Your Opinion on a Neighbor Issues

Street, you can use one problem to fix the other, in a roundabout way. Motion lights don't deter cats, but motion sprinklers do!
Figure out the travel pattern and set out the sprinkler. If you want some entertaining images, use the motion light and a game camera. :)
The cats will pick another yard.
On the sprinklers, I would talk to him and see if you could jointly adjust the direction of the sprinklers to something that is mutually agreeable. If he refuses then ask a lawyer to send him a cease and desist letter.... or take a sledge hammer and adjust his sprinklers so they no longer sprinkle your property.

On the cats, see if you can find a motion detection sprinkler that sprinkles the cats when they enter your wife's garden.
1#>>I have a neighbor that has underground sprinklers and the water hits my house and windows on the bedroom side of the home.

1. Install sprinkler aimed at his house. Turn it on every time his sprinkler comes your way.

2. Install a tall barrier to block the spray. Preferably something unsightly, plywood with graffiti on it or something. Agree to take it down when the sprinkler is adjusted. You're just protecting your building after all.

3. Buy a water key from the box store. When the sprinkler hits your house, turn off his water at the street.

2#>>I also have a neighbor that has up to 3 cats and they poop in my garden, wife flower pots, in the yard. It has been going on for many years and I just clean it up.

There's no way to know for certain which cat the poop belongs too. The neighbor may have cats, but anyone else within a few blocks may have cats too. Or they may just be feral cats roaming the neighborhood.

If it's a nuisance, call animal control.

Maybe install one of those motion activated sprinklers. They're made for deer, but would probably work for cats also.

On that thought, put it on the property line facing the neighbor with the wayward sprinkler. Every time he walks by he would get sprayed. :)
When we had cats they were inside/outside always. We had dogs too and a pet door so all could come and go at will. The fence keeps the dogs in but the cats scale it with ease.

All were neutered so not that problem. I dunno. Other than discouraging the cats (go elsewhere) not much you can do.
Idea for the cat: I bought a bag of hot chili peppers at an Asian grocery store for ridiculously cheap. Like a large bag of Bird's Eye chili peppers for a few bucks. Grind up a few handfuls, and scatter in their preferred pooping zone. Repeat as necessary.
I won't offer any solutions, but I can tell you that you are far more patient than I am.

They are fortunate you are only throwing bowel movements over the fence as your only response. More aggressive measures are called for.
I wonder if black pepper would work.... easier to find and no need to grind.
Idea for the cat: I bought a bag of hot chili peppers at an Asian grocery store for ridiculously cheap. Like a large bag of Bird's Eye chili peppers for a few bucks. Grind up a few handfuls, and scatter in their preferred pooping zone. Repeat as necessary.
Idea for the cat: I bought a bag of hot chili peppers at an Asian grocery store for ridiculously cheap. Like a large bag of Bird's Eye chili peppers for a few bucks. Grind up a few handfuls, and scatter in their preferred pooping zone. Repeat as necessary.

+1. There are various repellents for cats (and other critters) that one can apply to the areas you want the cats to keep away from. For example, a quick search came up with this (one of many) article:

Whether you want to keep your cat out of dangerous plants or wires, or you’re hoping to deter feral ones marking your flower beds, there’s a cat repellent for every situation. From ultrasonic deterrents to motion-activated sensors to cat-safe bitter sprays, there are tons of options.
But, as has been mentioned, there is a balance. cats do keep the mice away, We noticed that around our property.
The water thing is tougher. The best you can is have a more detailed, friendly talk with your neighbor (perhaps bringing over his favorite beverage to start) to see if a mutual solution can be developed. If that does not work, I am the type who would come up with some type of "barrier" stronger (and perhaps much uglier) than hedges to try to block the water as much as possible.
+1. There are various repellents for cats (and other critters) that one can apply to the areas you want the cats to keep away from.

I've found those to have very variable results.


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I would like your opinion of a few minor neighbor issues. Living in town is a pain for me but my wife is a town type person.

1#>>I have a neighbor that has underground sprinklers and the water hits my house and windows on the bedroom side of the home. If there is a breeze the wind carriers it and mists more then sprays. I have talked to him many times and he understands, he gets and he says he cares, but nothing changes and has continued for years. What would you do:confused:

2#>>I also have a neighbor that has up to 3 cats and they poop in my garden, wife flower pots, in the yard. It has been going on for many years and I just clean it up. I haven't talked to them about it. What I have been doing is picking it up and throwing it over the fence on his property. I know it isn't right either but if I have to clean up everyday they can too.

Please let me know if I'm out of line and what would you do or thin of me doing what I have done with throwing to poop our the fence. By the way it is there cats I set up cameras and there is no questions about identity.

Any suggestions on the sprinkler issue would be very helpful also. I also would say these are good people and are responsible in the community but lack for others property the way it seems.

Ugh. Town living can be tiresome. I live in an HOA, so I've got my own issues with them, but at least I've got space between my neighbors.

You've always got to balance the benefit vs the possible headache that starting a battle with your neighbors is worth. A feud with a neighbor can be WAY more stressful than the initial complaint.

The constant water being sprayed on your house could cause damage over time, so this would be something that I would address immediately. I would probably talk to your neighbor and tell a little fib. Tell him that you had a home inspector come by for something unrelated and that he/she noticed some early signs of water damage where the sprinkler is spraying, and that the inspector advised if it continues it will need extensive renovation, paid for by your neighbor's homeowners insurance policy. Be friendly about it, and let him know as a 'heads up' so that his insurance doesn't have to pay up. Just an idea.

