Introvert Extrovert

I am a bit surprised at all the members who identify as introvert. Guess we won’t be doing a meet up soon. :LOL:
Introvert here. When Covid hit and everyone(well, not everyone) was isolating it was same 'ol same 'ol for me. I have no problem staying in the house for days at a time by myself. I don't have any close friends and have gone over a year at times without seeing any acquaintances. I avoid crowds even if there will be people I know.
I'd be surprised if you all didn't already know that I'm an introvert. For example I haven't even had a (real life) conversation with anyone except Frank, since I saw my doctor back in March. I buy things on Amazon or else Frank offers to help with that.

Much of my career was as a research scientist doing data oriented geophysical numerical modeling. If you choose right, you can do these things without much interaction with other people. You can be the stereotypical numbers cruncher in the back room that nobody sees. This worked best for me in academia, but I discovered that a government job would provide more retirement benefits so I took one; but this also meant more responsibilities.

In government I got to the point where my advancement hinged on becoming a "leader", in charge of large international meetings, flying all over the country every month or two to attend other people's meetings, assigning tasks to subordinates, and other hideous stuff like that. I discovered that I could fake being extraverted pretty well so that's how I handled it. Never liked doing that but hey, you do what you have to in order to retire early and a big friendly looking pseudo-smile can cover up a lot. And now I'm retired. :D
Introvert who can fake extrovert well. Getting more introverted every day.

As many of you may know, I walk my dog on the beach most mornings. Pre pandemic there was a group of 2-5 of us who walked together. Then the pandemic and we started walking separately. Post pandemic some of the ladies started walking together again and I didn't. I can't up with excuses like I wanted to do the stairs for more exercise... Most mornings, I put in my ear buds and watch the surfers and pelicans while I walk. I still talk to my friends at the beach, but I strongly prefer my 2-3 mile walk to be solo with chats at the beginning and end with the beach gang.

If I didn't go to the beach I wouldn't see people outside my family for long stretches. But I'm on a first name basis with the head librarian, lol
I prefer to maintain an optimized balance of each emphasizing one or the other as appropriate for the mission at hand.
Another introvert here. Which is a consideration for a potential move into a CCRC (I'm reading Harllee's CCRC thread).
I am a bit surprised at all the members who identify as introvert. Guess we won’t be doing a meet up soon. :LOL:

There have been many threads and multiple polls over the years in the forum about this issue, and without exception they have revealed a high preponderence of introverts in the responses of those who participated in the threads and/or polls.

I am an extreme INTJ; this is my motto.


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When young I was definitely an extrovert and got my energy from being around people. I never needed time alone to recharge. I frequently would have parties with 30 people. Since I have gotten older people tire me out and I need time alone to recharge.

I am still very friendly and frequently talk to strangers when I am walking the dogs, etc. I see friends about 3 times a week and invite small groups of 4 friends at once for dinner so I have definitely changed.
I'm basically an introvert as I'm fine spending lots of time alone. But there's a cycle I go through where my social gene kicks in and I start feeling a little anxious and thinking, "Man, I gotta get some outside influence." So I'll get some sort of social engagement on my calendar, which relieves the anxiety and makes me feel more socially normal I guess.

But then as the date approaches, I start feeling anxious again, and also annoyed and wishing I didn't have the obligation. I really just want a clear calendar! But I soldier on, am usually glad I went through with it—even uplifted.

Years ago I came across a book, "Always at Ease," that made me think that in social situations, especially in groups, I had some unhealthy thought patterns that dampened my ability to come up with things to say. Cruising some social anxiety websites seemed to confirm the issue. I learned to manage it and enjoy group situations most of the time, but still don't crave much social interaction. Could be some subtle social anxiety still affecting me I suppose.
I guess if you take personality tests on the internet, you have to believe that the internet data is all true. And I have a problem with that belief being an engineer. :LOL:

There are certainly some reputable ones and you can learn which are which. IIRC I found an abbreviated M-B site.
I have this t-shirt.


