This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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The long awaited warm front appears to be moving in. This evening I went over to my mom's house for dinner, stay overnight, play cards, and pick up car, possibly with a side trip to take my aunt to the airport for her (already twice-postponed) flight home. There is a bus that goes within two blocks of my mom's house, but I waited for it for 45 minutes downtown and it never showed, so I took a bus that doesn't get that close and walked the last 3/4 to a mile from there. This was about 6 Friday evening. The main roads were bare and wet but the sidewalks were still full of snow, ice and/or slush, depending on how steep, how traveled etc. My car is parked only one flat block off a main street, but that one block was a rutted, slushy mess when I came by on my way from the bus stop. We'll see how far I get once I pull away from the curb :eek: It's been raining pretty steadily all evening and I think the temperature is supposed to stay above freezing all night. If it keeps that up until morning, maybe by the time I leave there won't be a problem.
I'm sorry to hear about all the bad weather in the Pacific Northwest. Here in Phoenix it has been in the 40's at night, going into the 60's during the day. Maybe some rain next week - otherwise it's been bone dry. A lot better than the 115 in the Summers.
Last night: sleet/ice/snow; not too bad by late morning.
Daffodils on south side of house showed up about Christmas; daffodils on east side, 18 Jan.
Roses putting out spring growth.
Just read the latest post of my favorite musician RV full-timer blogger, who was passing through New Orleans and could only spend 3 hours there before having to leave because of the humidity. Whoa! In the middle of the winter? He just came from the coast of Alabama and Mississippi, and he had no problems there.

So, I looked up the weather info, and sure enough the temperature was 71F, but the humidity was 100%. Whoa! I think I will stay with the dry heat of the southwest.

We have been to NO once, and it was in spring, I thought. I do not remember it being so bad.
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Just read the latest post of my favorite musician RV full-timer blogger, who was passing through New Orleans and could only spend 3 hours there before having to leave because of the humidity. Whoa! In the middle of the winter? He just came from the coast of Alabama and Mississippi, and he had no problems there.

So, I looked up the weather info, and sure enough the temperature was 71F, but the humidity was 100%. Whoa! I think I will stay with the dry heat of the southwest.

We have been to NO once, and it was in spring, I thought. I do not remember it being so bad.

New Orleans really is extremely humid much of the time, and when there is no breeze the humidity can be oppressive. Personally I love the humidity here because it is good for my skin. When I lived in low humidity places like San Diego, even with a humidifier my skin would crack and bleed, and I was so dependent on chapstick. My skin feels great here, supple and relatively elastic, with none of those problems. This is hard to understand given that essentially all buildings and vehicles are well air conditioned, but it is the case.

I think it is uncomfortable to do physical work outside here. I don't mow the lawn any more or work hard outside in this humidity, and luckily, I don't have to. :angel: It is easy to overdo in our heat and humidity. When I did mow my lawn (until my late 50's), I usually would mow for 15 minutes and then rest inside in the air conditioning until I was cooled off, then repeat. Although there are plenty of runners and walkers who exercise outside here, I only exercise at the gym or inside at home. That's due as much to the crime situation as to the humidity, though.
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It's raining....1.28 inches so far. Might get two or three more inches by tomorrow night. :)

It's supposed to storm in the morning. I look forward to more rain, but I have an early dental appointment. I don't want the lights to go out when the dentist is drilling my tooth.
It's raining....1.28 inches so far. Might get two or three more inches by tomorrow night. :)

It's supposed to storm in the morning. I look forward to more rain, but I have an early dental appointment. I don't want the lights to go out when the dentist is drilling my tooth.

I would be worried too! But realistically it probably won't happen, and even if it does I'm sure he will know what to do.

Rain is still a good thing for your part of Texas, right? I hope so, and hope that you don't have tornados or flooding.
I would be worried too! But realistically it probably won't happen, and even if it does I'm sure he will know what to do.

Rain is still a good thing for your part of Texas, right? I hope so, and hope that you don't have tornados or flooding.
I hope he does! :LOL: It seems like every time I go to the dentist, the weather gets weird.

Oh yes...we need the rain. I think the last time I read an article about our area; we were 26 inches below where we should be. We've got a lot of catching up to do.
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We've been lucky so far. Two little snowfalls, and neither amounted to much, both gone in a couple of days.

But it's not even February yet and that's usually when the hammer falls.
It is too nice here to say it is.

Forecast for Eastern Cochise County below 5000 feet

Area Forecast For: Issued: January 29, 2012 02:06:05 MST

Today: Mostly sunny. Highs 63 to 68.
Monday: Mostly sunny. Highs 66 to 71.
Tuesday: Partly cloudy. Highs 64 to 69.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. Highs 63 to 68.
Thursday through Saturday: Mostly clear 62 to 68.
Snow belongs on mountains, thank you.

Exactly! In California we keep it in the Sierra and up around Mt Shasta and Mt Lassen where it belongs!

60o with a projected high of 68o under a brilliant blue sky here in NorCal.
Light lake effect snow most of today on the north shore of Lake Erie. Only about four inches accumulation. Most snow we have had this year though.
Exactly! In California we keep it in the Sierra and up around Mt Shasta and Mt Lassen where it belongs!

60o with a projected high of 68o under a brilliant blue sky here in NorCal.

Shasta needs more, so do the N. Cascades, this year.
68 warm degrees this afternoon while working outside on the burn piles. DW brought down the hot dogs to roast and a bottle of wine. A nice afternoon.
Fourth day of snow in the last six here in Denver. 16 inches Thursday night, Friday and Sat. 2-3 inches more last night into today. Getting old fast! Trolling for cheap fares to Arizona.
No complaints at all here. No snow on the ground and it was 56 degrees above zero on Superbowl Sunday. A little cooler today at only 36 but still excellent for ND.
There is barely any snow on the ground here in the eastern Lake Ontario snow belt. Just amazing.

This pic is from one of our heaviest snowfall years.


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So far we've been lucky with the snow, or lack thereof. Today's forecast is for 1-3 inches but it's been so warm lately that even if it does stick it won't be around for long. Rode the motorcycle to/from work yesterday and took the long way home last night just to enjoy the ride.

So here is is the second week of Feb. and I haven't had to put gas in the snow thrower yet.:dance:

Now if we can just skate on through 'til March without snow we'll both be happy campers.
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