Real, Artificial or No Christmas Tree?

We've used both over the years, with the last few years being artificial. This year, for the first time ever, wife & I decided to forego the tree. We have some other nice decorations in the living room & hallway, a few non-roof type lights on the outside, and that's gonna be it. We're celebrating Christmas, just minus the tree. Works for us.
Like a couple other posters we used to get a live tree, with rootball. Had to get them fairly small as the rootball is very heavy. After Christmas we'd plant them in a pre dug hole. Had a nice row of them along one property line. We eventually sold that place to move 30 miles further out. We drove by the old place, a couple years later, new owners cut them all down.

I used to do artificial but the past few years haven't. So, as for the tree..probably nada this year.

I'll probably give a couple of Christmas CDs a spin, and call this year a done deal :)
Artificial for about 20 years here. My daughter would get sick every Christmas from allergies. Once we got the artificial one she never got sick at Christmas.

Edit: I thought I would hate the artificial tree but honestly, I like the convenience. looks close enough like a real one once decorated...or perhaps I have simply gotten used to it. It even drops it's needles now LOL!
It may be time for a new one.

Allergies here as well. Artificial for the past 20 years or so.:(
No tree for me as it's just to much of a hassle.
I do enjoy my lighted holiday village though. Bought it at Costco a few years ago.
DH was raised a Christian and I was not so when we had little kids I was all for having a real Christmas tree. We'd go to the lot and pick out one of the smallest trees and when we got it in the house it still was huge! We did the ornaments and lights and garland which all the cats loved. It would be an issue to keep it watered and keep the sap off the carpeting and keep the cats and babies away from it. Fun for a few years.

Later we progressed to an artificial tree. It was easy to set up and take down and sturdy when a cat would crawl inside and hide. It ended up in the dining room and by omitting about 1/3rd of the branches in the back we could push it up against the wall so it didn't take up so much space.

We don't even celebrate Christmas (religion free family) so this was just for fun and for seeing all the ornaments again. For a couple of years we didn't bother with it and finally DH took it to his office for his staff. When he retired he left it with them.

A few years ago we had a furnace guy here the day after Christmas. After working on the furnace he came upstairs to use the thermostat and he commented, "Wow, you folks already took your tree down?"

No, we didn't have a tree, but I don't need to explain all this to the furnace guy.

The new artificial trees I've seen are amazing! Now they even have ones pre-lit with LEDs and they snap together easily. Saw them on QVC. Maybe if we ever have grandkids we'd do another tree.
We have an artificial tree (I have allergies). We bought a new one last year (bought at Target) that already has lights on it. We like it.
As a kid growing up in the 70's, I don't recall my parents ever getting a real tree. We had one of those aluminum trees with the color wheel, and a cotton skirt at the base of the tree that had glued-on little colored stars on it that always used to come off and get stuck in the carpeting.

When I lived in Colorado, one time I decided I really wanted a real tree, so went out and got one. I loved the real-ness of it, the pine smell, etc.

After the holidays were over, I tossed it outside and was going to chip it up for mulch in the springtime. I had always wondered how true the stories were about trees being so flammable, so after it had been outside a couple days with no water, I stripped off a small branch and lit it (outside of course).

I couldn't BELIEVE how quickly that branch caught on fire! After that, I didn't even want that tree anywhere outdoors, so I hauled it to the street to be collected.

Haven't set up a tree (real or artificial) since then, mostly because I've lived in rented apartments or houses since then, and I tend not to decorate any place that I rent because it just doesn't seem like "home".

