Coronavirus Will Change The World Permanently. Here’s How.

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MOD NOTE: How about if we knock off the diet evangelism and stick to the thread topic?
Reading some other posts, I've got one: Food insecurity.

Over the years I've come to depend on always being able to swing by the grocery store for anything I needed. I joked that since they put one in less than a mile from my house, I use it as my pantry, rather than keeping anything "in stock" as I would when I was poor and did my shopping only once every two weeks.

I'm pretty sure I'll never be without a few weeks' supply of the basics again. Meat, vegetables, cheese and plenty of dry goods and canned goods. Not to mention toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, soap, toothpaste, etc.

I'm guessing a lot of people will think this way. Think of those you know who lived through the Great Depression.
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

― Yogi Berra


heh heh heh - one of my favs. I donated his book along with with 'other stuff' to Hurricane Katrina. Our subsequent future was not well predicted either. If pushed I will pontificate. ;)
Reading some other posts, I've got one: Food insecurity.

Over the years I've come to depend on always being able to swing by the grocery store for anything I needed. I joked that since they put one in less than a mile from my house, I use it as my pantry, rather than keeping anything "in stock" as I would when I was poor and did my shopping only once every two weeks.

I'm pretty sure I'll never be without a few weeks' supply of the basics again. Meat, vegetables, cheese and plenty of dry goods and canned goods. Not to mention toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, soap, toothpaste, etc.

I'm guessing a lot of people will think this way. Think of those you know who lived through the Great Depression.
there are other reasons to have at least a week's worth of groceries on hand. severe weather...hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc. that do not directly but indirectly affect name a few.
Two things that may come about due to this virus crisis:

Universal basic income may become a real thing.

Also cash will not be used as much, because it’s dirty!
the cash-less society has been talked about, predicted and wished for for, well, for years. it may day but not anytime soon. as for the other...i certainly hope not. we have enough lazy people as it is.
This will pass but I expect many people (those with survival instincts) will change their behavior. Looking at what's going on in China, Singapore, and South Korea, it's going to some take time to return to normal. Airlines, hotels, and restaurants will have to step up their cleaning procedures and start screening for people with elevated temperature. If there every was a time to be retired, debt free, and financially independent, it's now.

+1. Amen!
Universal basic income may become a real thing.
That's one way to think about the stimulus money or is it recovery rebate checks?

$1200 a year Universal Basic Income.
Two things that may come about due to this virus crisis:

Universal basic income may become a real thing.

Also cash will not be used as much, because it’s dirty!

And both will become considerably less valuable than today.
I expect companies who completely rely on China for their manufacturing will diversify after this.
I expect companies who completely rely on China for their manufacturing will diversify after this.
Obviously that would’ve helped during this pandemic episode, and I hope you’re right on some products. But Americans will have to accept paying a premium for this. A majority wouldn’t pay ANY premium over the past 30 years, we’ll see if this changes minds. I doubt it, at least long term...
It may have been discussed elsewhere and I missed it but something the world did in olden times in times of illness was to quarantine people for some time after they arrived at places. I think old ellis island help people like 2 weeks around the time of ww1.

I was listening to ted talks last night and one author/researcher was saying the virologists check certain areas of the world for changing patterns and behavior of infections. Areas where human expansion is making animal populations and humans intersect more rapidly causing contact and disease passing both directions. Supposedly there are 60+(90? anyhow a lot) threatening at any time. (person did not state references but seemed both knowledgeable, credible and balanced )

I mean it would be wonderful if there was an everything vaccination and you could detect any new infection with a tricorder and make on the spot vaccines with a device that was as simple to use as an easy bake oven.

I'm just going to suggest that maybe world travel and things like the European Union where people from vast areas can travel without restrictions may have occurred too quickly before our medical tech was ready. Maybe like in any other human struggle this will lead to all sorts of medical advances like say making each hospital ventilator capable of supporting many in a pinch and not just one. Maybe virus grade masks that are intended to be worn and recycled for reuse the same day so each dr needs 5 a day and not 50.
Reading some other posts, I've got one: Food insecurity.