As far as the pooping cat. People who have no consideration of others in regard to their animals really ticks me off. I don't like cleaning up my own dog's poop, let alone from an animal I don't own. I think it at least deserves a discussion with the neighbor about it. Maybe they are unaware (though probably not since you toss it back to them). Maybe they truly don't understand it would bother someone. Some people can be quite thick.

I would tread lightly for both of them though. Unless you love drama, a neighbor feud can be quite stressful.
Thanks for your great ideas and will adopt some of them and see what happens. The cat people seem to be catching the drift of cat poop thou.
My opinion and what I see in my neighborhood, you are good with throwing it back over, I would continue that, but I would not escalate, unless you are planning to move out of the city.
He probably doesn't know how to adjust his sprinklers. Do you? I would ask him if I could adjust them for him. If you don't, then hire an irrigation guy to come out and adjust them. The cost for this in my area is $85 to come out. Generally they will adjust a good sprinkler for nothing extra. You could tell the sprinkler guy you're not paying to fix or replace, just adjust.

As for the cats, well, that's what they do. (I am not a fan of letting cats outside, but sometimes the cat makes that decision despite all you do).

They usually bury their little droppings (unlike a dog, which will do all it can to ensure you step in it so you know who's boss around here), but sometimes two rival males will "display" their production. It is all about territory to them.

As others have noted, an outdoor cat has some benefits, even if you're not like me and just like to see cats around. One of the biggest is that they will clean the moles out of everybody's lawn. If you don't have mole tunnels, chances are it's because of your guardian felines.

I'm surprised at Walt's solution, which is cruel not just to the cats, but to their owners, who will have no idea where their pets went. If you want resentful neighbors, saunter over and inform them that because of a few pieces of cat poop, their pets are now at the pound.

The cat gay seems to be realizing that I'm throw his cat poop over the fence thou. It has gotten better but will continue to throw it over and maybe that farm cat needs to be on a farm.

The sprinkler dude always say he get it and I understand, but nothing changes like turning down the distance on those couple of heads and when he waters. Evenings there is seldom a breeze and that area he could sprinkle in the evenings. He says he cares but nothing changes. Lol

I really don't care for town living but it is what it is.
Well, I really like cats, so I would probably put food out for them, to encourage them to spend even more time in my yard. I know that is not the advice you are looking for :LOL:
Can’t you just offer to adjust or repair the sprinkler to limit it’s throw? Usually a trivial adjustment.

Otherwise hedges or a fence might work.

For the cat... just leave well enough alone. If you really feel strongly, get a motion activated sprinkler, as cats hate water. Keep the pressure light, and the cat will get the message.
I used to let my cats out to roam. But the first thing they did after a long outing was to run to their bathroom and do their thing. They never seemed to realize that they could do it outside...

Motion-sensing sprinklers sounds like a good idea. I'm sure my cats wouldn't want to go near them.
Potential cat deterrents:
Smells they don't like: citrus peels/spray, vinegar (maybe small pans close to the area they go), coffee grounds. Lavender, lemon thyme, coleus are smells they don't like--maybe plant those?
a bit more work: bury chicken wire shallowly,--they don't like the feel when they dig. Although you said they are just pooping on top of rocks, so sounds like they don't dig already. Other prickly ideas: pine cones or prickly yard trimmings, plastic fencing or mesh on top of soil
Purchase cat repellant and spray around your yard.
Well, I really like cats, so I would probably put food out for them, to encourage them to spend even more time in my yard. I know that is not the advice you are looking for :LOL:

You must be a huge cat lover! :) Not sure if I would feed them because my indoor cats tend to go crazy when other cats show up in front of our glass door and stare at them, but I do enjoy watching neighbourhood cats walk by in the garden. I'm not finding any poop in the yard though...
They probably do dig - but cats are usually quite neat about burying their scat.

Leaving it on top of rocks is territorial dominance behavior. "I Was Here! This is My Spot!"

Although you said they are just pooping on top of rocks, so sounds like they don't dig already. .
Great idea. Cats not only hate to be sprayed with cold water; they have good memories. Only a very dumb cat (these do exist :LOL:) will keep coming back for more.

Can’t you just offer to adjust or repair the sprinkler to limit it’s throw? Usually a trivial adjustment.

Otherwise hedges or a fence might work.

For the cat... just leave well enough alone. If you really feel strongly, get a motion activated sprinkler, as cats hate water. Keep the pressure light, and the cat will get the message.
You must be a huge cat lover! :) Not sure if I would feed them because my indoor cats tend to go crazy when other cats show up in front of our glass door and stare at them, but I do enjoy watching neighbourhood cats walk by in the garden. I'm not finding any poop in the yard though...

That's a good point. I currently have just the one (indoor) cat. I don't think she's too bothered by seeing other cats outside. However, if she was, I'd take humane steps to discourage them - many good ones have been mentioned in this thread. My kitty is my #1 priority, and there are kind ways to keep other cats away. Some folk seem to think it's OK to take extreme and cruel measures to keep cats away. I have no tolerance for that line of thinking, and no time for those types of people.
Not sure whether some fox urine might dissuade the cats. On the sprinkler, if he keeps failing to take action I'd be tempted to adjust the problem heads for him or maybe place a flower pot over the heads until he gets the message.
Got home late this afternoon and I believe the sprinkler guy had someone work on the one head. I was a different head that was very low to the grass, and was a huge improvement. I know someone did something there any way.

I like cats and gave no problem with them or in the yard except for the poop. That actually has improved also in the last week. I never had to clean one thing so far this week.

So, maybe my continuous giving back my neighbors cat poop has helped, and the sprinkler guy does care the way it looks. Any way so far.

Can't stop it all but I think they are actually wanting to help take care of the issues.
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