno that I'd do a whole lot different. If I had, I wouldn't be who I am. For example, I could say to my younger self "Don't marry the first one who says 'yes'." But if I hadn't married wrong the first time, I wouldn't appreciate DW as much as I do.

Other examples abound, I did a lot of learning at the School Of Hard Knocks.
Have more fun along the way. Take some risks.

When the college boyfriend asks you to visit him in Germany, go. He will go back to his country of origin, and you will never see him again, but you could have more memories to cherish.
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better enjoy that decade of just scraping by and living the life of an artist, because after that it's nose to the grindstone for the next decade, and then comes the family.....

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