If/when I get back to Colorado and have my own home again, I'm sure I'll probably get another real tree. But only if I'm not traveling during the holidays. There's no way I'd leave a live tree in the house while I'm gone.
My family always had a real tree, so DW and I had one for 25 years. When kids where pre-teen, tried to set the tradition of going to the Christmas tree farm--1st year we went it was 4 degrees and had rained a bunch before that--total mud pit--and that tradition died quickly. For the next 15+ years, it was me and a small bottle of schnapps going to get the tree. 3 daughters all married, moved away, and live in the towns where their in-laws are, so we're always the "after-Christmas" folks. Had a nice potted cactus that was skinny and 6-7 feet tall, and decorated it for a few years and received a lot of nice comments on it. With no one here for Christmas and really no extra room, it wasn't worth it. I have 4 ceramic-lighted Christmas trees that are 2 feet tall, so I set them out and call it a day.
Up until this year, I spent Christmas and New Years in FL in a property that I owned (now sold).
My son is coming home for Christmas, and I feel the need to make the place a little festive. I put small lights on the giant live palm tree in my great room. I also bought some of those lighted branches for large cache pots on my dining room sideboard. On my dining room table I have the vintage nativity that belonged to my parents, as well as some artificial table-top pre-lighted trees. I have bought live poinsiettas for some large pottery jardinieres that also belonged to my Mom and Dad and placed them around the house. I trekked out and bought two large fresh evergreen wreaths with big red bows for the front gates opening on to the patio area leading up to my front door (one of the reasons I bought my house was the New Orleans-like courtyard feature). I think they are statement pieces and quite dramatic. If it were not for my son, I would not do half of what I have done. I will leave it to my son to set up the small HO train set that belonged to his father in childhood (if he wants to).
Always did the family outing to the tree farm until a few years ago. Now we just have an artificial one, easy up, easy down, no mess. Once you get it decorated it looks nice. Also stopped doing the outside lights all around the house too. To much work getting up on the roof and hanging them from the gutters. And there was always one string that had half the lights that wouldn't work :-( Now just do around the entry and the lamppost by the driveway.
I mustered up the energy to get the tree out of the box and plugged it in. Needed a cold one after the ordeal though.


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Tomorrow is decision time... If the thread lasts long enough, will report on the results.
DW and I are at swords point on this... I have purchased a lighted leg, with a beautiful shade, that I want to place in the window facing the street.

She is opting for the folding, prelighted tree that we have used for the past five years. IMO, no creativity, no imagination.

Decisions like this have cost men's lives.
We had an artificial tree for over thirty years. It was a large decorated tree, lights and all from a grocery store that the manager marked down to next to nothing just to get rid of it rather than store it for next year.

We donated it Goodwill this past year along with 80% of the decorations as a part of our declutterring, downsizing and simpler living campaign. No more Griswolds Christmases for us. This year it will be some solar lights outside and inside the plan is to get a dwarf evergreen that stays potted on the patio most of the year and we bring inside over the holidays. Or maybe I will get a small table top tree. I have to survey the family and see what they all want, but it will be something more minimal than past years.
Haven't had a real tree since moving to Dallas in early 90s. Since we recently downsized with much less storage space decided to get rid of 2 large artificial trees. Now we are using DD's 2' purple christmas tree which goes with her school colors.
If/when we stop putting up a real tree, I don't think we would even use an artificial one. We would put some ornaments on a houseplant and the rest in a big bowl.
Thought about projecting one onto wall. Didn't quite fly yet.

Always had gone to mount Rainier and cut one for about $10. Gas was worth it because trip doubled as sledding adventure.

Now Costco live tree or local tree farm. Will try for electronic tree next year!
Like sheesh1, we had to give up the real tree when DS was 2 as we discovered how serious his allergies were. Just bought our 3rd artificial tree in those 20 years - the first one finally gave up the ghost after about 11 years (it fell apart after it was decorated - what a mess!). Although #2 is still functional, it's very large and heavy and thus hard for me to drag out and set up on my own. So I bought a much smaller pre-lit tree which I'll set up this evening.

We do have a real tree as well - outside. Our neighborhood has a tradition of each home having a tree with lights in the front yard. They order them in bulk and deliver them right to our front yard. Set it up and decorated it this afternoon! It really is beautiful to drive around the neighborhood with the lit trees all down the street.
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