Anyone know anything about Autoharps?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 2, 2008
I listened in on a bluegrass jam session Saturday and someone brought an Autoharp. I haven't thought about those for years and it sparked my interest again. I use to play a little guitar and have 4 that just stay in the cases because of stiff hands these days. I thought maybe an Autoharp would be fun to learn

Oscar Schmidt is the most well known and probably what I would buy since custom harps are a bit out of my price range. I could use some guidance on what to look for and which model would be a good purchase if I don't plan on trading up in the future. I'm considering a 21 chord model.

Here's what little I know about autoharp:

Tuning must be a bear.
What I know about them is that they are not as easy to learn to play (well) as they appear to be. I messed around with one back in the 70s and it was sort of like the harmonica - easy to start on, then you hit a wall where you have to put in some serious time to get better. But it is definitely an instrument you can learn the basics on pretty quickly. And probably a good choice with the stiff hands. I didn't stick with it since there were half a dozen other instruments I needed to learn to not play well.

As far as brands and such, no idea.
What? No one here knows of Bryan Bowers? He takes the auto-harp to new levels. I saw him in the 70's, he was amazing, he picks out complex stuff as he strums it. He is still active.

check youtube for more examples.

And this lady has a great series of videos:

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