YOUR Most Annoying Foible

I talk too much. Chatty Cathy, that's me! :LOL:
Words that ryme with foible~

foiblebabble, bedabble, dabble, drabble, gabble, grabble, rabble, scrabble •amble, bramble, Campbell, gamble, gambol, ramble, scramble, shamble •psychobabble • technobabble •barbel, garble, marble •pebble, rebel, treble •assemble, dissemble, Kemble, resemble, tremble •Abel, able, Babel, cable, enable, fable, gable, label, Mabel, sable, stable, table •enfeeble, feeble, Keble •dibble, dribble, fribble, Gribble, kibble, nibble, quibble, scribble •Abu Simbel, cymbal, gimbal, nimble, symbol, thimble, timbal •mandible •credible, edible •descendible, extendible, vendible •audible •frangible, tangible •illegible, legible •eligible, intelligible •negligible • dirigible • corrigible •submergible • fallible • indelible •gullible •cannibal, Hannibal •discernible • terrible • horrible •thurible •irascible, passible •expansible • collapsible • impassible •accessible, compressible, impressible, inexpressible, irrepressible, repressible •flexible •apprehensible, comprehensible, defensible, distensible, extensible, ostensible, reprehensible, sensible •indexible •admissible, dismissible, immiscible, impermissible, irremissible, miscible, omissible, permissible, remissible, transmissible •convincible, vincible •compossible, impossible, possible •irresponsible, responsible •forcible •adducible, crucible, deducible, inducible, irreducible, producible, reducible, seducible •coercible, irreversible, reversible, submersible •biocompatible, compatible •contractible • partible •indefectible, perfectible •contemptible •imperceptible, perceptible, susceptible •comestible, digestible, suggestible •irresistible, resistible •exhaustible •conductible, deductible, destructible, tax-deductible •corruptible, interruptible •combustible •controvertible, convertible, invertible •discerptible • persuasible • feasible •divisible, risible, visible •implausible, plausible •fusible •Bible, intertribal, libel, scribal, tribal •bobble, Chernobyl, cobble, gobble, hobble, knobble, nobble, squabble, wobble •ensemble •bauble, corbel, warble •coble, ennoble, Froebel, global, Grenoble, ignoble, noble •foible • rouble • Hasdrubal • chasuble •soluble, voluble •bubble, double, Hubble, nubble, rubble, stubble, trouble •bumble, crumble, fumble, grumble, humble, jumble, mumble, rough-and-tumble, rumble, scumble, stumble, tumble, umbel •payable, sayable •seeable, skiable •amiable •dyeable, flyable, friable, liable, pliable, triable, viable •towable •doable, suable, wooable •affable • effable • exigible • cascabel •takable • likable • salable • tenable •tunable • capable • dupable •arable, parable •curable, durable •taxable •fixable, mixable •actable • collectible •datable, hatable •eatable •notable, potable •mutable • savable • livable • movable •lovable • equable • sizable • usable •burble, herbal, verbal
I am always right about everything. Sometimes it may take years for others to realize how right I was. better check with dh2b. Be right back...<tick tock tick tock>

dh2b says my most annoying foible is....<drum roll>...<be careful, I'm still kicking the tires>...going back and checkpointing him after he's completed a task.


Psssstttt...That must be a residual from his military days. Who ever enjoyed an inspection? :LOL:
I dunno....pick one....

Sometimes I:

Snort when I laugh.
Laugh at the wrong times due to stress.
Get involved in a book or movie and almost wait too long to go to bathroom causing me to run through the house like a wild woman.
Adjust my butt on the motorcycle before we have come to a complete stop.
Put too much JD in my toddy.
Ask DH what he's thinking about.
Always and I mean always spill/drop food on my chest.

I couldn't decide so I asked 25 people to tell me what my most annoying foible is. I got 23 different answers. Now what do I do, post them all?

I'm also never wrong. However, a few years ago I was wrong about something, but turns out I was mistaken about that.
I had to ask DW. Her response: "Thinking you know everything."
When someone does something stupid, I ask him/her to explain the thought process that led to said stupidity.

Yes, I live alone.
YOUR Most Annoying Foible
You think our spouses/significant others are going to answer that type of question?

That's like the other marital minefields of "Does this dress make me look fat?" or "Isn't that one of your old girlfriend/boyfriends?" or "Are we spending Thanksgiving with your parents or mine?"

But, hey, I leave myself logged in to this website and spouse has been known to read a thread or two while she's checking her e-mail. You never know what'll show up here under my name...
When we buy something that has problems we play good cop bad cop and guess who is the bad cop ? So will tell his kids that I pulled a New Jersey !
Like many here, it is that I am always right, and damned proud of it!
I think the comment I get most frequently is this: "It isn't that your information is wrong, it is just that your presentation sucks so bad!"

bbb--I guess it is better to drop food on your chest than your belly--that way you know what sticks out further! :)
Creating new recipes and never writing them down.
Being a hermit way too much.
Asking my dog what's wrong and getting annoyed when she doesn't respond.
I'm work first and play second, and I expect the same from people I work with.

Oh, and I have been known to make some obscene jokes on some rare occasions. For instance, in the annoying foibles of your SO thread, I was going to say that my SO gets down on herself from time to time, so I had to re-inflate her, but I used my judgement and saved all of you the trouble.
Zero patience with stupid people.

"Stupid" is anyone dumber than me.
I talk to myself, the dog and the bird. So the spouse wouldn't necessarily know if I was talking to him.

Note that we are talking foibles, not faults, which I am not going to touch!

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