Introvert Extrovert

Definitely introvert who gets away from the crowd to recharge.
I'm still searching for the true "me". :blush:

My dear departed wife always said I could talk my way out of being stuck in North Korea, but I love long road trips by myself.

So, I'm still in the "school is still out" camp.

Maybe I should have been in sales instead of engineering?:LOL:

Extroverts are like energy vampires who feed off the life blood of introverts
Introverts then have to go quiet and alone to recharge to face you psychos again

This is hilarious! :LOL:
Introvert who can be an extrovert for short periods -- as much as the situation requires -- but get exhausted very soon and need my solitude and silence. I'm the person who is always first at the party and first to leave. About 2 hours is my limit.
I'm also on the introvert side, and not coincidentally was/am an engineer. I can take some big events, but prefer less people. I tend to do more observing and less talking in social situations. I can road trip by myself just fine. Or working in my garage alone on my car projects. DW is more middle of the introvert-extrovert scale.

On the Meyers Briggs I come out as INTJ, although I joke and say I am a DGAS (don't give a s#!t)
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It’s been said, I think by Susan Cain in her book Quiet, that an introvert can fake being an extrovert but not vice versa. In my case, being an INTP, I find that’s true when compared to a cousin who is off the charts extrovert. Cain’s TED talk on the subject of introverts is of the most popular talks ever, I think.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day: I used to be a people person but then people ruined it.
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Assigned to a 'team' took the Meyers Brigs at work given by a Tulane Phd prof.

Big time INTJ. Heavy on introversion and slightly over the line on J.

:confused: Way back when didn't we do some survey's showing FIRE forums a tad overweight INTJ's vs the general population?

Heh heh heh - :cool:
It’s been said, I think by Susan Cain in her book Quiet, that an introvert can fake being an extrovert but not vice versa. In my case, being an INTP, I find that’s true when compared to a cousin who is off the charts extrovert. Cain’s TED talk on the subject of introverts is of the most popular talks ever, I think.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day: I used to be a people person but then people ruined it.

She has a great TED talk. That lead me surfing youtube for other interviews and presentations she did. I went ahead and bought her book but am not able to read. The print is way too tiny gives me eyestrain trying :facepalm:. I tried the paperback which is really really tiny. Then I tried the hard copy which is still too small for my old, tired eyes. I need an audiobook version if there ever was one.
I read a definition not long ago that made sense.

Introverts energize from within.
Extroverts energize externally.

I am definitely an extrovert. Spending time with people balances me.

How about you? Does it matter? Has one way or another advanced or hindered you?

Here’s another way to say the same thing that works better for me.

Extroverts get energy when with others.
Introverts use up energy when with others.

An introvert enjoys being with people. But after a fun party on Saturday night he/she looks forward to time alone on Sunday with a good book.

The extrovert also enjoys being with people. But after attending the same party he/she wants to party again on Sunday.

I’m definitely an introvert.
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It’s been said, I think by Susan Cain in her book Quiet, that an introvert can fake being an extrovert but not vice versa.

I agree. I don’t think anyone in the world except my DH would think of me as an introvert, but I am.
An introvert enjoys being with people. But after a fun party on Saturday night he/she looks forward to time alone on Sunday with a good book.
Not sure that's always true. Some introverts are pretty anti social.


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Massive introvert here. The problem is though, that in certain situations, I present as an extrovert, which really confuses people when they try to get to know me better and I put the walls up.

I do like casual social encounters with both strangers, neighbors, and acquaintances. I also enjoy spending time with the very few people I am very close to. I love being on my own. I have a very limited supply of energy for socializing, so have to use it judiciously. I also have a rather odd lifelong aversion to almost any kind of group activity. I shun group activity like it's going out of style. Not such a terrible thing as, in school, there was never any danger of me running with the wrong crowd. Trouble is, I didn't get in with the good crowd either. I have always marched to the beat of my own, slightly peculiar, but very contented drum.
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Extroverts are like energy vampires who feed off the life blood of introverts
Introverts then have to go quiet and alone to recharge to face you psychos again

Too funny, I love this!

Introvert here, who chose a profession (RN) that is pretty extroverted, as far as interactions with others go. No place to hide when you have patients to care for, and some pretty invasive procedures to do!
Odd that my three closest friends are extreme extroverts! Although, maybe not, they talk so I don't need too- lol
It’s been said, I think by Susan Cain in her book Quiet, that an introvert can fake being an extrovert but not vice versa. In my case, being an INTP, I find that’s true when compared to a cousin who is off the charts extrovert. Cain’s TED talk on the subject of introverts is of the most popular talks ever, I think.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day: I used to be a people person but then people ruined it.

Her book was very good.
Some years ago had slogan printed on a few of my T shirts:

"I Like people in very small doses"
'nuff said.
I'm still searching for the true "me". :blush:

My dear departed wife always said I could talk my way out of being stuck in North Korea, but I love long road trips by myself.

So, I'm still in the "school is still out" camp.

Maybe I should have been in sales instead of engineering?:LOL:

Lots of tests on the Net if you wanna know what you are.
She has a great TED talk. That lead me surfing youtube for other interviews and presentations she did. I went ahead and bought her book but am not able to read. The print is way too tiny gives me eyestrain trying :facepalm:. I tried the paperback which is really really tiny. Then I tried the hard copy which is still too small for my old, tired eyes. I need an audiobook version if there ever was one.

Have you tried the cheap "readers" from the drug store or Walmart?
Too funny, I love this!

Introvert here, who chose a profession (RN) that is pretty extroverted, as far as interactions with others go. No place to hide when you have patients to care for, and some pretty invasive procedures to do!
Odd that my three closest friends are extreme extroverts! Although, maybe not, they talk so I don't need too- lol

I never had problem (as an introvert) as long as I was more or less "reading from a script." IOW when I had to meet new people as "customers" I always knew what to say so it didn't bother me. Small talk with a complete stranger was okay as well. But true interaction without a "script" was always difficult for me. YMMV
Yes, it's an energy thing. People who meet me think extrovert, but I*must* have time alone to recharge. I joke about being a capacitor that when with people 'grounds out.'. I then disappear ?

Extroverts are like energy vampires who feed off the life blood of introverts
Introverts then have to go quiet and alone to recharge to face you psychos again

My sister is an extrovert and I am happily an introvert. She used to try to "fix" me because I wasn't like her. Then she figured out that I'm quite good just as I am and that parts of her life are a failure.

It's ok, we are still quite close.
Have you tried the cheap "readers" from the drug store or Walmart?

Don't think it would help. My best up close vision is just taking my glasses off and holding the text close to my eyes. With that book, still a struggle.

I suppose another alternative is to invest in one of those magnifying sheets to place over each page to read. Might be worth a try depending on how much I really want to read the book.
Extroverts tend to wear on me. I am exhausted after being with them for about an hour. My husband is the ultra introvert. When we walk into a room full of people, his hands turn cold and clammy and his face turns pale. Same thing in the store, he can only be in a crowded store for about 15 minutes. I read him very well, and I would grab his hands and tell him to let's get out of here.
It doesn't have to be this complicated. This is who you are:

Introvert: Finally, glad I'm "FIRE'd". I don't have to deal with people anymore and just be myself.

Extrovert: Man, now that I'm "Retired", I don't know what I'm gonna do. It's so lonely.
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Lots of tests on the Net if you wanna know what you are.

I guess if you take personality tests on the internet, you have to believe that the internet data is all true. And I have a problem with that belief being an engineer. :LOL:
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