Do any of you old fogies use an elliptical?


I did 20 minutes on it yesterday for the first time...1.5 miles, then a 3 minute cool down. I noticed two things: Firstly, the unit itself is obviously well-put together and stable. Also, it is very low impact for these nearly 60 y/o bones. My plan is to use it every other day or so...
Thanks to all of you for your comments!
Used for years, as even treadmill walking is murder on my knees. Try to use 6-7 days a week for about an hour in winter That said, I have learned that I need to stretch hamstrings regularly after using as they tend to shorten using the elliptical.
You could start out by doing a 5 minute warm up at a level that feels really easy, trying for maybe around 100-120 strides/minute. Then bump up a level or two for 10 or 15 minutes, then back down for a 5 minute cool off. Read up on target heart rates and see where your workouts put you, then adjust as necessary. (I'm assuming your model has a heart-rate monitor.)

I commented on this the other day and said that the strides per minute sounded high for me. Today I was at the gym and did a 36 minute workout on the Life Fitness elliptical. It measures in RPMs, not strides. Do you suppose that 1 RPM = 2 strides? I was averaging about 50 RPMs and about 4 MPH at the level I was working at (8) and was pretty tired at the end. If RPMs and strides are the same thing, there's no way I could ever do 100-120. I glanced at the (younger) people on either side of me. One was a guy who seemed to be averaging about 60 RPMs on a higher level than mine. The woman on the other side was at level 1 and seemed to be between 55-60. That plus what the old fart between them was doing makes me think that maybe some machines measure in strides and others in RPMs? Anybody know?
I love elliptical machines. My gym did away with the combo arm machines and now just lower body (not sure if that rules them out as an elliptical). If I did 45 minutes I felt like a got a perfect workout. Best low impact cardio in my book
I have an octane elliptical at home and prefer it over a precor
I am not an old fogie, but I use either the elliptical or stair master 4 times a week (usually). I like the intervals setting.

It's already HOT where I live. In another month, the air conditioned gym will be the only place to work out without misery.
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Elliptical machines are great and you have a nice one. I used one for years at a fitness center until a few surgeries. Now I have a nice home stationary recumbent but would love to have an elliptical too with the push/pull arm feature.
There is also a "bicycle" elliptical called an ElliptiGo that looks fun but pricey.
I use it regularly at our gym. My 3-4 times a week workouts always include 30 vigorous (or what I call vigorous - HA!) minutes on an elliptical, supplemented with weight training and other exercises. I am looking to get one for the house, but in my current "don't add stuff unless you remove equivalent stuff" mindset, I need to clear out a few other things first. :)
Elliptical machines are great and you have a nice one. I used one for years at a fitness center until a few surgeries. Now I have a nice home stationary recumbent but would love to have an elliptical too with the push/pull arm feature.
There is also a "bicycle" elliptical called an ElliptiGo that looks fun but pricey.

That is very cool!!
Update on my elliptical exercise progress:

I am now, after about a week, deciding to use it every day for 35-40 minutes. Seems about right to me.
We have a Weslo elliptical that I got for $40 at a garage sale ten years ago.

I use it for three LONG minutes to warm up for Bowflexing once a week.

"That's not long enough!"

I know, but I've never pulled a muscle when Bowflexing.
Ellipticals are great, but like other posters said - start slow. You won't realize how hard you are going at it on one of those until you go to get off and find you have rubber for legs. Most people find that the best use for them is hanging laundry from.... But if you use it, great exercise.
I have an Octane elliptical I’ve used for years.

I highly recommend dedicating a Netflix series to it and forcing yourself to only watch it while working out... keeps you on it.

I watch hour episodes on it... but you could break it in half when you start up.
A not so old 56 here. Been using ellipticals at work gym for 15 years now. Obviously love them. I find like others you need something to distract yourself. I read my kindle while I'm on them. I only do 15 minutes since I am weightlifting the remaining time of my lunch hour.

For last 5 years I have used an Octane Lateral X machine. Very challenging piece made for athletes. It really works your muscles. If you see one in a gym you should try it.
Howdy folks,

I just inherited a rather nice Precor elliptical machine, and at 60, have never used one. I could use some good suggestions on how to use the you mount it from the left like a horse?:LOL:
Actually, I hear they are quite good aerobic exercise. Enjoy!

