Netflix movie or show suggestion

I was excited to watch that, as I love most of Ryan Murphy's stuff and LOVED the OJ one he did. I found this disappointing though, as in too much Andrew Cunanan, and not enough Versace. But still stuck it through as it was well done.

I want a Gianni Versace mini-series now! The family can’t be too unhappy with how kindly he was handled, vs the Miglins. I vividly remember when Lee Miglin was murdered—huge story here in Chicago.
While I know this is a Netflix thread and I am a Netflix user, I am currently watching "A Place to Call Home" but it is on Acorn. I signed up for Acorn just to watch this. 6 series with about 13 plus episodes per season. Once I'm finished, I will probably cancel Acorn if I can't ind anything else. British.

After finishing the 2 series last night, it's been well worth the $4.99 a month so far.

Not a thriller but set in the 1940's or so, family drama with the main character having lived in France with her husband where they were arrested by Nazi's for working in the resistance. Her life since. Don't want to say too much or give parts of the multiple story lines away.

I just started watching season 1. it is in the 1950's. she comes back to see her mother after 20 years apart but her mother sends her packing for religious reasons. she ends up living with this wealthy family she meets on a cruise ship coming home. the actress is the one who plays janet king. looks good so far. didn't know there were 6 seasons.
Haven't watched it myself yet, but I've read some very good things about Russian Doll on Netflix. Supposedly one of the best Netflix originals of 2019.
Others have recommended Vikings. Think it’s Amazon Prime. I’m not quite caught up, but am now in the latest season. For the most part, I’ve loved it. Seasons 1-4 were very good. This latest season is taking a turn where the main characters are getting older and dying off. I’m bummed by that some, but will stick it out to see what comes. I also recommend the series as others have. Thanks for the recommendation.
Haven't watched it myself yet, but I've read some very good things about Russian Doll on Netflix. Supposedly one of the best Netflix originals of 2019.
The lead is Natasha Lyonne. She also plays Nicky in Orange is the New Black.
I binged Season 1 this past weekend.
Is there a way to change this thread title to "Streaming movie/show suggestions"? It would be nice to see streaming recommendations all in one thread.

We've been watching The Indian Doctor on Amazon Prime. If you liked Doc Martin, you may like this one - an outsider doc in a tight knit rural community. Here, the doc is an Indian immigrant and it is based in a coal mining village in Wales.

It's not about retiring early. But, it's relevant in many ways.

Oh, you'll want some of this :popcorn:
Surprised no-one has mentioned the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. One of the best movies we've seen in a very long time.

If you enjoy good writing, acting and directing this is a "must see" IMHO..they don't make too many movies like this any longer.

If you're looking for the typical 2019 Hollywood movie, however (lots of sex, violence, explosions and political messages hitting you over the head with a hammer), this isn't one of those :).
Is there a way to change this thread title to "Streaming movie/show suggestions"? It would be nice to see streaming recommendations all in one thread.

We've been watching The Indian Doctor on Amazon Prime. If you liked Doc Martin, you may like this one - an outsider doc in a tight knit rural community. Here, the doc is an Indian immigrant and it is based in a coal mining village in Wales.

Personally I’d rather see the recommendations in the appropriate thread (really not difficult to find)—hard to weed out what’s on when they’re all mixed up in one thread regardless of source and people often don’t even mention they’re not on the service in the thread title, but sure why not mix them all up in one thread. I’ll discuss the Indian Doctor in the Amazon thread. Why yes maybe I am a bit OCD :LOL:

On Netflix we just watched Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened, a documentary that takes apart a young start-up huckster who got people to throw money at him (both venture money and young moneyed customers) for a disastrous music festival in the Bahamas. First world fraud problems.

Also on Netflix we just watched Roma, arguably the front runner for best picture Oscar based on its other awards, a B/W subtitled movie set in 1970 Mexico. Seems to really capture the time and place, down to not having the actors speak in English.

We enjoyed both of these.
I just finished the 3rd episode. I was in high school when all that happened and didn't pay much attention at the time. Talk about shocking and creepy. He sounds so normal and intelligent.
Ted Bundy, 4th episode. I did not realize he committed crimes (murders) across the U.S. for over 10 years (I think approx.) I'm so grateful we have DNA and high tech to solve things like this today. The police and FBI were in the dark ages in the late 70's, 80's.
A Few Netflix worth watching

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - Cohen Brothers, nominated for one of the Oscar categories.

Hell or High Water - Great!

Pans Labyrinth - mystical - Guillermo del Toro film

Good Will Hunting

Gone Baby Gone
Are you subscribing though Amazon?

No I didn't subscribe thru Amazon. I signed up online and then found it via my Roku player. You get a free week of viewing on Acorn before they start to charge. It took me one charge of 4.99 to get thru the 6 series and over 70 episodes. Many nights I binged watched! Sorry it took me so long to respond to you.

Acorn was easy to sign up and easy to cancel. In fact, I canceled it today as I watched the last episode last night.
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Surprised no-one has mentioned the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. One of the best movies we've seen in a very long time.

If you enjoy good writing, acting and directing this is a "must see" IMHO..they don't make too many movies like this any longer.

If you're looking for the typical 2019 Hollywood movie, however (lots of sex, violence, explosions and political messages hitting you over the head with a hammer), this isn't one of those :).

I really liked this one too.
Just watched Lion. Based on a true story. 5 out of 5 IMO.
We have been watching Adam Ruins Everything on Netflix. They are 20-30 minute episodes where he explains how seemingly good things are actually horrible. Each show is a different topic. Very amusing and interesting stuff.
We have been watching Adam Ruins Everything on Netflix. They are 20-30 minute episodes where he explains how seemingly good things are actually horrible. Each show is a different topic. Very amusing and interesting stuff.
Didn't know Adam was on Netflix. I love his shows but hated sitting through commercials or fast forwarding when I DVR.
Just watched Lion. Based on a true story. 5 out of 5 IMO.
Amazing story. He was interviewed on 60 minutes. So much of the story was true account of his life. I melted when he met his mother after all those years. Incredible.
No I didn't subscribe thru Amazon. I signed up online and then found it via my Roku player. You get a free week of viewing on Acorn before they start to charge. It took me one charge of 4.99 to get thru the 6 series and over 70 episodes. Many nights I binged watched! Sorry it took me so long to respond to you.

Acorn was easy to sign up and easy to cancel. In fact, I canceled it today as I watched the last episode last night.
No prob. I’ll have to see if they have a direct app for Apple TV.
One Strange Rock

"Earth Science for poets", this Nat Geo series highlights the geological history of our planet plus life's formation and development. Positives include visits to far flung, exotic locations to show unusual geological structures and human customs. A negative is the show mixes on-location filming of actual geological processes with sequences that are artist conceptions rendered via CGI, with no indication to the viewer of which scenes are which. About 20% of each episode is content recycled from a previous, often the same elements repeatedly, yielding a sense of padding. Narrated by Will Smith.
The Dawn Wall and Meru. Stunning documentaries about human endurance and passion. Nothing stopped these climbers and I'm afraid of heights and enjoyed every minute.

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