What's your ringtone?

For DW it's Ernest Tubb's "Waltz Across Texas"
For daughters, it's Frank Sinatra "You Make Me Feel So Young"
Everyone else gets the "Dies Irae" from the Verdi Requiem

When I was w*rking, fellow employees got "All We Like Sheep" from Handel's Messiah

Like many of you, I hardly ever talk on the phone.
That's a great idea! But I don't see an easy way to do this with Android, at least not without going to each contact and setting a custom ring tone. Ideally there would be a setting to say that all contacts get one ringtone, and non-contacts get a different one, but I'm not seeing how I could do that.
I know I could go into each contact and set a custom one, but that's a lot of work, and I'd have to remember to do that for new contacts as I add them to avoid the silent default ring. Am I missing a way to do this?
I think I found it, will just have to test it out. I went to Groups in contacts, and pressed and held My Contacts, and selected Edit Group. In there I could set the contact for this group. Presumably whatever I set the default ring tone to will be what I hear for non-contacts, contacts will hear what I have in that group, and I can do individual ring tones as I please.
Wow, if I could get my dad to text, it would be wonderful. He can't hear very well, so phone calls are shouting matches.

nuke, I had one for a while, for my cousin, that was the "Message for your Sir" one. Hilarious.

I also have different tones for texts from different people, which is nice for when I'm texting multiple people at the same time. I can feel W2R rolling her eyes all the way over here, lol. :)

This old dad texts all the time. I find it easier than trying to use e-mail on the phone and most family members don't answer the phone anymore! :D

With my new Moto G and Android Kit-Kat 4.4, voice to text is what I use a lot anymore. Simple, no hands word formation. ;)
Actor Steve Buscemi saying "Phone's ringing, Dude" from The Big Lebowski. Downloaded for free.
Like W2R, I don't text. Those who know me, and who might be inclined to send a text, don't bother since they know they won't get an answer.
I have one ringtone for everyone, and that's whatever the default is on the iPhone. But my phone is almost always in silent mode anyways, unless I am expecting an important call.
I also have one ring tone for everyone "Rock Star" which was a pre-programmed selection on my mobile phone. It is loud and obnoxious but I can hear it well, even when buried in my purse on the other side of the house.
Totally silent. No vibration, no noise. Makes it easier to disregard phone calls in general. The voicemail goes straight to email so I'll see it pretty quick.
I thought it was pretty funny when people's ringtones would go off at work at a meeting. You never knew what they were. For me, it'd be Austin Powers, I'd look up and say, "Groovy, baby" :)
Mine is a National Geographic recording of a pine squirrel call. Very distinctive and shrill enough that I notice it when it rings. Can be a bit confusing if I forget to shut off the phone when I am in the woods and someone manages to catch a signal to call me...
That's a great idea! But I don't see an easy way to do this with Android, at least not without going to each contact and setting a custom ring tone. Ideally there would be a setting to say that all contacts get one ringtone, and non-contacts get a different one, but I'm not seeing how I could do that.
I know I could go into each contact and set a custom one, but that's a lot of work, and I'd have to remember to do that for new contacts as I add them to avoid the silent default ring. Am I missing a way to do this?

Not sure about Android but I have the ability to cheat since I have recording software. To make a no sound ringtone I simply recorded nothing (no mic plugged in). There are ways to do this with Audacity a free recording software. You can load MP3 into Audacity, chop them according to what you want (you don't want a 3 min ringtone :facepalm:) and save then convert them to whatever format your phone needs for ringtones m4r I think). You can get more information if you want by googling it (how to convert an MP3 to a ringtone would work)
Mine is the Android "phone ring".

Canucks may appreciate this, doubt USaians will understand. DB is a Tom Connors fan. He is also a tech illiterate. One of his kids made "Bud the Spud" his ring tone some years ago when he got a cell phone. About 18 months ago, he was at my place and his cell rang. The ring-tone tone was somebody's version of "Peace in the Valley".
basic - reveille
DW - theme from Patton
Daughter - close encounters
Son - Marine Hymn
Grand Daughter - Say What
Breaking Glass, and sever more
Mine is just the one that sounds like an old fashioned phone.
Me, too. And it's the same ring no matter who calls.
Funny-cute ringtone: Cute the first time, maybe not time number 1000. And anything "cute" is gonna seem like flatulance in church if it goes off--in church, in a meeting, when talking with a friend about their recently deceased pet, etc.

samclem (curmudgeon ringtone: ON)
We have several phones in the house. They each have little brass bells inside with a striker, and when someone calls, they all ring.
Mine are typical, except my husband's call is dogs barking. He is a dog person through and through.

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum
I change standard ringtone for seasonal/holidays. I still have "Vampire tones" from Halloween for all general calls. Husband is theme from "Pirates of the Caribbean". A good friend had me set up "An idiot is trying to contact you". A car buddy is "will the owner of the red Ferrari.....". Because so many sounds from my cell and other peoples sound similar I set my text notification for a high pitched whistle. Nope don't pay for ringtones. I get free from Android/Amazon app store.
Last year on April Fools Day, everyone in my department set their ringtones for animal sounds. At times it sounded like the animal kingdom was there in full force.
The "beep-beep" one that is standard included with Android.

It basically goes "beep-beep" in a very discrete way :). Exactly how I like it vs. "exploding" cellphones.

Frequently miss calls though since the first few beeps usually go undetected.
The whistling tune from the movie 'Kill Bill'. It's the only ringtone I've found that I can hear in all conditions and from other rooms. and it annoys some of my coworkers :-\

I used to have the old timer style double ring tone, but so many people use that now I had to change it.
Currently, the Harry Potter theme, will switch to Carol of the Bells in a few weeks.
Just the classic phone ring sound for me. Not very original, but I can hear it vs other noise.

Also not a texter at all, my usual reply to a text is to call the person back. After all it is a telephone!
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