Let's pick on the Ladies today


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 1, 2005
As a youth, I noticed that my mother sort of babbled to herself at times. The DW started this a few years back. I would sort of catch her talking to herself when alone. Or I'd hear her talking in the kitchen and then go in there to find out if she was talking to me--and then find out she wasn't.

So, have you other menfolk noticed the same thing in your DWs? Or is it just a connundrum that I need to puzzle thru on my own? Is it a 'nature-nurture problem? Have the men on my side of the family caused untold psychological problems to the women we marry? Or is it just a genetic problem with women? Should DanTein turn this into a poll? :D

Great Caesar's ghost, man, how long have you been married?!?

Didn't you just get out of restriction a few days ago? Do you have a death wish?!?

No babbling women in my family. I haven't caused any to babble uncontrollably when they're by themselves, either. I've made one or two babble uncontrollably in my company but that's another story.

Good luck with this thread, you'll probably have plenty of "alone time" to puzzle through it. Hope you get to keep your laptop, even if you're never allowed to log in here again...
Apocalypse . . .um . . .SOON said:
As a youth, I noticed that my mother sort of babbled to herself at times. The DW started this a few years back. I would sort of catch her talking to herself when alone. Or I'd hear her talking in the kitchen and then go in there to find out if she was talking to me--and then find out she wasn't.

She just wanted to have an intelligent conversation for a change... :D
No question, Greg just wanted to prove how ballsy he is. Sorta like running in front of the bulls at Pamplona, climbing K-2, eating the hottest chile pepper there is.
He proved it to me.
What often bothers me is when my g/f tries to talk to me from three rooms away.  Apparently, she expects me to stop what I'm doing, get up, walk into the room where she's standing, and let her ask me whatever question it was that she had been asking. ::)

My response?  I shout back that I can't hear the question, and that she should come to me if she wants to ask me something.  Sometimes I just respond with the first part. :D

As for Apocalypse's original point, I usually ignore whatever she's saying unless I know it's directed at me.  Otherwise, I'd be expected to get up twice as often.
Apocalypse . . .um . . .SOON said:
As a youth, I noticed that my mother sort of babbled to herself at times. The DW started this a few years back. I would sort of catch her talking to herself when alone. Or I'd hear her talking in the kitchen and then go in there to find out if she was talking to me--and then find out she wasn't.

So, have you other menfolk noticed the same thing in your DWs? Or is it just a connundrum that I need to puzzle thru on my own? Is it a 'nature-nurture problem? Have the men on my side of the family caused untold psychological problems to the women we marry? Or is it just a genetic problem with women? Should DanTein turn this into a poll? :D

I see what you're doing with this post, Greg. Absent from the board for a while then a grandiose entrance to make a big splash.

You should change your forum name to "Kramer". Ooops. It appears the name has already been taken. :)
It's my husband who babbles.. at the computer (particularly to the mouse which seems to have a will of its own) or something in the newspaper.  'nuf said.
She's probably talking to you. You're just not paying attention. Don't worry....it's a gender thing. :LOL:
Apocalypse . . .um . . .SOON said:
Should DanTein turn this into a poll? :D
Just when I thought I had nothing to say today. Thank you Greg!
My wife is the best...I love everything about her...She can do no wrong...I'm so lucky to be with her. However there is just one small imperfection that I feel I can share with you and you won't mention it. I'm typically a Yes or No man. DW asks OR questions. I'll hear the first part and signify Y or N whilst the tag is being issued.
This leads to much amusement on her part. Typical Q - Honey, do you want to be intimate tonight or tomorrow morning? DH-Yes. DW-Well which is it? DH-Yes DW - ::) :LOL:
How about a poll on when is the best time?
DanTien said:
How about a poll on when is the best time?
What purpose would that serve?!?

Have you ever heard someone with a Y chromosone say on that subject: "Sorry, honey, now's not the best time..."
I think the reason is probably just 'momentum'. I was going to post that until I realized it can't be done anonymously. Oh well.. :D
Why do us women babble think out loud? The same reason why *older men* wear their pants so high :D
It used to be easy to spot crazy people babbling to themselves. But now I find that most of them are talking on their cell phones via a jabra mic, so I have to rely on other signals. For example, if they're waving a chainsaw around, that's a pretty good indication that you should walk on the other side of the street.
I'm back, had to go to class (How to Speak in Complete Sentences)
As I was saying,
I'm typically a Yes or No man. DW asks OR questions. I'll hear the first part and signify Y or N whilst the tag is being issued.
This leads to much amusement on her part. Typical Q - Honey, do you want to be intimate tonight or tomorrow morning? DH-Yes. DW-Well which is it? DH-Yes DW - ::) :LOL: Honey are you saying tonight and tomorrow morning? DH- Yes. DW- :LOL:
...talk to me from three rooms away...My response? I shout back that I can't hear the question

No, no, no. The key here is pretend that you didn't hear her at all. If it's important she'll come to you. You'll have her trained in about a week. (If my wife sees this post, I'm sunk.)
TromboneAl said:
No, no, no.  The key here is pretend that you didn't hear her at all.  If it's important she'll come to you.  You'll have her trained in about a week.  (If my wife sees this post, I'm sunk.)

Perhaps you and Greg can swap escape strategies while in solitary....
TromboneAl said:
No, no, no.  The key here is pretend that you didn't hear her at all.  If it's important she'll come to you.  You'll have her trained in about a week.  (If my wife sees this post, I'm sunk.)

I've tried that, but the results have been bad. Invariably, she claims that she asked me a question, I never responded, and now have to live with the consequences. Put another way, she usually says "you didn't tell me NOT to do it..."
Jay_Gatsby said:
I've tried that, but the results have been bad.  Invariably, she claims that she asked me a question, I never responded, and now have to live with the consequences.  Put another way, she usually says "you didn't tell me NOT to do it..."

What usually happens to me is she says ".. you just don't listen to me" :confused: My lame response is that maybe you should not try to talk to me when I am on a whole different floor of the house and with the knowledge that I am half deaf.

That response just got me this. ::)

"Women...............can't live with them..................can't kill them." (quote from a previous boss).
Reading your other posts convinced me you were brilliant.

Now, I need more evidence. :D
It seems to have disappeared from the archives, but The Onion had a parody article a few years back entitled "I pretend to give a sh*t because I care"...
Eagle43 said:
Reading your other posts convinced me you were brilliant.

Now, I need more evidence.  :D
That characteristic is definitely perishable.

And so is he...
Apocalypse . . .um . . .SOON said:
Or I'd hear her talking in the kitchen and then go in there to find out if she was talking to me--and then find out she wasn't.


I was talking to my boyfried. :-X
Martha said:
I was talking to my boyfried.   :-X

Watch out Greg - I detect a Freudian slip...
Greg, if you are reading this, you get off the internet right now. No more board until these are done:

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