Who Are You Voting For?

I am one HECK of a flip flopper. Its all I wear in the summer time.

If my memory serves, Nader has shown one poor grasp of the economy.

Not saying I think Bush is the best or even second best.

What I'm saying is they all make me sick to my stomach.
I was 'born' a Democrat in SW Washington logging country. I'll die a Democrat where ever that may be. The family tree also contains a number of Eastern Washington 'born' Republicans. Candidates/or their names are not important.

I am drifting slowly toward curmudgeonly and more libertarian views as I age.
I am voting for Kerry, and I think it is a good choice. But frankly, I would vote for a pumpkin on a stick if it would get Bush out of the White House.

It's really pathetic that there's no real way for a third party to be a genuine choice. Yeah, that's democracy at work - only two choices, and most of the time, not much of a difference between the two.
ROFL A pumpkin on a stick...

I think that has a better chance of making the ballot than Nader does...
If all TH wears in summer are flip-flops that must be
a sight to behold! :)

I like Bush, smirk and all. I think you will see a hard
drive to cut the pork out since he will not have to be
re elected again.

Like his policies or not, you know where he stands
on issues. Can't say the same for the flip-floper.


I may llive to eat these words, but I think Kerry fans are like Red Sox fans they "believe" but they picked the wrong team.

BUM :-*
It does not matter how it turns out. They have certainly
picked the "wrong team". I wish I did not understand the "Kerry fans". The sad thing is that
I do.

John Galt
Hi JG,

The thing of it is...I think this time it does matter who wins. Candidates are (forgive me) are polls apart on all issues. Many voters dont like either candidate and are looking for the "subtract answer" instead of studying the platforms and records.
Alot of ambivalence.
I read today that this is the first time in decades that the Tribune newspaper chain endorses nobody.

It's pretty simple if you are a Yellow Dog Democrat Like myself.

I'm Pro- Choice
Pro-Separation of Church and State
Pro Freedom of LifeStyle
Pro Social Security

And if you don't think there is not a difference in the two candidates then you don't understand the issues.
It's pretty simple if you are a Yellow Dog Democrat Like myself.

I'm Pro- Choice
     Pro-Separation of Church and State
     Pro Freedom of LifeStyle
     Pro Social Security
And if you don't think there is not a difference in the two candidates then you don't understand the issues.

I'm for Bush and I'm also Pro everything you listed, but to an extent.

I don't want to get into every detail, but to give a couple of examples, even though I am pro-social security, I don't want the social security rates going up from the current rates since people in the poorest tax brackets already pay more in FICA taxes than in federal taxes. I'm pro freedom of lifestyle as long as gay lifestyles aren't made mainstream and taught to my 5 year old in school and made part of childrens' cartoons.
Hey, I have a pretty private yard.

I'm a dyed in the wool republican/conservative, but I cant vote for Cheney. I mean Bush.

Too full of crap.

Just to head it off, this is not an endorsement of Kerry, he's full of crap too.
I'm Pro- Choice
Pro-Separation of Church and State
Pro Freedom of LifeStyle
Pro Social Security

I'm for Bush and I'm also Pro everything you listed, but to an extent.

Yeh Bush is,
1) Pro-Choice only if it effected his offsprings
2) Pro-Environment as long as you don't polute his and his friend's private fiefdoms and the hell with the rest of public America.
3) Pro-Separation of Church and State but allow the religious right to get a piece of the government pie
4) Pro Freedom of LifeStyle as long as it doesn't conflict with his.
5) Pro Social Security. If he could eliminate it he would, but he would try to weaken and slowly dimantle it.

I'm for the lesser of the 2 evils Kerry/Edwards

MJ :-/
This is my last post on this thread. My politics are
pretty well known (radical right wing). Basically
I believe that liberals are the biggest threat to this
country by far. (worse than Osama Bin Laden, all other terrorists,
famine, plague, economic troubles, earthquakes
and nuclear proliferation combined). Whenever i encounter a
lib/Dem/ Kerry backer, I want to take them by the shoulders, shake them and ask "What the hell is wrong with you?" Actually I know the answer but still manage
to get pretty worked up. When I take over, all liberals
will be boiled in their own juices. You will note the lack of a smiley face.

John Galt
This is my last post on this thread.  My politics are
pretty well known (radical right wing).  Basically
I believe that liberals are the biggest threat to this
country by far. (worse than Osama Bin Laden, all other terrorists,
famine, plague, economic troubles, earthquakes
and nuclear proliferation combined).  Whenever i encounter a
lib/Dem/ Kerry backer, I want to take them by the shoulders, shake them and ask "What the hell is wrong with you?"  Actually I know the answer but still manage
to get pretty worked up.  When I take over, all liberals
will be boiled in their own juices.  You will note the lack of a smiley face.

John Galt

John, John:

Politics aside, would be good mental health on your part to be careful not to shake the wrong persons shoulders.
Could be interpreted as an excuse to use you like a "speed bag" :D
Hey, I have a pretty private yard.

I'm a dyed in the wool republican/conservative, but I cant vote for Cheney.  I mean Bush.

Too full of crap.

Just to head it off, this is not an endorsement of Kerry, he's full of crap too.

I agree with TH. I wish that previously mentioned " pumpkin on a stick" was on the ballot. I'd vote for it. I just wish it was over.

K. B. Sharkstooth
I voted today!

Took me less that 10 minutes!

Texas has early voting and I can't believe that more folks do not take advantage of it.

We have 2 weeks to get around to voting, then early voting stops a few days prior to election day, then those who have not voted yet can cast their ballot.

Don't wish to reveal here who got my vote.
I've never been to a polling site.