That's exactly how I get on the machine (which I use at the gym - I don't have room for one at home):from the left, like getting on a horse. I say, start slowly and build up. Be mindful of your feet - if you use the elliptical on your toes, you may develop problems with your feet getting numb or cramped. I try to keep my feet flat and use my toes sometimes, but not for extended periods. I find the elliptical to be easier on my knees and hips than a treadmill. Good luck.
Hell, never mind fogies on an elliptical--I'm a 60-year-old woman who just started powerlifting last year--and now I hold 8 national records!! :) Strength training is where it's at--at least that's what I read. (Not that using an elliptical is bad, mind you--definitely good exercise. I'm just into this other thing at the moment. Makes me feel like a badass!)

I can deadlift 170 lbs and squat over 100 lbs and I have bionic knees. Whoo hoo!
I mostly use ellipticals on my turntables by I also have a couple of conical cartridges that I switch in occasionally.
Every day. I'm 66 and hate the treadmills- running just beats up your body.

I mostly use ellipticals on my turntables by I also have a couple of conical cartridges that I switch in occasionally.

I suspect this is some sort esoteric humor, but I have NO idea what you are talking about.
I suspect this is some sort esoteric humor, but I have NO idea what you are talking about.
A stylus for a turntable. AKA (in layman's terms), the needle for a record player. One style is an elliptical, so technically he is answering the OP question. :)
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Update on my elliptical exercise progress:

I am now, after about a week, deciding to use it every day for 35-40 minutes. Seems about right to me.

Great to hear you're enjoying it, but suggest you add some "cross-training" (doing something different than the Precor - walking, running, rowing, swimming, ...) in every other day or so..

I have a Precor EFX 5.31i that I've run on for (literally) 25 years, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for 45 minutes. I probably have tens of thousands of miles on it, and as I've often said - if my house was burning down, I'd grab the wedding photos and my Precor (although it's a beast and in reality, I probably couldn't lift it) on my way out the back windows to safety..

The great thing about the Precor is that they have a patent on the elliptical motion. No other brand can mimic or copy it. And it's the best motion overall for your joints in terms of "no" impact.

That said, 25+ years of running on it daily has taken it's toll on me and that, coupled with being 25+ lbs overweight last year torked my legs to the point I wound up in PT 3X / week for roughly 8 weeks late last/early this year.

First thing PT guy said to me (after admitting he was pretty impressed with the 45 minutes per day for 25+ years) was - "you need to do some cross-training. Don't run that long every single day on it. Your muscles need time in-between to rebuild".

So, even though it was a hard habit to break..I now mountain-bike, roller-blade, hike, walk or do "spin"-like (Kaiser) cardio on in-between days..

Enjoy..the Precor is probably one of "the" best pieces of cardio equipment you can own. I expect mine will outlast me. They're insanely expensive ($4K+) to buy new (which is what I did, back pre-ER when I was actually making real money with regular W-2 paychecks), but IMHO worth every single penny and you'll avoid having to buy umpteen different machines that you ultimately burn out only to eventually wind up buying a quality machine like the Precor ANYWAY..(ask me how I know..been there..done that..I can't tell you how many cardio machines I bought, burned out and ultimately pitched..)
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Yes music is a must

Be careful, don't get behind it when it doesn't know you're there --they kick! :)

Precor --that seems to be a good brand That's the brand my gym uses, and they seem pretty durable and easy to use. I'm nearly 57 and have been doing cardio on one for 6 or 7 years now. I like how easy they are on the knees. Also, standing up during cardio is a good variation from biking, maybe better for the back in the long run. Don't know about you, but I need some music to get me going on the thing, otherwise it can get rather boring.

You could start out by doing a 5 minute warm up at a level that feels really easy, trying for maybe around 100-120 strides/minute. Then bump up a level or two for 10 or 15 minutes, then back down for a 5 minute cool off. Read up on target heart rates and see where your workouts put you, then adjust as necessary. (I'm assuming your model has a heart-rate monitor.)

Does yours have the handles that you push and pull on for upper body exercise, or is it a leg-only version?

I highly recommend an upbeat music similar to Michael Jackson "Staying Alive" for example. It is easier to keep the rhythm up.

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