Help me to make my son know the right ways for his abs exercises


Confused about dryer sheets
Aug 7, 2008

Hi people, everyone has concerns about the well being of their child I too have some. Lately, he is getting mad to get the abs (six pack abs as they call it). I don’t think that this is something bad but the ways he is trying is a bit crazy. He believes all that is being told to him and I can’t figure out how he can get them without training the right way with the right exercises. I think that I am being a little cautious but I need you people to help me finding a good way to get the six packs he wants with some good ways.

Thanks for taking time to read this and hope that you come up with some good suggestions.
This is definitely a strange first post. Usually people search out this forum for investment advice not ab workouts.

The one thing that I do know on the topic though is that six pack abs don't come from incessant sit-ups. They come from lack of fat in the abdominal region to show muscles that everyone has to one extent or another. To lose weight in abdominal region exercise aerobically and eat a well balanced diet with a moderate amount of ab specific exercises... Not bad advice for anyone really.

I never had the six pack abs until college despite being an athlete. In college I was on the swim team and exercised ~30 hours per week.

When I see young kids with six packs I am not impressed by physique. I think that they should stop showing off and put there shirt back on unless they are by a pool or at a beach. [-]In my day[/-]
Don't eat for a month. Gandhi had a great sixpack; the only downside is becoming incredibly frail.
Usually people search out this forum for investment advice not ab workouts.

Apparently the ER forum is the new "go to place" for how to get a hunky body.
Been using a device that looks like 2 lawn mower wheels side-by-side with a long axle sticking out either side. Get on my knees, grab the axle with both hands, and streeeetch out till i'm as close to horizontal with the floor as possible, then back up to a kneeling position. Do that about 16 times. Haven't developed a six pack, but my belly doesn't stick out as far - except for the inguinal hernia that popped out. Very scary for your back too.... Maybe this is not a good idea... but i sure know i've been exercising!
Read Shawn Phillips' ABSolution if you want to know how to get a great sixpack, or The Men's Health Cover Model Workout by Owen McKibbin.
This is spam. Google shows a couple of posts to other message board over the last week with the exact text from the OP's post with different user names.

My question is: why the hell would somebody go to the trouble to spam message boards with something like this? It's not like something is being sold, and they want the .01% who will actually click their link; I don't get it.
To be fair, we did have an earlier poll that said the majority of us felt we were overweight. That makes us the perfect candidate for giving advice on ab exercises for teenagers.

Maybe there will be a follow-up post from the OP claiming to have found the ultimate solution?
Cautious…I think that you are reacting a bit too much…but even I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes …I guess! It’s important to know that exercises without a proper guidance or instructions can harm the muscles and you need to take a note on this. My brother, who is also a exercise freak…was on the same ship as your son for how to get six pack abs and later he found a great guide that not only made him have them but in a proper way that was comfortable to his physical and mental well-being. You can give it a look (try the link).
Wow, it's kabuki theatre! I will now click the link...but not really.

Two one time posters on the same thread, an amazing coincidence! :duh:
Yes, simply AMAZING!

This thread now has a prestigious 5 STAR rating as well.
Dingdingding GoodSense wins the predict-a-spammer's-next-move prize! A brand new copy of "24 hours to 6-pack abs"! Second prize to ProspectiveBum--TWO copies!

(Hint to Johann/Edger--prolong the fantasy by changing the font when you come back as a different person with a link to solve the problem)
LOL. I'm having so much fun on this forum, I can't believe it's legal (and free)!

I already have a six pack in my mid-section -- of beer, that is! :)
hhhhhhmmmmmmm...... I wonder if there are any hunky bods posting here. Maybe hunky intellects.... but except for the real surfers, I bet most are just middle aged and above, normal ( read that as as slightly overweight) adults.

All of US Could Be Overweight by 2048 - AOL News

You don't have to gain weight with age. It just depends on how you eat and exercise.

I expect that my weight in 2048 will be what ever my urn of ashes weighs...
Apparently the ER forum is the new "go to place" for how to get a hunky body.

I suspect most on the forum have a full keg hiding their six packs.

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