Which water filter brand are you using in your kitchen (for drinking)?

Thanks guys. Will probably go with the quartet-turn that Sam suggested. I looked at Doulton Supercarb on Amazon but it only has 8 reviews. Also looking at Everpure H300, expensive filter replacement cartridge though.
Our tap water here tastes wonderful. I drink unfiltered local tap water and think it is fine.

No filter here either, oh the horror. :crazy:

I know people with elaborate filters, using ice made with tap water...

Municipal water supplies have some form of chlorine in them. It is very noticeable to me, and if I am given unfiltered municipal tap water to drink, I can find very disagreeable, smells like a swimming pool. Sometimes it seems stronger than others, but a simple carbon filter takes it right out.

I suspect many people are just so used to that chlorine that they consider it normal and are no longer even aware of it. Or maybe some people are more/less sensitive to it?

No filters here!

We are going naked and roughing it on straight tap water. Although lately, I seem to getting hooked on A&W Diet Root Beer. My needs are simple. DW is leaning towards more Diet Coke than tap water. She does like a good Chardonnay though!

For guests, we have Walmart brand bottled water which is probably good old tap water in plastic bottles.:D

Our 22 year old granddaughter that graduates from Sam Houston State College next month thinks we are committing suicide not filtering our water and drinking "you know what". Her degree is in Health Services, whatever that is (we hope she finds a job).:rolleyes:
I have a RO unit under my sink. It's hooked up to an instant hot water dispenser that DW uses to make her morning tea. It also feeds my refrigerator's ice maker/water dispenser and my hard-piped coffee maker.
For many years, I used an Instapure gadget which attached to my kitchen faucet with the little knob to redirect water through the adjacent filter. But it became too tough to find replacement filters and the gadget began to leak so I got rid of it and bought a large Brita pitcher. It works well but some of the little black pellets get through and sink to the bottom of the pitcher. I have to make sure they don't get into my glass or pot.

I use the little Instapure filters too. I can still find them at the local Lowe's. Takes out the chlorine taste and probably some other contaminants also.
Very fortunate to have wonderful water straight out of the tap. The water from the lake at the cottage is also quite good.
Filters, filters, I don't need no stinkin filters. 450 ft well and nothing but a 100000+ acre wilderness behind us. My water is what I miss when out of town, OK and my dogs.
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