2022 workout thread

@NextInLine - Do you use the 75lb for a lot of the exercises so you don't have to change plates? Your time (29:21) reminds me of a lady on YouTube who used to try to do (x) number of exercise movements within a given time. The more of the same exercise she could do in the fixed time frame (think it was 30 minutes) the better shape she considered herself to be...and she was in very good shape indeed.
@gooddog - yes, the goal is not to take many breaks. I just took enough break to sip water. My time is about "middle of the pack" compare to my fellow workout group. Those young and extremely fits can finish around 20 minutes. I do crossfit for 5 years now and love it.
In crossfit, you can do a combination of workout in number of rounds (for time) or a set time with as many reps as possible (AMRAP).
DW and I took swimming lessons end of 2021, so I am incorporating them into my workouts for 2022. My gym routine (2-3 days a week, depending on the amount of outside exercise I can get):

30 minutes treadmill at mid resistance
30 minutes free/machine weights, alternating to work various parts of the body (no breaks more than 10 seconds between stations).
15 minutes sit ups/mat exercises
30 minutes swimming exercises

Occasionally I will work in other things for variety, like stationary bike, rowing machines, a class, etc.

On non gym days, In the winter walk or home aerobics (using lessons from a couple of YouTube instructors I like) for at least 60 minutes. Or other things such as biking of the weather permits. If it snows, incorporate some snow shoveling (my 2 hour workout today :)). Bowl for 1-2 hours. When it gets above 40 degrees with no wind that is a potential golf day (walking a round).

Biggest challenge is to sty active in the house and not sit in front of TV or computer for too long.I have an interval time on computer I set to set for no more than 15 minutes at a time, then move around or do some standing activity/task for at least 5 minutes. For the TV I limit my "show/movie" watching to about an hour during lunch and dinner, and nothing after 8. For longer periods (a movie or sports game) I am trying to almost always spend time doing some activity that requires standing, or spend time pedaling on my bike, set up on a training stand.
I try and remain consistent and work out roughly 2 hrs a day. I do strength workouts every other day and switched to bands instead of free weights. I perform a complete setof exercises using bands and slowly progress to higher resistance. This was a major improvement and I look a lot better. My Body fat remains at around 10% but I gained 7 pounds but all in muscle. I added pullups to this regimen in an attempt to do 10 perfectly and the main goal to do one-arm pull-ups which remains elusive. I do 30 minutes on a stationary cycle with HIIT on the alternate days. These same days I also do a calisthenics routine. Both the band routines and the calisthenics I do on a vibration platform for the majority of the exercises. When cycling I use the Oculus Quest 2 to watch videos. I also do a minimum of 40 minutes on the Quest 2 for aerobic exercises. I highly recommend this as it is fun and motivating. I alternate between PowerBeats, Synthriderz and AudioTrip. I also play tennis on the Quest 2 about 3 hours a week which is pretty close to the real thing. I perform a yoga routine 3 hours a week usually when I am in the sauna. I also go on a long hike (10km or better) in the nearby national park forests which have 300 meter climbs in them using hiking poles (more or less Nordic Hiking) and carry a 20 kg pack (drone, water etc.). When it isn't awful weather I ride my mountain bike a lot and when the season is on I ride the 5 miles to my marina to go sailing 3 hours a day on the nearby lake. The hiking mountain biking is limited by if the trails are wet or not as the mud here is the worst I have ever seen due to the limestone rock that is the basis for the mountains here although we are also in a high volcanic area with extinct fumaroles everywhere so there is a diverse terrain to see and outside the national park mostly vineyards everywhere. It is a very beautiful place here in Hungary.

430 am up
30m stretch routine based on egoscue
30m meditation with wimm hoff breathing session

Sometime during day 30-45m cardio, zone 2 (70% max heart rate). Bike, walk, concept 2 rower 7 days

2x week i do 5m on heavy bag. That's a killer!
Then i do weight training on a 2 day on two day off cycle. Upper day 1, legs day2, then 2 days off.

6'4" 187lbs, no meds, all numbers good but not Earth shattering
Yesterday I bundled up and walked outside for 1.34 miles and got over 9,000 steps total. Today I got 1.1 miles in outside so far. This afternoon I will either do a 45 minute chair yoga on-line or go for another outdoor walk. It will warm up next week and maybe I can ride my bike around the neighborhood again.
Yesterday I bundled up and walked outside for 1.34 miles and got over 9,000 steps total. Today I got 1.1 miles in outside so far. This afternoon I will either do a 45 minute chair yoga on-line or go for another outdoor walk. It will warm up next week and maybe I can ride my bike around the neighborhood again.
Got 2.2 miles in so far myself this morning. 6 degrees. At least it was a beautiful bluebird day with 4 inches of fresh powder and not a cloud in the sky.
We are not off to a good start. My daughter-in-law has COVID and we have our 2 year old grandson. They still have the 6 month old. She is really sick. Apparently we all got it - first the grandson - he had croup and tested negative but he fought the test at the pediatrician. It must have been a false negative. Then the 6 month old baby got it, then my son and my husband got sick. I had sniffles for a few days and have no idea if I got it or not. Then my DIL got really sick and tested positive. We wish we had know from mid-December that my grandson had it, but we stayed to ourselves during this whole time. My 2022 exercise will have to start next week.
45 minute walk. I've found that my meniscus can currently handle about an hour of walking per day so I'm keeping it a little under that.

