Wrist Watches Obsolete?


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Jan 21, 2008
From an LBYM perspective. I've never felt the need to own an expensive watch, but I always used to wear a watch. Nowadays since I have my cell phone on me at all times, and it keeps time flawlessly, I haven't worn a watch for over a year. Will probably sell or give away the ones I have, but I don't see the point anymore. The only remaining reason to wear one is the jewelry aspect, but that doesn't make sense from an LBYM perspective either. [-]Newspapers[/-], [-]sandwich bags[/-], [-]big house[/-], [-]expensive cars[/-], [-]fancy clothes[/-], [-]showy vacations[/-], [-]household clutter[/-], [-]watches[/-], what's next? LBYM is indeed liberating...
I wear an inexpensive Timex, just because I am used to doing so. Plus, it is right there on my wrist (very convenient) whereas I have to fish through my purse to get out my cell phone.

I can't imagine having to fish out my phone to see what the date is, while writing a check for example. Also, I can look at the time on my watch in the middle of the night (Indiglo), without having to roll over and squint at the clock.
I still wear a watch as I don't always carry my cell phone -- but I do notice many younger folks have given up watches.

I'll be happy when a wrist watch is a cell phone.

After I bought my iPhone I soon realized I no longer needed a watch. One click and the time is right there. Not quite as fast as a watch, but one less piece of hardware I have to worry about. Watches have gone the way of home land line telephones.
Which is more obsolete? Wearing a watch or writing a check? :)
Sure I could get the time off my iphone, but I still like to wear a wrist watch. For one thing, I don't want to pull the phone out of my pants pocket every time I want to know what time it is. But for me, a watch is more than a purely functional device. I appreciate the beauty of a well crafted piece of horology.
I've never worn a watch. Hmm, maybe that's why I always forget to take my cell phone places too.

I think sales of watches between Timex and Rolex are way down this decade.
I haven't worn a watch in over five years. If I care about the time then it doesn't take long to find a clock on a dashboard or some other public place-- but usually it's not necessary to know what time it is.

I brought along a watch on our recent Mainland trip, but even on the nine-hour flight it wasn't necessary to know the time. When I didn't know exactly what time it was, it certainly avoided the "Are we there yet?!?" syndrome. It was just time for a nap, or to have a snack, or to get a cup of coffee, or to read/write. Then it was time for the plane to land, which meant that I knew what time it was again... not that I needed to know. If I needed to get up at a certain time, there was always an alarm clock at hand.

Gosh, you'd think George Carlin would have riffed on "What time is it?" after he was finished with his "stuff" comedy routine.

I'm leaving the watch at home from now on.

I can't think of a situation where I'd need to know what time it was RIGHT NOW, but I guess I'd ask someone with a cellphone...

Which is more obsolete? Wearing a watch or writing a check? :)
I still have to write checks for some payments!
Add me to the watchless crowd. Haven't had one since maybe high school. There are plenty of clocks around if one needs to know the time. I get my admin assistant to remind me about meetings that I don't go to.

Another benefit of being watchless, is that one develops a good sense of time of day despite yourself.

I have a rule about technology: if I get a new piece of tech I have to get rid of an old piece of tech. I have just 4 things that run on batteries: my laptop, my blackberry, my dSLR kit, and my ..... Uh, make that just 3 things.
I took it off on my way to car on last day of employment. Time moves based on sun and seasons. Simple enough for most days. For the occasional timed appointment the microwave, tv or car timekeeper are more than sufficient. Sleep when tired wake before dawn and enjoy the time seems to work well for me.
I gotta have my watch, both for the time/date and the jewelry aspect. I only carry a cell phone so DW can keep track of me or tell me to bring home a loaf of bread, gal of milk, etc. I like the convenience of the cell phone but I hate them being used or abused like they are, ala carrying on converstions in the store in loud voices. If they walked outside they wouldn't even need a cell phone. I think they are a very dangerous tool when used in the car. Someone mentioned changing the watch to a cell phone. Great idea. Dick Tracey was way ahead of his time.
But for me, a watch is more than a purely functional device. I appreciate the beauty of a well crafted piece of horology.
I feel the same way. :)

I remember the pic you posted of your watches....you have excellent taste FIREdreamer.
I think watches look fantastic on most people's wrists and they are indeed jewelry. DH has given me several nice-ish watches before realizing they were just going into the jewelry box.

They just drive me crazy when they're on my wrist so I don't wear them.
I stopped wearing a watch when I retired. Then about a year later I got new batteries for two watches and started wearing them when I ran errands. Then the batteries died and I haven't replaced them. Haven't worn one for more than a year now. I think I'll freecycle the whole batch.
I told my kids you guys are lucky IPOD, IpAQ, cell phones, etc. I told them when I was growing up a wristwatch that glow in the dark hiding in the cover entertained me for over a year.
Sure I could get the time off my iphone, but I still like to wear a wrist watch. For one thing, I don't want to pull the phone out of my pants pocket every time I want to know what time it is. But for me, a watch is more than a purely functional device. I appreciate the beauty of a well crafted piece of horology.

I appreciate the look and feel of a watch as much as the next guy, and have been known to drool over watch magazines, but just can't justify the cost of a truly nice timepiece.

I keep my iphone in a horizontal case on my belt, easily removed for checking the time if needed.
If you don't need a watch you are doing something wrong.
On a recent hike in the Grand Teton NP - Cascade and Paintbrush loop 18.5miles
Alarm - woke me up
Time - computed miles per hour to determine if I could do the whole loop or should turn back at Lake Solitude (attached picture).
Time - told me if I would make the last boat back or if I would have to hike an additional 2 miles
Location - band holds a small compass
Time - told me it was Miller time when I got back to the RV


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Wrist Watches Obsolete?

I sure hope so. Had one of those days today when I didn’t know what time is was. Went to the park and came upon a sundial done up in flowers; the gardeners had a sense of humor to leave it stuck on one time.


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I still wear one on occasion but usually as a accessory when I feel like dressing up. (Or showing off) That watch, my favorite, is more a piece of jewelry. It has diamonds around the face that look great with my tennis bracelet.

The tank watch that I wore as my everyday watch is seldom out of the jewelry box but I cannot let it go. I've had that watch for over thirty years and it has sentimental significance. It was one of the first really nice things I bought myself after I got out of nursing school and got my first "real" job.
I haven't worn a watch in 40 years. There are lots of ways to find out the time and I hate having things tied to me. No watch, no rings, no neckties nor other attached stuff, other than clothes.

I have a collection of heirloom watches. DF's, GF's, GGF's etc back 5 generations. Only DF's is a wristwatch, the rest are pocket watches wound by keys. I let megac-corp give me a retirement watch. This complete's the colection.
I haven't worn a watch in 40 years. There are lots of ways to find out the time and I hate having things tied to me. No watch, no rings, no neckties nor other attached stuff, other than clothes.

Same here. I have never been able to wear watches, rings, etc. My bike computer told the time on rides, the sun was close enough on hikes, computers at work, etc.
I quit wearing a watch for a while, but on my current job I frequently need to note the time while I'm on my cell phone, and the silly phone won't tell me what time it is while I'm using it.

I also find the countdown timer handy in my job, and my current watch can switch between two time zones easily, so it's handy when traveling a lot.

My phone also forgets what time it is when I put it in airplane mode, so I tend to leave the phone in airplane mode and use the watch while flying about.

Once or twice I took photos from the air with my phone camera, and the "taken" dates are 1980 or somesuch ridiculous date and time.
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