Unable to go backward


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 22, 2010
Well, when I use Firecalc it give me a result, but if I want to go back and change an item, it takes the change, but then won't give another result (just says, "Done" on the bottom of the screen):(. Is this supposed to happen? Or is it a Mac thing? On one of our computers, it complains that the browser is old, but at work after I updated the browser, it still did the same thing. Thanks for advice.
Well, when I use Firecalc it give me a result, but if I want to go back and change an item, it takes the change, but then won't give another result (just says, "Done" on the bottom of the screen):(. Is this supposed to happen? Or is it a Mac thing? On one of our computers, it complains that the browser is old, but at work after I updated the browser, it still did the same thing. Thanks for advice.

I tried to duplicate the problem, but couldn't. My browser is MSIE 9. As far as I know, Macs can use FIRECalc too. What happens if you close the initial results window, but not the original window, make your changes, and continue?
W2R, that is what I do now, and it takes the changes, but will not give a result window. There is a workaround which I've been using: I have to make a note of every input so I can close the browser, reopen browser, input all the same numbers except change the year to sell house and "retire."
The same scenario happens if I go to "investigate." Only one investigation can occur, then the whole thing goes dead. I use Firefox and Safari with the same result.
Works for me, but I don't see "done" anywhere on the screen - can you take a screenshot and post that.

Also, try W2R's suggestion, and close the old results window - your browser may be trying to open another window, and that is being blocked or you don't notice it - or it is updating the 'old' window, and you didn't notice that it changed?

I am using a Mac with Safari browser. I have my pop-up blocker enabled. When I get the results page with the squiggly graph, it says in the upper left corner "close the results window". Clicking on that sends me to the last input page I was on, with the input values retained. If I want, I can then change one of the input values and hit the "submit" button again to get a new results page.

I also tried just closing the results window with the red button like any other page. Again it leaves the last input page, from which I can tab to where I want to make a change and resubmit.

I note that once on the results page, the "page back" left arrow button is not enabled (i.e. it's gray).
Also, try W2R's suggestion, and close the old results window - your browser may be trying to open another window, and that is being blocked or you don't notice it - or it is updating the 'old' window, and you didn't notice that it changed?


This may well be the issue. I just tried to have two results windows open simultaneously by shrinking the first and then clicking on the existing input page and resubmitting. It crashed my system.
Thanks! Yes, when I closed the old results window with the green banner "close window" it works! I had been using the red circle before.
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