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Introvert by the OP’s definition. I like people, but I need my quiet time to refill the tank.
Don't think it would help. My best up close vision is just taking my glasses off and holding the text close to my eyes. With that book, still a struggle.

I suppose another alternative is to invest in one of those magnifying sheets to place over each page to read. Might be worth a try depending on how much I really want to read the book.

It's available in Kindle format. If you don't own a Kindle or want to buy one, you can download a free Kindle app to your tablet or PC. Then you can control the font size.

Extroverts are like energy vampires who feed off the life blood of introverts
Introverts then have to go quiet and alone to recharge to face you psychos again

Mostly an introvert.

I force myself out of the cave for limited socialization - and then retreat for some quality alone time. :cool:
Outgoing introvert. Getting more gregarious as I age but generally content alone and absolutely need time alone to recharge. I know being social is important and I get lonely if I go to long without engaging with others so I occasionally need to "make myself" go out. Around strangers I am more actively engaging when I have a role -tour guide, bartender, tourist/traveler, etc. Most of my socializing is in groups of 4-10 but I prefer smaller engagements with people I really like.
Extrovert with introvert tendencies.

Very much like you described.

I can be extroverted and outgoing, very social, but have to "turn it on," and damn if it doesn't suck the life out of me. When I was actively working and networking I was shot by Thursday and needed the weekend to recover.

People think that socially outgoing people can't be introverts, but that isn't true. It just sucks life out of us. :LOL:
It’s been said, I think by Susan Cain in her book Quiet, that an introvert can fake being an extrovert but not vice versa. In my case, being an INTP, I find that’s true when compared to a cousin who is off the charts extrovert. Cain’s TED talk on the subject of introverts is of the most popular talks ever, I think.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day: I used to be a people person but then people ruined it.
I love that Book.
I’m border line, prefer introversion. So said my PHD psychologist cousin years ago after testing and he is absolutely right.

I’m gregarious, social, etc. But I also need a lot of alone time. I have an overactive mind and too much stimulation exhausts me.
Somewhere in the grey area on the borders of introversion and extroversion. I’ve taken the Myers-Briggs a number of times and have scored as both an ISTJ and ESTJ but barely so in each case. I think I’m probably naturally a slight introvert but one who can situationally and comfortably flip the switch to extroversion when appropriate.
I have this t-shirt.

Yes, that's great. LOL. Seems this forum is full of introverts. I have at least figured out over the years how to not be so awkward, and be comfortable talking to strangers. Sometimes. :LOL:

I would like to meet some people in my new area that are not my real estate agent, or contractor, or checker at the store, the owners of the vacation home over there, or..... what ever.

I think they are called friends, if memory serves. :angel:
Split personality - but seriously, extrovert trending towards introversion with age, maybe pandemic WFH effect of have gotten used to more alone time, maybe 35 years of mega-metropolis insanity have pushed me towards needing more space between me and most other human beings, maybe, maybe.
This is me too! I am soooo much more of an introvert now. I love alone time!
There have been many threads and multiple polls over the years in the forum about this issue, and without exception they have revealed a high preponderence of introverts in the responses of those who participated in the threads and/or polls.

In fact, in the latest poll I found, 84% of group members identified as introverts and INTJs were nearly half of the total. The introvert percentage was even higher (91%) in a previous poll.

I used to say I was a "social introvert," and in certain situations I was even mistaken for an extrovert. Especially when I was single. But now I'm coupled and older, so you can scratch the "social."

In my experience, most extroverts find introverts exasperating and have trouble understanding them. Introverts might cast a wary eye at extroverts but they understand them.

There's a retirement book that claims introverts have a much tougher time in retirement than extroverts. Clearly, the authors are extroverts. I posted about it: ER: Revenge of the Introverts
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Introvert. I should have used all caps for emphasis. Groups of more than 5-6, I run and hide .
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