LastPass or 1Password


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 18, 2007
I’ve been a long time user of LastPass and for the most part, it’s worked well for me. However, the UI is a little clunky at times and sometimes there are issues with auto full.

I’m about to help DD get setup with a password manager. I’ve also heard good things about 1Password, so I’m thinking if I should change or stick with LastPass.

I know there are users of both here, so it’d be great to get first hand accounts, especially if you’ve used both.

Thanks in advance for any opinions.
I've been happy with 1Password for about 12 years, and I have over 1,000 items in it.
Extremely useful, good customer support, and some powerful features.
I've been happy with 1Password for about 12 years, and I have over 1,000 items in it.
Extremely useful, good customer support, and some powerful features.

How many devices do you use? How much does it cost annually?
I've been using LastPass for about 5 years now, and our IT department uses it, too, which is encouraging. So do a few of my friends in IT/programming. Before that, I paid for Password Tracker Deluxe, a shareware program with no online component, so I'd export and import my passwords across devices.
I just use Safari browser to store passwords. It is protected by my computer password and is automatically transferred to my iphone. My phone apps just ask for my fingerprint and login too.
I used a service like this before but had issues trying to use it across multiple devices. Have they made some strides in this regard? I would like to use something like this but have been resistant. Currently I use a "system" of passwords that are similar so I can remember them but different enough to make them dissimilar to all the others. I also use 2FA if made available and have recently started using a physical security key for Google/Dropbox/Etc. Does that interface well with these password websites?
I used a service like this before but had issues trying to use it across multiple devices. Have they made some strides in this regard? I would like to use something like this but have been resistant. Currently I use a "system" of passwords that are similar so I can remember them but different enough to make them dissimilar to all the others. I also use 2FA if made available and have recently started using a physical security key for Google/Dropbox/Etc. Does that interface well with these password websites?

I find LastPass really easy to use on any device; part of why I moved to it from my offline password tracker is because I needed something that worked on mobile devices. The only drawback I find is that if I log in on my phone, I get logged out on my computer, but that may be a security setting that I enabled. (I keep the security settings quite high, which is less convenient in daily use, but MUCH more convenient than having my identity or accounts compromised!)
I find LastPass really easy to use on any device; part of why I moved to it from my offline password tracker is because I needed something that worked on mobile devices. The only drawback I find is that if I log in on my phone, I get logged out on my computer, but that may be a security setting that I enabled. (I keep the security settings quite high, which is less convenient in daily use, but MUCH more convenient than having my identity or accounts compromised!)

Without getting too in the weeds, is it fairly easy to import passwords that exist or do you have to manually put them in?
I use LastPass. I used to use Dashlane for a while, until they added a bunch of features I either don't use, or use other products for, and jacked up the price because of all the stuff I didn't need.
I prefer using a free password manager with on online component but instead saved locally as an encrypted file. Probably not as universal for all my devices but free and more in my control.
I’ve been using 1Password for several years and have been happy with it. Recent updates make it even easier to use.
I just use Safari browser to store passwords. It is protected by my computer password and is automatically transferred to my iphone. My phone apps just ask for my fingerprint and login too.

The problem with this approach is you can’t store additional data. A lot of websites have security questions, PIN #s for credit unfreeze, etc, that I can store in the LastPass entry for that site.

I’m assuming that 1Password has something similar?
I’ve been a long time user of LastPass and for the most part, it’s worked well for me. However, the UI is a little clunky at times and sometimes there are issues with auto full.

I’m about to help DD get setup with a password manager. I’ve also heard good things about 1Password, so I’m thinking if I should change or stick with LastPass.

I know there are users of both here, so it’d be great to get first hand accounts, especially if you’ve used both.

Thanks in advance for any opinions.

Same here. Been a lastpass user for a couple of years. And, yep, the interface can be clunky. And I have one website that won't autofill (my bank!) and I've filed a bug report. Other than that, it gets the job done and I don't see anything that would make me want to go through the hassle of a switch.
Without getting too in the weeds, is it fairly easy to import passwords that exist or do you have to manually put them in?

Without getting too in the weeds, yes and no. :) You can import/export in LP, and it can import from many other formats or from a CSV file. If you want to tell me the program (either here or in PM, if you prefer), I'd be happy to check if it's on the Source list I get when I go to "Import".
I have LastPass premium. If you go one step higher, it's called family. This let's you share important passwords etc.
Even with just premium, you can share out to a free version.
One thing I have not figured out is how to save and use a PIN. Minor inconvenience.
So I use on a pixel, nexus, and several browsers on a PC.

Son had me switch from 1password because it had become too Mac centric. He works in a large software company, so I just say yes and move on.

It is clunky, but so am I.
We needed to change to a new password manager and my wife is super paranoid so she picked the one we use. It's called Sticky Password and it is web based.

We really like it and bought a lifetime membership. That included a little $$ donated to save the manatees. (No, not me in a swimsuit. The ones in Florida.)
Without getting too in the weeds, yes and no. :) You can import/export in LP, and it can import from many other formats or from a CSV file. If you want to tell me the program (either here or in PM, if you prefer), I'd be happy to check if it's on the Source list I get when I go to "Import".

Thanks. I will take a gander at the different options in the next couple of days and see what might work. I recently downloaded Bitdefender for my desktop computer and it about killed the old Commodore VIC 20 was faster than my fairly new machine was. I also had a similar issue when I installed Dashlane a few years ago. I love the technology, but I don't like it when it mimics bloatware.
I’ve been a long time user of LastPass and for the most part, it’s worked well for me. However, the UI is a little clunky at times and sometimes there are issues with auto full.

I’m about to help DD get setup with a password manager. I’ve also heard good things about 1Password, so I’m thinking if I should change or stick with LastPass.

I know there are users of both here, so it’d be great to get first hand accounts, especially if you’ve used both.

Thanks in advance for any opinions.

i'm a Roboform Everywhere user. like it a lot.
I use LastPass and haven't tried 1password. I have considered trying paid Dashlane. I would like to be able to share with DH so thinking either to do LastPass Family or Dashlane premium. But cost money.... Free LastPass is mostly OK although it is a little finicky at times.
I just set myself up with a new password management system within the last year. Did a bunch of research and ultimately decided on KeePass + dropbox. seemed the most secure, and it's working great for me. I don't recall my complaint exactly about LastPass, but I think it was something along the lines of it transmitting and storing the passwords plaintext somewhere, whereas with keepass the passwords are encrypted everywhere except when I decrypt and view them on my device.
I just set myself up with a new password management system within the last year. Did a bunch of research and ultimately decided on KeePass + dropbox. seemed the most secure, and it's working great for me. I don't recall my complaint exactly about LastPass, but I think it was something along the lines of it transmitting and storing the passwords plaintext somewhere, whereas with keepass the passwords are encrypted everywhere except when I decrypt and view them on my device.
Lastpass problem was with the app version (majority are not using that), and patched.
Since the article was dated 2-20-19, I suppose there could be another vuln out there with LastPass.
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