Over the years I've come to depend on always being able to swing by the grocery store for anything I needed. I joked that since they put one in less than a mile from my house, I use it as my pantry, rather than keeping anything "in stock" as I would when I was poor and did my shopping only once every two weeks.

I'm pretty sure I'll never be without a few weeks' supply of the basics again. Meat, vegetables, cheese and plenty of dry goods and canned goods. Not to mention toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, soap, toothpaste, etc.

I'm guessing a lot of people will think this way. Think of those you know who lived through the Great Depression.

Has your current food supply been cut off?
We have more open shelves in grocery stores, but there has been plenty of food in grocery stores, and I can't think of an essential that has been missing. One day I couldn't get sour cream but my wife got it next trip out.

If I had a large amount of food in reserves, I have not reached the point in which I'd be tapping into them yet.
I mean it would be wonderful if there was an everything vaccination and you could detect any new infection with a tricorder and make on the spot vaccines with a device that was as simple to use as an easy bake oven.

Good one. I seem to remember reading about a proposed virus detection system during the Anthrax scare. It would suck in ambient air on the street corner, and do a quick analysis of any viral DNA it found (or something like that. I don't recall the details.)

I wonder if there was ever any progress on that, or if not, whether it'll be looked at again now.
I mean it would be wonderful if there was an everything vaccination and you could detect any new infection with a tricorder and make on the spot vaccines with a device that was as simple to use as an easy bake oven.

Just had a call from the Genii - he says that one's a no-go at present, but you still have two wishes left......
I suspect more people will keep at least a few weeks supply of non perishable food in the house. And, I hope our government at all levels will take a good look at emergency preparedness. This is a wake-up call. Hopefully, our elected leaders will stop feuding with each other and start thinking of the people they represent.

And, I hope that our state and local governments will stress test their services. While Congress was quick to pass a relief bill for people who are suddenly out of work thanks to government fiat, the agencies that are supposed to get that relief to them can't do the job on a timely basis. Imagine if the sheriff ordered the local posse to mount up and go after the bank robbers and they said "Fine. But, first we need to go out and buy horses, saddles, guns and ammunition."
I think it would be good if the government invests in infrastructure to better suit future occurrences of this.

They could mandate all hospitals have X amount of emergency beds.
All hospitals must have a 6 week / 6 month supply of emergency protective gear and masks.
One out of every X number of beds must have a ventilator.

Chances are another 20 years could go by but that would all be good action to take.
Regarding food supply, if anything I think this has proven that there is not much of a need to stockpile food. Our supply chain has proven to withstand this very well except for toilet paper and select foods on a short term.

Should this occur again soon, you would think people would know better than to go into the panic buying they did.

We didn't stock pile, we didn't panic buy, and our family of 5 has probably eaten better than prior to this.
I believe that by far the worse is yet to come for NA. Anyone who has been reading about what has transpired in Europe will understand that all this nonsense about NA not being hit, or not being hit as hard was foolish and very dangerous.

I fear that we will be paying a heavy price for not acting sooner. All the finger pointing and blustering in the world will not make up for our lack of understanding or preparation.
This situation reminds me of the Civil Defense bomb shelter preparedness of decades ago when the U.S. was scared into thinking a nuclear war was going to happen. I was a young boy then, but remember people building underground shelters.
"Politico Magazine surveyed more than 30 smart, macro thinkers this week ... " They first tried to survey thinkers with longstanding records of making accurate predictions, but that room was empty.

Speculation about the future is great fun, but that's what it is ... speculation.

My speculation is that the world will do what we have always done, gear up to fight the last war. Maginot line, any one?
Regarding stockpiling is it even possible NOT to have enough food on hand for 2 - 3 weeks? I completely understand shopping a couple times a week for fresh stuff but other than that doesn't everyone have canned goods, flour, rice, pasta, and a bunch of other non-perishable staples? Plus maybe some stuff in the freezer? You might get a little bored with your meals but you won't starve.
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