Saying Good-bye

From "20 Essential Facts Dog Lovers Must Always Remember" -- No. 20:

"20. Come with me on difficult journeys. I understand that it’s hard for you, but please stay with me until the very end. Everything is better, easier and safer for me if you are with me. Remember, I love you."


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aim-high. I am so sorry for your loss.
Aim-high - our condolence. We hope her memory stay strong and brings you a smile. Best friend is an understatement. You stayed with her and comforted her. For us pet lovers, you are exactly what we want to be.
Have you gone through this? What makes it easier?

Nothing makes it easier. I had to stop reading the replies because it was making me cry. I lost both of my dogs to cancer in 6 months of each other. That was three years ago and I still cry.
Thank you for all the support. It's done. DW and I held her and loved her to the end. She was a great girl. Ten years home schooling, working at home, a total part of the family. Heart broken.

UncleMick, sorry for your loss too.

I am so sorry. You put her needs first, which took courage - you are to be commended for that.
Yesterday - 14 year old Golden Retriever. Had the Vet come to the house and put him to sleep in the living room with two cats, one Pug and us adults present.

Sad - but with the knowledge that he lived a good life.

heh heh heh - at age 71 this is the fourth dog in my lifetime. Always a sad event. :(

I am so sorry for your loss. He was surrounded by love at the end - none of us can ask for more than that. :(
aim-high: I'm so sorry for your loss. We love them so much and it is so hard to let them go. I have taken 3 cats on their final trip to the vet, and, looking back, I can say that each time I held on too long. They were clearly suffering greatly and I selfishly did not want to end it.
I am so sorry for your loss, aim high. I'm looking at my 9-yr. old yellow lab as I type this, sleeping just a few feet away from me, and I cannot imagine what it will be like when the time comes for him. He's my loyal companion, my daily walking buddy, and much more. Pets are hard because you get so attached to them, and you know you are only going to have them for a relatively short period of time. But the joy they add to your life during that period of time is so great that it's worth it in the end.
I have had to put one dog down a couple of years ago. She was probably going to die within the day otherwise.

I have had three die at home. As long as I can keep them comfortable, and they are not making a mess, they are welcome to stay.

I figure if I was in that shape, would I want a shot?
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take comfort in the fact that you provided a good home to your beloved dog.
Just inherited my Mom's dog two weeks ago. This is probably her last night. Guess Mom will be getting her back.

Interestingly, Mom had told me Patches was 15. But the vet said he's been seeing her since Mom rescued her, and that was 1999 (15 years ago). Said she was full grown already, and probably 2 years old or so. So even though it's sad, 17+ years is pretty good for a medium sized dog.
We had to put down our 17 year old dog many years ago. She had suffered a stroke. We now have 5 cats. It is not easy to let them go, since they are a part of our family.

Your dogs are no longer hurting. I am so sorry for the loss and your hurting, Aim-High and UncleMick.
Sorry for your loss. The heavy heart will last a while. Our furry friends impact us deeply. Rest assured you will get through it and will remember your friend with a smile. Like others have said, time will heal the sorrow. But for now, be comforted that you had love and compassion to let your friend go.
So sorry for your loss aim-high. My deepest condolences.

Saying goodbye to our dog Violet was as hard...maybe harder than saying goodbye to my dying mother. This is because I saw and took care of Violet every day for 15 1/2 years while with Mom I only saw her occasionally as I moved 3000 miles away.

As the time approached I was in denial but eventually we decided that it was time for Violet to go. We planned to give her a Steak dinner (she was still eating ok but her QoL was deteriorating rapidly). On the Friday night before, I sat with her and asked her if only she could tell me what she wanted. Early Saturday morning I woke to hear a strange sound and when out to where she was sleeping and found her unable to sit up (the sound was her trying). I think she had a stroke. We took her in right away and within 2 hrs she passed away peacefully in my arms. I am tearing up even now thinking about it (it was 4+ years ago). I was a mess for about 3-4 days.

