Yankee or Good Ol Boy Like Me Test

ladelfina said:
My grandmother's generation still pronounced a lot of words with the residue of an English accent ("laaahhf" instead of "laff").

Think Kate Hepburn.. one tough (Connecticut) Yankee, God love her.

Kate Hepburn was a character.

Once, in England, I was rather surprised to be mistaken for being from rural English farm country, I guess due to some trace left from a backwoods New England upbringing. Not the same accent as Hepburn's, but I guess the old country of origin is the same.

By the way, Wikipedia offers the following:
A humorous aphorism attributed to E.B. White summarizes these distinctions:

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

Interestingly, they also mention that:

In the late 19th century the Japanese were called "the Yankees of the East" in praise of their industriousness and drive to modernization.

So, though not of proper Yankee stock myself, I guess I grew up among them, and have wound up settling down among them.

Unclemick quoth thusly:
Heh heh heh

Up until age 26 - Southerners lived on the other side of Portland - like the Beach Boys. Back East was Yakima and Spokane - Idaho was a suburb of Brooklyn and there was no such thing as a liquor store - State store and one needed a Washington State liquor card to buy booze - in contrast to 3.2 beer in stubbys. Longnecks were Montana bottles.

And - Dam Yankees was a musical with Jimmy Cagney.

Mick, you and me is homeboys. Not to mention da Yoo-Dub, engineering an' Loosiana, too. Scary! :eek: Afraid to pursue this further. Might find out one of us egged or TP'ed the others house once. Maybe know something the other might want to forget.

Peace and love, man.

El Gitano
MJ said:
I am soooo ashamed. :eek: Lived all my life in New Yawk City and I got a 43% dixie. 8)

I feel your pain.

Native New Yorker (the state), never lived any further south, and I'm 43% dixie. :-[ It was the cellar bug, pajamas, and yard sale. I did always laugh at the grinders, bubblers and packies in Massachusetts, so maybe that explains it. Except Mass is farther south for me. Ayup. ;)
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