Which performs better for the long term.

In the US, you can depend on CD’s to deliver a positive return, no matter what. I believe the lowest interest rate I ever got over the past 10 years was 1.9%.
^^^ true as far as it goes. Same with MM accounts but if course that was not what I referred to.

But the value of even CD does fluctuate with interest rates if you watch the brokered CD rates.
If you hold the CD to maturity and the CD is call protected, you are guaranteed to get every cent of interest on a brokered CD.
If you hold the CD to maturity and the CD is call protected, you are guaranteed to get every cent of interest on a brokered CD.
Yes. But that is different than saying you can't lose money.

And I think this is a bit of a tangent from the larger point regarding bonds.
There are smart people here, but also at Vanguard. Why do they still advocate buy and hold, seemingly no matter what?
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