Aging parents - What to do?

Thanks nwsteve! Good idea on the passwords. I'm going to add that to my list.
I'm curious about a logistical aspect of your list, Bob_Smith. Obviously, there's a high concentration of confidential information there. How do you protect it from prying eyes?
Wab, I keep a hard copy of the letter in a locked fireproof box in my house. My daughters have a key and know where it is. I remind them annually when I update the list via a phone call or in person. One is 29 and the other is 19. They would be welcome to read it if they wished, but neither has shown interest in seeing details. I keep a digital encrypted copy in my backup systems so I don't need to retype it each year. I should probably get a safe deposit box - but I just don't want the hassle of running back and forth.
Thanks, Bob_Smith. It's probably just my usual paranoia, but I'm uneasy about putting that much info in one place, with one person, under one key, etc. I was thinking about ripping my list in half, distributing multiple keys, and making my heirs solve riddles to put the pieces back together. Not so much for security as for entertainment :)
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