What was your happiest moment today?

Saw the first cicada today. This is the 17-year brood, but a few are coming out a year early. Next year the bulk of them will emerge and the racket will be tremendous.
This covers a range of days... last week, for the first time ever, I played a full round of golf every day, Monday through Friday. I walked every round. After playing and returning home, each day, I did not feel tired at all. I felt quite energized, and ended up tackling and completing some outdoor painting projects.
Received a text from a former co-worker. She was the person who convinced me to join a lawsuit against Megacorp. Her concern about any settlement was she wasn't highly compensated during her Megacorp years and many of the participants were.

She received a six figure settlement offer this morning. She didn't think she had lost nearly that much. Some of the award was from the loss of the assets since 2016.

I am very happy for her, she's thinking she might be able to retire because of the settlement. I know I had a six figure loss and an happily waiting for an offer on funds I had written off.
Received a text from a former co-worker. She was the person who convinced me to join a lawsuit against Megacorp. Her concern about any settlement was she wasn't highly compensated during her Megacorp years and many of the participants were.

She received a six figure settlement offer this morning. She didn't think she had lost nearly that much. Some of the award was from the loss of the assets since 2016.

I am very happy for her, she's thinking she might be able to retire because of the settlement. I know I had a six figure loss and an happily waiting for an offer on funds I had written off.

Wow...talk about having a GREAT Monday!

Happiest moment today was getting up, enjoying a relatively cool morning and walking the pups in said nice weather. I do love me some Mondays!
My happiest moment today - but it took some effort!

Today I finally convinced my DW that we should cancel the Houston Chronicle newspaper after 25 years of deliveries (well, most of them got delivered).

What finally convinced her were two fold, our deliveries had been subscribed for Wednesday and Sunday only (through my convincing effort to cut back), and now the Chronicle (on their part) eliminated the Wednesday delivery leaving us with Sunday only.

This Wednesday paper delivery elimination move by the Chronicle was going in effect UNLESS you wanted to go back to a full week delivery schedule again which we did not want to do as the paper is pretty useless most weekdays.

OK........so they (Chronicle) cut Wednesday out of the subscribed Wednesday and Sunday subscription, buy still charged us the SAME AMOUNT! Well, that was tolerable.....But yesterday was the final straw that broke DW's back (Sunday):

1. We did not get the Sunday delivery as required.:mad:

2. You can't speak to a human at the Chronicle on Sunday and must file the report of the undelivered paper online.:facepalm:

3. No re-delivery was attempted Sunday.:mad:

4. This morning (Monday), the Sunday "re-delivered" paper was thrown on our lawn (not the driveway) into the grass when the sprinklers were running at 6:00 AM, resulting in a soaked paper. :mad:

5. I sat on hold to speak with an agent for the better part of an hour to cancel the service. :(

My happiest moment today was that I finally got rid of the Houston Chronicle and DW is not peeved with me!! :):)
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Today I finally convinced my DW that we should cancel the Houston Chronicle newspaper after 25 years of deliveries (well, most of them got delivered).

Similar story here. After 40 years of getting the local rag delivered, we finally got fed up with the service (and the price) and switched to reading it on the iPad. We get the exact same newspaper, page for page, as a pdf, and the subscription ($10/month) can be shared. So DW and I each have our own copy on our own iPad. I still think it's a lousy newspaper, but it's the only way to sort of keep up with what's going on locally. Your paper probably offers the same option, so you might look into it.
Congrats Aja!

The Chronicle has been a pretty worthless rag for years. Having it soaked in your sprinklers wasn’t really much of a loss.

I’ve been trying to convince my parents to cancel it for years. But old habits die hard. Funny thing is, my dad gripes just about everything he reads in it. But I guess it’s something for him to do.
Woke up this morning and took a walk around the lake. Nice and cool here in the Pacific Northwest. 76 today. Just about perfect.
Similar story here. After 40 years of getting the local rag delivered, we finally got fed up with the service (and the price) and switched to reading it on the iPad. We get the exact same newspaper, page for page, as a pdf, and the subscription ($10/month) can be shared. So DW and I each have our own copy on our own iPad. I still think it's a lousy newspaper, but it's the only way to sort of keep up with what's going on locally. Your paper probably offers the same option, so you might look into it.

It's not a great paper and has gotten worse over the years. Most people around here call it the "liberal rag". I think DW really was just looking at Ann Landers and Dear Abby....but I am not positive of that. :D

MuirWannabe categorized it worthless too!

