What'll You Have-Health Care or Lots of Prisons

When a country is going broke and demonizing a huge segment of it's people with its current program, if it does not look for other ways it's leaders and citizens are deluded.
Isn't it a bit early to throw in the towel and change leaders? Yes, he's accelerated the "going broke" thing and demonizing those who oppose his agenda in town hall meetings, but President Obama has been in office only eight months. Give the guy a chance to learn the ropes!:)
One of the stats that does not get a lot of attention in the media is that far and away the per capita United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world and over 93% of them are male.

What I don't like is there seems to be a very weak coloration in many cases to how much harm is done vs. how much time is served.

For instance KILLING someone does not always get much of a sentence.

If you look at some of these NFL players Like Vick he gets 18 months years for killing dogs and Plexico Buress gets 2 years for shooting himself in the leg. And I forget the other NFL guys name but he gets 25 days for driving drunk and killing a guy!

Lets recap

Shoot yourself in the leg = 2 years
Kill Dogs = 18 months
Kill a man = 25 days!

And of course false accusers. Someone could claim that I raped them (like Big Ben is going through) and totally wreck my life and reputation for good and attempt to extort $500,000 from me. And this is all perfectly legal....even if proven to be total lies and put someone through hell and ruin their life....all perfectly legal.

And the above would be fortunate compared to guys that have been falsely accused and sent to prison. And when it's found out to be all lies almost always no one is held accountable at all. Even though a guy lost years of his life to being in prison when someone knowing lied and put him there.

But if you file a false insurance claim on a car you go to prison.

Mmm... my neighbor's cookies are looking awfully tasty.
[This account deleted because the user has been incarcerated indefinitely]
Hey, we told him what would happen if he didn't stop - twice!
When I look at my "New Posts" screen and see that you're the latest poster in a thread with the potential to become [-]flame-throwing[/-] contentious, I find myself automatically checking the accompanying icon to see if the thread's been locked...
When a country is going broke and demonizing a huge segment of it's people with its current program
These are not necessarily tied together. A country going broke that spends money on EVERYTHING, including wars, banker bailouts, bridges to nowhere, congressional pork projects, new cars for clunkers and even a clunker program for appliances, does not mean that it has too many prisons. We could as easily argue that we have too many headstart programs or libraries. Going broke just means we're spending too much money. Maybe we should prioritize and spend MORE on criminal justice, including prisons.

As for the demonizing, maybe you can make an argument that some drug possession crimes should be decriminalized - which would save needing to prosecute and incarcerate folks who break those laws. Perhaps you want to make an argument for specific other laws you would like changed. But I think we actually have the opposite problem. I suggest we do not catch enough criminals or hold them for long enough. There are criminals free with dozens of previous convictions, who live a lifestyle of crime and will inevitably commit more crimes. There are many of examples of criminals who commit horrible violent crimes, who have been released from prison and go free to commit horrible violent crimes against some new innocent victims. I wish we could lock them up so they no longer victimize society.

As it stands, we have lots of human interaction in the criminal justice system, through many of those people have too much to do and too little time for each case. While each case gets human discretion and judgement from prosecutors, lawyers and judges, the system doesn't always produce the result you personally might like. It's as good as we're able to do so far, but laws like "three strikes" were enacted to help guide the system to results more in line with what was popularly wanted. Providing some guidance such as career criminals should be segregated from society, permanently if possible, seems like a reasonable instruction. Three strikes laws are one attempt to do that. Repealing "three strikes" and letting everyone with three or more felonies free, runs directly counter to all the above, as well as voter and legislative intent.

Sorry it upsets you to know some people with three or more convictions for crimes you personally don't think are "bad enough" are locked up for life. The alternative which is to allow more criminals more opportunities to commit more crimes is not acceptable. If we need more prisons to keep these people away from society, then so be it. Let's build what we need and tax accordingly.

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