Ten Favorite Movies of All Time

Body Heat was a real steamy film noir thriller!
How could I forget Body Heat? Kathleen Turner at her best!

The Game with Michael Douglas and The Spanish Prisoner with Steve Martin if you like twisty turny thrillers.
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Some more oldies and semi oldies

You can't cheat an honest man

Trading Places


The Client

The Firm ( Wilford Brimley went from Quaker Oats commercials to an above average evil guy.)

EDIT: more

The Burbs

Strategic Air Command

Ice Station Zebra

Dr. Doolittle

Dr. Who

30 Seconds Over Tokyo

Any of the original Godzilla movies

Pacific Heights
Pacific heights was great. How about Multiplicity?
Not a personal top 10, but “The Longest Day” is a good one. I’m watching it as I thumb-tap this post.

“The Natural” and “Field Of Dreams” would make my list. I’m a baseball guy!
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James Stuart movies of the 1950s.

Star Wars, the first three films.
In no particular order:

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Sixth Sense
Twelve Angry Men (the original)
The Producers
The Passion of the Christ
The Godfather, Part I and II (counting them as one movie, yeah, I'm cheating)
Chariots of Fire
Night of the Living Dead
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Thought of a few more faves (hope nobody minds):

L.A. Confidential
Winter's Bone
Donnie Darko
Little Miss Sunshine
40 Year Old Virgin

and along similar lines as the last I have to mention Bruce Almighty. Not really a favorite overall, but the Steve Carell meltdown scene in the middle is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Thought of a few more faves (hope nobody minds):

L.A. Confidential
Winter's Bone
Donnie Darko
Little Miss Sunshine
40 Year Old Virgin

and along similar lines as the last I have to mention Bruce Almighty. Not really a favorite overall, but the Steve Carell meltdown scene in the middle is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Little Miss Sunshine! That should have been on my list. :facepalm:
Oooo, I saw someone mention The Verdict. Definitely on my Top Ten List. That reminded me to add Absence of Malice (yes, me loves those blue eyes). Seems my Top Ten List has reached about 30.
Some different ones

1. Terminator 2 (ushered in the CGI that has dazzled moviegoers since, and it was a good story)

2. Aliens (while many feel Alien was a trailblazer in Sci-Fi the second movie was much better)

3. Young Frankenstein (in addition to Blazing Saddles they might be the greatest comedies ever)
I'd have to give some thought to a top ten list, but I can readily state that my favorite movie of all time was "Blazing Saddles".

It's kind of sad to realize that it could never be made today, so we're lucky to have it.

Ahh, Blazing Saddles. We had a local theatre that showed it for 99 cents and we would pile into my cousins van on Friday’s and “smoke” our way there. So many classic lines that yes today would be hard to muster.
Cool Hand Luke...love the boiled egg scene
Gone with the Wind...Southern and love women dressed in curtains
Caddyshacks...although my son tells me it's dated and not so funny
Shawshank Redemption
John Wayne...anything, reminds me of watching TV with my Dad
Wizard of Oz...monkeys drive me kra-kra
Godfather...1 & 2 only
Field of Dreams...first movie I openly teared
It's a Wonderful Life...b&w
Kill Bill...any
Good choices.

I have a few go to movies when I'm bored:
The Patriot (makes me weep when I think what this country is devolving into after the sacrifices made by the colonists in 1776)
Patriot Games (Harrison Ford at his best)
World's Fastest Indian (True story about a quirky and very interesting guy)
That Thing You Do (Tom Hanks' ode to garage bands and '60s music)
The Sandlot (Who doesn't love Squints?)
Godfather (1 and 2) Perfection
Goodfellas (Am I amusing to you?)
Jurassic Park 1 (Spielberg is simply the best)
Jurassic World (Not a bad follow-up)
Jaws (Steven again...of course)
So I bounce all over the place

1) All about Eve. Bette Davis, George Sanders and Celeste Holms and a very young Marilyn monroe. Best film of all time

2) Laura. classic film Noir
3) Wizard of Oz.
4)Lord of the rings trilogy
5)Birdcage. Robin Williams and Nathan Lange. Hysterical
5)Steel Magnolias
6)Raiders of the lost Arc
7)Singing in the rain
8)Death at a funeral (the British version is better, although the Chris Rock version isn't bad)
9) 12 Angry men
10)Trading Places
Good choices.

I have a few go to movies when I'm bored:
The Patriot (makes me weep when I think what this country is devolving into after the sacrifices made by the colonists in 1776)
Patriot Games (Harrison Ford at his best)
World's Fastest Indian (True story about a quirky and very interesting guy)
That Thing You Do (Tom Hanks' ode to garage bands and '60s music)
The Sandlot (Who doesn't love Squints?)
Godfather (1 and 2) Perfection
Goodfellas (Am I amusing to you?)
Jurassic Park 1 (Spielberg is simply the best)
Jurassic World (Not a bad follow-up)
Jaws (Steven again...of course)

I thought about including Patriot Games on my list, as I do like the movie a lot. But I already had 3 other Ford movies (Witness, Raiders, Star Wars), so I didn't want to put a fourth Ford movie in there! :cool:
Eight in no particular order:

Animal House
Groundhog Day
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Saving Private Ryan
Remember the Titans
Black Hawk Down
O Brother, Where Art Thou?

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