Urban Wildlife

Deer(rare), woodchucks, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, skunks, many birds (including 3 species of hawk), cats.

Great groundhog pics!

I have an old graying groundhog living under my deck for the past several years. Also deer, ducks, geese, fox, fish, birds, squirrels, gophers, snakes, rabbits, mice, and an occasional beaver.
Lots of whitetail deer, occasional snake, blue herons, (there's a stocked trout stream 50 yards from the back door) geese, ducks, one year several large turtles came up from the creek - these guys were a good two and three feet long. Some foxes, rabbits, groundhogs, the usual for WV.

The deer are becoming a problem with vehicle strikes. Not a week goes by that I don't see one on the side of the road.
Chipmunk news: We saw three little ones out today with a parent. This is the first chipmunk family we've seen this year. The little guys are not "babies" and appear to be about 2/3rds the size of their parents. Very cute.
More chipmunk news: a few weeks ago, a chipmunk set up camp near our strawberry bed, just outside the garden fence.
Talk about location, location, location.
Most of them stay in the woods where they belong, but this one was clearly an entrepreneur. :rolleyes:
It had dug a real nice deep hole right in the lawn area. Having the opposable thumb evolutionary advantage...I set up the humane trap with a nice juicy peanut in the shell as bait. It just couldn't resist and was caught within an hour. :LOL:
El Chipmunk's new address is now lakefront property. We transported it by car over to the woods near the local lake. I don't feel right poisoning them, so relocation :greetings10: is the next best bet.
More chipmunk news: a few weeks ago, a chipmunk set up camp near our strawberry bed, just outside the garden fence.
Talk about location, location, location.
Most of them stay in the woods where they belong, but this one was clearly an entrepreneur. :rolleyes:
It had dug a real nice deep hole right in the lawn area. Having the opposable thumb evolutionary advantage...I set up the humane trap with a nice juicy peanut in the shell as bait. It just couldn't resist and was caught within an hour. :LOL:
El Chipmunk's new address is now lakefront property. We transported it by car over to the woods near the local lake. I don't feel right poisoning them, so relocation :greetings10: is the next best bet.

yeah, you have to catch quite a few to make a meal out of them...:whistle:
The chipmunks, squirrels and birds right off our back patio provide endless hours of entertainment for our indoors cats. Yesterday 2 morning doves were flying around the house and landed on "their" windowsill. It resulted in an hour-long standoff between cats and birds. The birds seem totally unimpressed by the cats' "maneuvers" and display of strength...:LOL:
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This guy was spotted briefly and then moved on. Maybe he's headed your way.


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i live in a so. cal. suburb. but i have a big hill behind my house
along with some open space behind that..

i hear coyotes dining on the local rabbit population right outside my
back fence late at night about once every couple months or so.
lots of coyote yips and then suddenly silence.. dinner is served.

also, once quite a while back my mini schnauzer was going ballistic
at the back glass sliding door so i looked outside and
there's a bobcat drinking out of his water dish outside

it's funny because he's very aware of coyote's being "a bad thing".
He's real quiet when he hears them and comes inside right away if he's outside.
I don't let him out late at night anymore unless i'm nearby.
With the bobcat i'm not sure sure what he would have done if he was outside.

He barks at domestic dogs too.. so go figure.
i guess there's a distinction going there between a bona-fide hunting party
and softy domestics like him taking a walk..
this little mom was on my mom's front porch for a few weeks a recently.
everybody has flown the nest at this point though..
I've had some of those also - but I didnt let them in the house. Looks like a good companion for your pup.

Not mine. Got it in an email. Apparently someone came home from work. The deer followed the beagle in through the doggie door.. :LOL:
All sorts of critters here, but this is one of our prettiest.
My son got this pic of a Bluebird at our feeder.


Great pic and very pretty bird. I believe "bluebirds" and not 100% blue but have some orange on their chest. As I remember, this one is called an "Indigo Bunting".
That is just the neatest thing. Tell us more about how you came to get the fawn in the first place and then into the house, how long you've had it, and future plans.
Think you missed this...
Not mine. Got it in an email. Apparently someone came home from work. The deer followed the beagle in through the doggie door.. :LOL:
Great pic and very pretty bird. I believe "bluebirds" and not 100% blue but have some orange on their chest. As I remember, this one is called an "Indigo Bunting".

Now that you mention it I believe you're correct. My daughter has some "real" Bluebirds nesting in a box and they do look different. We also have some purple finches that are pretty. One recent surprise are two Parakeets. Someone's escaped pets no doubt.
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