1st year Flew By


Dryer sheet aficionado
Aug 4, 2008
Well, here I go again. Last time I posted on this forum I was lambasted by a FuzzyBunny character for stating the obvious - many people were underwater on their homes. If you're out there Fuzzy under a different name, be gentle.

Anyhows, been 1 year since retiring at 41 and what a year it was. Traveled throughout Thailand with the wife and spent a few weeks in Greece a few months back. The days seem to fly by and rarely ready for my head to hit the pillow.

Tonight I have time on my hands being sick now for 5 days. Good time to reflect on life and the decision to retire. I could have worked a few more years and had more money to splurge on things that are out my financial reach currently. Hmmm, I really don't care about a 5 star health club that smells like roses and my shower in my 2 star hotel works as well the 5 star hotel down the street.

Bought a condo in Thailand after the wife and I listed what was really important to us. Now, what we liked in this instance wasn't cheap but it is what it is. Have 2 porches with panoramic views of the ocean and the city.

We started with a relatively small retirement nest egg, but have seen it grow by 200k over the last year. Enough rambling( doctor told me not to mix beer with the meds - oops), just wanted to tell about a happy retirement.
Yes, time flies. I can't believe is going on 2 years for me. Congratulations on your very, very early retirement, on your $200K increase (yes, please explain), and on your world travels. Oh, yes, and get well soon.
I found myself in a fortunate position of being all in cash at the beginning of 2009. I had sold all my long term equity positions about 8 months prior and was investing into the panics and getting out as they all rebounded. Not a long term investment strategy in my opinion but it worked well through the financial crisis. Also, bought Real Estate in Phoenix when the sky was falling. Sold it in six months and made 28%. The final portfolio addition was money that was owed under contract from previous employer which I had semi-written off.

This year still trying to catch that falling knife(stock market drops) but I think my market timing days are coming to an end. The world markets seem to be finding their footing and I will be looking for a place to put my money for an extended amount of time.
I have been retired for nearly 16 months since I retired at the end of October, 2008, at age 45. The 2009 year just flew by for me, too. It as great seeing my monthly dividends arrive, usually at the level I predicted (but often more). It as also great watching both my taxable account and my IRA grow a lot in 2009.

The only thing unpleasant in 2009 as paying the rest of my taxes on the big ESOP payout I received in 2008. However, they ended up being a lot lower than I first thought because I had misread the instructions originally. (I did spot this well before I filed so there as no problem.) It kinda felt like "found" money!

I look forward to many more years of retirement.

I took 4 years off in the late 90's and traveled to many countries. Having lived as a very young kid in SE Asia for 2 years this was one of my stops. Thailand was all I ever imagined it would be and I ended staying over 2 years. Initially I toured the country on a mountain bike, eventually settling in Chiang Mai. I loved the food, exotic atmosphere, and the warm rainy days. Met my wife while living in Chiang Mai and after living in the states for 8 years, we returned.

Things have changed in Thailand and I have also changed. It really isn't as cheap as it was with it higher growth rate and currency rallying against the dollar. It is definitely more sanitized and westernized. I've never visited a major city in the USA that could even closely match the number of McD's or KFC's per square mile.

I truly doubt Thailand will be our final resting place but it is nice at the moment.
Thanks for the info. I've spent some months in Thailand, and Chiang Mai is one of the two places I think I could live long-term. The other is the Krabi area. Anyway, may your next year fly by as pleasantly as your first!

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