Local news to us is really through a free paper delivered weekly called The Villager. Other news you can get from TV is more timely.
It's not a great paper and has gotten worse over the years. Most people around here call it the "liberal rag".
I guess that is the reason I like it. :dance: especially like the political cartoons.

I always considered Chronicle as the Conservative rag and Space City! as the liberal one in the old days.

Although I live in the Austin area now I have fond memories of "Montrose" in the late 60's and early 70's and still like to keep up with what's happening in "H town" so I get the digital version.
Similar story here. After 40 years of getting the local rag delivered, we finally got fed up with the service (and the price) and switched to reading it on the iPad. We get the exact same newspaper, page for page, as a pdf, and the subscription ($10/month) can be shared. So DW and I each have our own copy on our own iPad. I still think it's a lousy newspaper, but it's the only way to sort of keep up with what's going on locally. Your paper probably offers the same option, so you might look into it.

I use this cool android app called feedmesh. I just searched the app, and sure enough Houston Chronicle RSS feed is in there. It's a way better way to read the news, more like a newpaper without ads IMHO. I just browsed around a bit looks good to go.
My happiest moment today was finishing my walk/run, for two reasons: 1) Prior to the run I weighed in at my lowest weight since beginning this effort, 28 pounds off my starting weight (four more pounds to hit my goal weight), and 2) it was an enjoyable 80-minute run which I'm sure helped keep the trend going. :)
I helped my two sons move into their apartment. And when we finished the texted me saying they loved and appreciated me. ����
Never get tired of hearing that.
I helped my two sons move into their apartment. And when we finished the texted me saying they loved and appreciated me. ����
Never get tired of hearing that.

This made me smile! You raised some good sons. :smitten:
My happiest moment today occurred during a staff meeting. Words I never expected to say in my lifetime! :D

We had our monthly zoom staff meeting, and our company president announced that we would continue working remotely through at least 12/31/20. We have been working remotely since mid-March, and every month or so they would extend it by another few weeks. Fortunately I work for medical professionals, who are carefully watching the Covid numbers in our area.

With the recent release of the "back to school" (or not) plans in the surrounding counties, they realized that half of the employees would have to keep working remotely in any event, because they have to be home with the kids when they are not in school. All of the schools in the surrounding counties are starting with varying "online only" schedules for now.

I've posted before that I made up my mind back in April that I would not return to the office even if it opened up, and if necessary I would just retire a few weeks/months earlier than planned.

But now we are officially WFH until my actual retirement date of 12/31/20, so I don't have to face that conversation. I will get every penny of the pension I planned on. And as an added bonus, I never again have to see/deal with certain unmentionable cow-workers.

This is me upon hearing the news: :dance::dance:
Congrats, Calico! Love it when a plan comes together!

I’m sure this was a simple typo, but it made me laugh out loud. ;)

And as an added bonus, I never again have to see/deal with certain unmentionable cow-workers.
Congrats, Calico! Love it when a plan comes together!

I’m sure this was a simple typo, but it made me laugh out loud. ;)


Actually that isn't a typo. :D

I learned that very descriptive phrase here on ER.org years ago, and believe me sometimes it just suits! :cool:
Picked some blueberries, now enjoying coffee on the sunny deck with a cool breeze this morning, reading the forum.
What a perfect retirement moment :)

No blueberries at all so far, but tons of raspberries. So nice to be able to pick ripe berries :flowers:
Bad news - I'm getting old.
Silver lining - I'm one month away from the start of my tiny, tiny pension. (Hey, any amount of $ is better than a kick in the butt! :dance:)
A couple of days late, but had the first tee time of the day, played nine holes alone and shot a 39 in 55 minutes.
Yesterday DW and I scheduled the August bills. For the first time since graduated from college and starting working, no rent or mortgage payment! :dance::dance::dance:
The first of several upcoming income streams hit our banking account this morning. Two modest pensions, but the sum total adds up to several nice extra vacations a year. When we can get back to taking them, of course. :blush:
I woke up holding my sweet wife this morning. Always feel blessed to do that. Retired at 55, April 2019.
Coffee on the deck, much cooler this morning after a week of 90-100 degrees, when we didn't cool down during the night.
Library book hold pick up today, waited two weeks for a new stack of books to read! Have to drive by and do curbside pick up, but at least the library check out is available again :)
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