What's the temperature where you are?

High -5 feels like -22 today/tomorrow High -12 will feel like -33. Been so cold I haven't been able to go ice fishing. Been outside a lot walking and shoveling but standing out on ice all day is different. LOL Have a warm day!
For those who don't know how cold it gets in California, it's 8:42 am & 40° but it'll get to mid 60s by noon. It's freezing right now!
Right now it is 48F outside (blue skies and sunny), and our high today is supposed to be 54F.

But we have a special weather statement about a much, much colder front arriving on New Year's Eve, with a wintry mix predicted for New Year's Eve itself and then very unusually cold weather staying all week.

The wintry mix could cause problems on the roads here since, like me, most people here do not have the slightest clue about how to drive in snow, sleet, freezing rain, and so on. We plan to stay home anyway so all the drivers slip-sliding around the streets won't cramp our style a bit.
60 in Northern NV. Warmer then usual. I have lived in both Wis and Upstate NY so know what cold is.
A balmy 28°F here at the moment. About an inch of snow forecast for tonight/tomorrow. This time of year until April or so we only go out for the gym and to buy food.
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Partly cloudy, 57 degrees
I'm in Orchard Park, NY and it has been a cold and snowy winter so far. Today it looks like a high of 9 degrees. The World Junior Hockey tournament is hosting an outdoor game today and I couldn't imagine sitting outside watching a hockey game.

I'm just west of Toronto and it is currently 14F (-10C) and it is bright and sunny which is nice. I had a buddy offer me tickets for the game today but I thought better of it as it has been cold and the sight lines in a football stadium basically suck for hockey. I am glad I am not sitting in the stands struggling to see the game through the lake effect snow that is currently falling. Canada up 2-0 at the end of the first in a game which doesn't mean very much as far as the tournament goes.
Not to rub it in but sunny and about 72 today in SE Arizona, excellent day on the golf course.
What's the temperature where you are?

I really, really don't understand the purpose of some threads:


Back in the goodle days, I was the evening DJ at a small town radio station. Though we got regional weather reports over the AP wire, we had no other weather equipment. Thus, to get the current temperature, I would slip out the back door, run up the alley, then check the bank time/temp sign up the street a ways.
Too - as in "too darned cold."
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