Hi, I'm uncledrz


Full time employment: Posting here.
Mar 11, 2005
I'm uncledrz, not yet retired, not yet at least. Kids are grown up, dw retired a few years ago and is doing very, very well at it.

I've been reading the posts here for a while and am impressed by the variety of ways that the er's have done it! Well done!

I'm mid 50's, under almost all calculations and practice FI, and still working because while I don't like the frustrations, I do enjoy the challanges -- oh yeah, and the dough too.
I don't have a set time. Have the advantage of being on my own, so I am able to take as much/as little work as I want, I'm cutting back, and that has worked out well for now.

The one thing that I am not able to do is leave for an extended period of time. I would love to spend a couple of months in Hawaii, but that's not possible now.
Have the advantage of being on my own, so I am able to take as much/as little work as I want, I'm cutting back, and that has worked out well for now.

The one thing that I am not able to do is leave for an extended period of time. I would love to spend a couple of months in Hawaii, but that's not possible now.

OK, I have to ask: What do you do?
Hello Martha. While we're waiting for uncledrz
(I was curious too), his comment about not being able
to get away sparked a memory. I bought a small manufacturing company in 1990 from a guy I knew.
He was an absentee owner, lived about 500 miles
away and sometimes did not show up for a month. He owned the company for 10 years and made
a big pile of money. I bought it at a time when its
best years were behind it. Anyway, I worked 70 hour
weeks and seldom took time off. Even so, I made a lot
less money than the prior owner. With hindsight, I
could have made twice the money by devoting half the
time. My point is that even if someone had proven this
to me, I doubt I would have cut back on my working.
A true workaholic is just like a true alcoholic. You have to "hit the wall" and after that, you can't have "just one". Cutting back/phasing out wouldn't have worked for me.

Not too long ago the answer to your question would have been a straight schedule C, occupation, answer.

Now, thankfully, its not so one sided. I work out just about every day, either at the gym if the weather isn't nice (like now -- hey, where's spring), or by walking, hiking, or biking (pedals, not motors, gave that up a long time ago) when its nice; hunt, fish, camp out, drink Jack Daniels (straight up, no ice) when it suits me and enjoy a microbrew lager. I play with the grandkids, read, mostly non fiction, keep tabs on family, and we try to travel 3-4 times a year.

Oh, as to work, I practice law, commercial matters mostly. Enjoy it, but there is still the responsbility and the necessary presence.
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