Windows 7 End of Life and Chase ATMs


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 11, 2012
I learned today (during a malfunction) that Chase ATMs are running Win 7 Enterprise, almost a full two years past the OS end of life.
Thanks for that info - interesting.

Was a little disturbing when it crashed and had my card locked in it! 15 minutes later it fully shut down and finally released it.
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Did you get a Blue Screen of Death?

Had a laugh a few years ago seeing it on a cash register screen.
I'd be irate if an ATM kept my card for 15 minutes while it spazzed out.
It was long enough that I was calling customer service and they were hounding me for my account number or debit card number...and obviously the card was stuck in the machine. A couple minutes into the call agent is saying she can't here me...but mute isn't on. It was about that time it finally shutdown for good and released it.

It wasn't BSOD, but normal shutdown screen saying Windows 7 Enterprise Edition...which took 15 minutes to finally complete.
I'd be irate if an ATM kept my card for 15 minutes while it spazzed out.
It's one thing if the machine keeps the card. It's worse if it spits the card out after you give up and leave.
It's one thing if the machine keeps the card. It's worse if it spits the card out after you give up and leave.

Yep. I probably wouldn’t hang around for 15 minutes. What keeps the machine from releasing the card to a someone else? I once suspected I had not removed all the cash from the ATM tray making a withdrawal (in the wee hours….details are fuzzy). I thought the cash could be grabbed by the next customer but I called and they said the machine would suck the bills into a seperate compartment.
This isn't new NT was used for ATMs long after GA support ended.
A lot of ATM'S ran OS/2.... remember that one?
Yep. I probably wouldn’t hang around for 15 minutes. What keeps the machine from releasing the card to a someone else?

That is why I did hang around for 15 minutes.

DW also began googling and others said this is what would happen, and you just had to stay and wait.
A lot of ATM'S ran OS/2.... remember that one?

Hah... I managed a platform that ran on it, on 3000 workstations in 3 countries, didn't get off it till 2006!

Now let me tell you all about lotus notes databases....
What's an ATM? Oh, wait a minute, I think I remember, back in the 80s you could get money from the bank even when they were closed. You would insert a card and get money. Hmm, I haven't used one since. :D
Hah... I managed a platform that ran on it, on 3000 workstations in 3 countries, didn't get off it till 2006!

Now let me tell you all about lotus notes databases....
The whole card is never pulled inside the ATM at any of the Chase locations around here. I haven't seen an ATM that swallows the card in years.
The whole card is never pulled inside the ATM at any of the Chase locations around here. I haven't seen an ATM that swallows the card in years.

It didn't swallow it. But when you insert the card into the blue slot which sticks out a little, it locks it in place and you cannot remove it.
Yep. I probably wouldn’t hang around for 15 minutes. What keeps the machine from releasing the card to a someone else? I once suspected I had not removed all the cash from the ATM tray making a withdrawal (in the wee hours….details are fuzzy). I thought the cash could be grabbed by the next customer but I called and they said the machine would suck the bills into a seperate compartment.

The card will get sucked back in too if not removed within a certain time frame. A banker told me the sucked back in cards are then shredded when retrieved by the ATM service company.
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