Off Center Is The New Center


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2008
I was at an Office Depot today and saw two different brand laptops, both with the touch pad located off center and could help but think "What's the purpose of that?" I'm sure there's an explanation, but that seemed odd to me.

That reminded me of when I was used car shopping and test drove a Toytoa Prius C and in that case the speedometer was located not centered of the steering wheel but the center of the car.

Maybe I'm just too set in my own ways :blush:
Come to think of it, my new Toshiba laptop from Office Depot has an off-center touchpad, too. It is about an inch or an inch and a half further to the left than it should be.

Doesn't matter to me, because I never use it (prefer my wireless mouse). But still, it's just weird! :LOL: I guess it is centered on the alphabetic part of the keyboard instead of being centered on the keyboard as a whole, with the numeric keypad and all.
I was at an Office Depot today and saw two different brand laptops, both with the touch pad located off center and could help but think "What's the purpose of that?" I'm sure there's an explanation, but that seemed odd to me.

That reminded me of when I was used car shopping and test drove a Toytoa Prius C and in that case the speedometer was located not centered of the steering wheel but the center of the car.

Maybe I'm just too set in my own ways :blush:

Well, your "o" in Toyota is also off centre. :flowers:
Come to think of it, my new Toshiba laptop from Office Depot has an off-center touchpad, too. It is about an inch or an inch and a half further to the left than it should be.


It is a leftist conspiracy I say :LOL:
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