Our pets can touch our hearts in ways that nothing else can and to say goodbye is one of the hardest things you may ever do. Even when it is the right thing to do. Although it is hard take what solace you can in knowing that you did the right thing. They would thank you if they could.
I'm sorry for your just sucks, but it will get easier with time...lots of time.

Kinda funny that just prior to reading this thread I was laying next to my junkyard dog thinking about how much he stinks and takes up more than his fair share of the bed. Now, I appreciate his special 'flavor' and will gladly enjoy my 4 inches of mattress. :)

Someone also eluded to the gift this can be; one of my biggest concerns for my end of life is not being able to go as peacefully as our beloved pets can. If I was suffering, I'd want the shot, for sure.

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse grammatical errors. :)
I just with through this last month with a cat. He was a pure bred Devon Rex that came in to the animal shelter as a stray. He was only 12 years old and his kidneys failed. The best thing about not having to go to a job was being able to stay home with him and comfort him to the end.

RIP Bat Chat, you are now back on your alien planet.
I'm a Happy Person

But I haven't been truely happy since my Emily Ann the black lab dog/daughter died on March 9, 2009. I cry every morning and night when I think of her and how I miss her. She was pure and childlike and loved us all. I may never get over this. It's been 5 and a half years. Oh, how I wish she were still here to sleep in the bed with us and be petted. I loved that dog like a child and I will never forget her.

She was such a good dog. Oh, how I miss her.

Mike D.
We have always struggled with this. We have 2 dogs staggered at different ages to kind of spread it out.

Wight now our GSd is 13 and that day is coming. Our thoughts are certainly with you as that time approaches. What I always tell others and my self is to focus on all of the good times. When you start doing that it eases the pain. At least for me.
can't remember where I got this recently (might have been here).. but it bears repeating

When our loved one dies, it’s as if they are on a ship, leaving port and disappearing over the horizon. And those of us left on the dock watch sadly and say, “There she goes.” And when the ship goes over the horizon we mourn because our loved one seems to be gone completely, because we can’t see her any more.

But, when the ship disappears over the horizon to us, it is just appearing to those at another port. And there are loved ones and fellow believers standing on the dock there who have already made the same journey. They are watching expectantly, and when the ship comes over the horizon and approaches, they cheer and say joyously, “Here she comes!”
can't remember where I got this recently (might have been here).. but it bears repeating

When our loved one dies, it’s as if they are on a ship, leaving port and disappearing over the horizon. And those of us left on the dock watch sadly and say, “There she goes.” And when the ship goes over the horizon we mourn because our loved one seems to be gone completely, because we can’t see her any more.

But, when the ship disappears over the horizon to us, it is just appearing to those at another port. And there are loved ones and fellow believers standing on the dock there who have already made the same journey. They are watching expectantly, and when the ship comes over the horizon and approaches, they cheer and say joyously, “Here she comes!”

In fact, it was this very thread. :) I also liked it, and saved it as it will be very appropriate for my father's eulogy when that inevitable day comes, hopefully many years from now.
But I haven't been truely happy since my Emily Ann the black lab dog/daughter died on March 9, 2009. I cry every morning and night when I think of her and how I miss her. She was pure and childlike and loved us all. I may never get over this. It's been 5 and a half years. Oh, how I wish she were still here to sleep in the bed with us and be petted. I loved that dog like a child and I will never forget her.

She was such a good dog. Oh, how I miss her.

Mike D.

:( maybe you can look for another Emily Ann out there, not to take her place, but to love you just the same.

Pretty name.
I was thinking about this thread this past Friday as I took my Lab to the Vet. One of his legs had swollen up 3 times the normal size. After the exam the Vet said it was most likely due to a snake bite. (we do live in Texas) She gave him a shot for that and some pills for infection and pain. Two days later he's back to wanting to go swimming in the ponds again. :nonono:
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