Money Saving Energy Quiz

Considering I usually come in looking like I was dragged around the yard rather than worked in it...I'd say the answer to that is a definite 'no'!
Considering I usually come in looking like I was dragged around the yard rather than worked in it...I'd say the answer to that is a definite 'no'!
Why bother to even hook up the washer's hot water hose? Oh, right, bugs in the bed linen.

I have three different grades of shorts/t-shirts: "new", "comfortable", and "yard work". The latter only get used for that purpose and are mostly a shade of red dirt. Instead of trying to get rid of ring around the collar, I wash them in cold water and put them away for the next yardwork duty-- or the rag bag. So they don't need to be [-]clean[/-] restored to their original color and I don't need to use more energy.

Seven cents a KWHr. Sigh.
Hey, i'm living in the fru-fru burbs now. Gotta look good when you go out to mow your lawn. ;)

No more finishing up the yard work and driving right to the supermarket with grass stains and dog poop all over my shoes... :p
Hey, i'm living in the fru-fru burbs now. Gotta look good when you go out to mow your lawn. ;)
No more finishing up the yard work and driving right to the supermarket with grass stains and dog poop all over my shoes... :p
You're just competing with the sartorial standards of the local groundskeepers! "Looking good" when spouse mows our lawn means "wear sunscreen".

Wear grubbies for the yardwork, hose off from the spigot, and change into the good clothes...
I did pretty well, but a number of those answers depend on assumptions for electricity cost, total bill, etc. We pay 11.4 cents/KWH because we stay below baseline, but if we used more, we'd pay 17.5 cents/KWH.
A lot of assumptions. Like what sort of washing machines, how much and how often you do laundry, how big your tv sets are, whether the transformers on your stuff are the newer high efficiency models or not, etc...
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