Voted absentee ballot all my life.

Hawaii also encourages absentee balloting for any reason, anything to get the voting numbers up...

It's gonna have to be Kerry. But I'm not happy with the rest of the pack.

Eric Margolis
Foreign Correspondent / Defense Analyst & Columnist

© 2004 Eric Margolis


NEW YORK - `Why do so many Americans still support Bush after all those damning revelations about Iraq? That’s the question I’m invariably asked when I travel in Asia and Europe.

Recent polls show that America’s current president has become the most unpopular and disliked man in almost every nation on earth – and that even includes traditional American friends like Britain, France, Brazil, Canada, Spain, Turkey, and Japan.

Former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan in his superb, must-read new book, `Where the Right Went Wrong,’ provides some answers.

`In 2003,’ he writes, ` the US invaded a country that did not threaten us, had not attacked us and did not want war with us, to disarm it of weapons we have since discovered it did not have.’

White House assurances US troops would be greeted in Iraq with flowers were as laughable as its pledges Mideast peace and democracy would ensue.

Chief US arms inspector Charles Duelfer’s recent, 960-page report contradicted almost every Bush Administration prewar claims about Iraq, which were used to justify an illegal war that has killed 20,000 Iraqis and nearly 1,100 Americans, caused 14,000 US casualties(wounded and sick), and costs US $200 billion at a time when Washington can’t even supply flu vaccine.

No administration official has accepted blame for this needless conflict, for lying to Congress and the public, for blundering into a no-win war, for encouraging widespread torture, or for provoking worldwide disgust at the once admired United States.

Either the self-proclaimed `war president’ and his men committed the worst set of blunders overseas since Vietnam, or they lied the nation into an imperial war to grab oil and boost Israel’s fortunes.

Republicans don’t care. Amazingly, a recent CNN/USA poll showed 62% of Republicans still believe Iraq was behind 9/11. This is after a flood of contrary evidence and Duelfer’s Report.

How can Republicans remain so blinkered? Part of the fault lies with the sycophantic national media, which allowed – even collaborated - with the Bush Administration in whipping up war fever. The media still is not telling people the truth about Iraq, Afghanistan or about al-Qaida and the so-called war on terrorism.

The media utterly failed to remind Americans that Bush, who loves to play war leader, actually made the preposterous claim that Iraqi drone aircraft were poised to fly off ships in the North Atlantic and bombard America with germs. Bush should have been laughed out of office for believing and promoting this comic-book nonsense. The national media simply ignored this farcical episode.

. . .
Many Republicans simply don’t see what the rest of the world does. So what if Iraq was no threat, they say. Don’t bother these golf club Rambos with details. They’re delighted to see the US pounding Arabs in revenge for 9/11. Any Muslims will do. Particularly so for the millions of Bush-venerating Christian Evangelists whose demagogic leaders have been preaching up hatred of Islam.

Bush’s core Republican support lies in middle America: the suburbs, Midwest and Bible-belt rural areas, where most people don’t read books, rely on TV sound bites for their world view, and have only a childish understanding of history, geography or foreign affairs. This is the new, `dumbed-down Republicans Party,’ fertile ground for nationalist hysteria, religious extremism, and anti-foreign xenophobia.’

There are many thoughtful Republicans, particularly on both East and West Coasts -but also in Texas - who are dismayed by Bush’s enormous blunders and swaggering aggressiveness. But most will hold their noses and vote for Bush because Democratic opponent John Kerry has failed so miserably to show himself to be a `un-Bush.’ In many ways, as Ralph Nader says – and it’s Nader once again who will throw the election to the Republicans – Bush and Kerry are Tweedle-dum and Tweedle dee. Better to pick the one who will cut rather than raise taxes.

Buchanan identifies the real secret of the Republican Party’s current success: `cut taxes and don’t let the Democrats outspend us. ‘

No matter that Bush’s policies have created millions of jobs in China instead of the US, or that he turned a US $236 surplus into a $521 deficit. His tax cuts and spending win elections.

As this administration’s real president, VP Dick Cheney, observed to a horrified US Treasury Paul O’Neill, `deficits don’t matter.’ This kind of liberal-left Democrat economic voodoo used to be anathema to Republicans.

Today, there’s no real conservatives party left in Washington, says Buchanan. Only in tax-cutting do Republicans still hew to their principles. Otherwise, they are just like the wildest-spending liberal Democrats.

`Historically, Republicans have been the party of conservative virtues - balanced budgets, healthy skepticism towards foreign wars, …fierce resistance to the growth of government power.

`No more,’ says Buchanan. `To win and hold office, many have sold their souls to the very devil they were baptized to do battle with.’

As for Bush’s vow to wage unceasing war on America’s enemies around the globe, Buchanan quotes President James Madison:

`Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it compromises and develops the germ of every other. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.’

Oh yeah. I'm gonna vote Bush . . . NOT :)
Although it was hard to read that copy-job, I sensed it had a hint of leftism.

It would be real scary if everything in that article were true and half of the the voting population of the United States is too stupid to realize it.

I had enough of politics in the ER forum since it's a no-win situation, so I won't be visiting this thread anymore. I'll stick with ER issues since work to me is a WMD.
I guess that's the key here isn't it? Where were the WMD, retire@40? :-/
As a recently retired military officer and a life-long Republican, I'm completely disgusted with GW. I have been against the Iraq War since the beginning and feel compelled to hold the CINC accountable for what I believe was a huge mistake and a no win situation. Bush has gotta go!!! Not happy about it at all.

I like most of you a lot better when you are not
spewing garbage. I'm with John Galt and retire@40.

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