Would you Trade Places with Prince William/Kate Middleton?

Would you Trade Places with Prince William/Kate Middleton

  • Yes, I would trade places.

    Votes: 18 19.8%
  • No, I would not want to trade places.

    Votes: 73 80.2%

  • Total voters
Let me guess - you're royally pissed. :)

You got it :LOL:

I expected typical restricted Bank Holiday services, not Christmas Day services. It means an extra night "doon the boozer" with my BIL so at least there's a silver lining :D
Where you'll get royally pissed.


We'll be celebrating one of our own doing well for herself.


For the future queen of England is a descendant of mining stock in the heart of the old Durham Coalfield.

Click family tree above to see larger image.
Until now, the only apparent royal connections of Hetton-le-Hole stemmed from the fact the one of its former pits, Hetton Lyons, was once owned by a wing of the late Queen Mother’s family, the Bowes Lyons.
I knew it! Alan goes to England for a "holiday" and now he is going to help his "sister" (initials KM) move into a new "house" (castle? palace?) this weekend.

Say hi to Sir Elton!

I think Kate's Mom and Dad (self-made millionaires with what appears to be a solid family life) are heads and shoulders above many of the hereditary royals who would probably be hard pressed to make their way in the world if left to their own devices. The Windsors have put the "D" in dysfunction in recent years. Prince William is lucky to get Miss Middleton IMHO.
Nice try. I also forgot to mention that you're not allowed to accept and then abdicate or tell all the servants and schedule keepers to bugger off.

Well in this case the answer would be no. I don't think my table manners as a royal would pass muster.
I voted no but I think I could get used to being one of the minor royals. You know, the ones with the elegant historic houses filled with inherited treasures, the privileged horsey life, the easy entree into posh events.
Like this guy? :cool:


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I voted no but I think I could get used to being one of the minor royals. You know, the ones with the elegant historic houses filled with inherited treasures, the privileged horsey life, the easy entree into posh events. And I don't think the tabloid press hounds them too much, unlike the first line royals. Yeah, I think I could buck up to being a second stringer.


I think this is the way to go and then for sure Hugh Grant would notice me !:)
I suspect that for the rest of his life, wherever he goes, the surfing is gonna suck.

Even worse, if by some chance he stumbles across a place where the surfing doesn't suck, the security crew will make the mere act of paddling out look like a fleet sortie. It'll probably use the same amount of fuel & ammunition.

He's been trained since birth to accept his responsibilities. I don't see how he could know any better or even imagine anything different. But I can understand how she'd feel that she's been handed a big podium and plenty of influence to do good things.

As for living without servants, almost everyone starts that way. Then we need some help mowing the lawn, or cleaning the house, or a little extra supervision in the kitchen before the company comes over...
It's tempting to be again in a young healthy body and have the extra years to look forward to, but being a bit of an introvert, I'm not sure about the public appearances and speaking. This is assuming we aren't factoring in our present families and missing them, etc.
No, I wouldn't trade places.

Kate could visit once in a while if she wants but I'd wager she's one of those high-maintenance girls.
Like this guy? :cool:

:LOL: Cute! But I was thinking more along the lines of Harris Tweed, bespoke this 'n that, picture gallery stocked with Gainesboroughs and Reynolds, and Christopher Wren designed ancestral home with a few thoroughbreds gamboling in the paddock. We (the royal "we") know all about these things in Pittsburgh, don't 'ya know?:LOL:
No. Prince Harry maybe. Johnny Depp more likely.
Being Royal sounds suspiciously like WORK!

Nope. wouldn't be prudent.

Bib overalls and retired.

heh heh heh - :D
Who says I don't have sex with a Kate Middleton look alike every night?


That doesn't look at all like Kate Middleton. Is that what he told you?
Turned on the telly this morning in time to see some of the procession from the abbey to the palace (ho hum, just another drive in a horse-drawn carriage!). Wow, all the high stepping horses, the traditions in the uniforms from the livery to the beefeaters lining the route to the prince's Irish guard red. Pomp and circumstance everywhere--protocol must abound in who is doing what, and I'll be looking up why some horses are black and some are white! A happy event being watched around the world. Go for it, young lovers!

Next we'll catch the countdown to the space shuttle launch this afternoon.
Turned on the telly this morning in time to see some of the procession from the abbey to the palace (ho hum, just another drive in a horse-drawn carriage!). Wow, all the high stepping horses, the traditions in the uniforms from the livery to the beefeaters lining the route to the prince's Irish guard red. Pomp and circumstance everywhere--protocol must abound in who is doing what, and I'll be looking up why some horses are black and some are white! A happy event being watched around the world. Go for it, young lovers!

Next we'll catch the countdown to the space shuttle launch this afternoon.

I'd bet there was a lot of Beefeaters lining the route...


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