2nd time using the resistance bands, still getting used to them:
- overhead press, 3 x 10
- rows, 3 x 10
- squats, 3 x 10
- deadlifts, 3 x 10
We are not off to a good start. My daughter-in-law has COVID and we have our 2 year old grandson. They still have the 6 month old. She is really sick. Apparently we all got it - first the grandson - he had croup and tested negative but he fought the test at the pediatrician. It must have been a false negative. Then the 6 month old baby got it, then my son and my husband got sick. I had sniffles for a few days and have no idea if I got it or not. Then my DIL got really sick and tested positive. We wish we had know from mid-December that my grandson had it, but we stayed to ourselves during this whole time. My 2022 exercise will have to start next week.

You deserve a full reprieve. Maybe even a medal. ;)
I’ll contribute…Started the year off Walking @ least 10,000 steps a day in conjunction to working out 4 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. The only difference from last year was the added steps into my routine.

I’m derailed a bit seeing I may have caught omicron. I’ll shake it off and get back to it soon…BTW, which smart device do you feel to be the best fitness tracker? I have a series 3 Apple Watch and I just don’t think it’s as accurate as it claims.
I’ll contribute…Started the year off Walking @ least 10,000 steps a day in conjunction to working out 4 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. The only difference from last year was the added steps into my routine.

I’m derailed a bit seeing I may have caught omicron. I’ll shake it off and get back to it soon…BTW, which smart device do you feel to be the best fitness tracker? I have a series 3 Apple Watch and I just don’t think it’s as accurate as it claims.

I generally log 10,000 steps a day( lagging a little so far 2022) with my Apple series 6 watch. I checked the accuracy. I hiked between 2 points showing 2.37 miles on the watch and I measured the same path as 2.35 miles on Google Earth.

Makes sense that it measures distances well coming from GPS. Not sure if it's counting steps accurately though. I've gone on hiking trips with friends having Apple watches and there is a fairly large difference of daily step counts between us on the trip. I'm the tallest of the group and have the least steps. The shortest person has the most steps. Makes sense, but IIRC the short person would have about 15,000 steps in about the same walking distance that I would have 10,000 steps.

I'll do a check on the treadmill and see how it does. I'll count steps for 10 minutes and see how well my watch matches it.
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I’ll contribute…Started the year off Walking @ least 10,000 steps a day in conjunction to working out 4 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. The only difference from last year was the added steps into my routine.

I’m derailed a bit seeing I may have caught omicron. I’ll shake it off and get back to it soon…BTW, which smart device do you feel to be the best fitness tracker? I have a series 3 Apple Watch and I just don’t think it’s as accurate as it claims.

The Apple Watch is really a great way to see your exercise (or not) progress. I get a kick out of checking my progress during the day. I just upgraded to the Series 7. I had a Series 4 and I don't see that it is any less accurate then Series 7. I like the always on feature with Series 7 since I want to watch my heart rate as I run up hills.

Some of our hills are really steep and then I run/walk them while keeping the heart rate (in the 130's) from dropping too much. For me I had to move the watch to my right wrist to get accurate pulse rate measurements. Why, I am not sure and it appears to change with individuals.

I do not care about steps and just focus on mileage.
I cycled for 2 hours today on my indoor trainer, which is connected to the Zwift biking simulation. I'm preparing for an half Ironman and then a full Ironman in a few months, so gotta train!
My DH and I got the Apple Watches Series 7 for Christmas. We have never had any type of fitness devices before and I must say that they have really motivated us. I was sitting way too much before getting them. I make sure that I close my rings every day. I am upping the amount on the rings slowly. I walk indoors, lift weights (I am just now going to 8 lb), walking up and down stairs, doing step ups, calf raises, squats, tricep dips, crunches and dancing.

Karen, I hope that everyone recovers quickly from the covid.
I really enjoy my Apple Watch for fitness tracking. Karen F, best wishes for a speedy recovery for you and your family.
I do 30-45 minutes on my Landice treadmill every weekday morning. I usually wind up with 15k+ steps every weekday. Also do a 45 minute free weight / machine resistance routine M/W/F. I make sure I don't miss a day - It's the best hobby / habit a person can have, great health!

Side note; I always saw those Total Gym TV ads with Chuck Norris and thought it was hokie or a gimmick. On a whim, I just bought a barely used XLS model off of Facebook Market Place for a $100. It's great! Very versatile and built well. I'm gonna be making good use of it!

Curious to know if others on here have a TotalGym and how they like it?

BTW - I'm Tom C. on Fitbit if anyone wants to add me.
2 x 5 miles Friday and Saturday. 11.6 miles this afternoon at 4 MPH pace.
1.1 miles outside this morning with DH. In a few minutes I am going to go up and do a 45 minute on-line chair yoga class from my yoga teacher's video library. It is so convenient. I have my green and blue ring closed on my Apple Watch and yoga will close out my red ring.
Finally this morning I was able to walk 2 miles outside, which is my goal three days a week. I will also sign up and do a live on line yoga class at 5:30 today. So today is a good day and tomorrow it will warm up here.
3 straight days of running...in very cold weather. But I was correctly dressed for the conditions and actually enjoyed it. No running tomorrow, don't want to risk injury with a 4th running day.
I have found some fun YouTube Workouts for inside workouts. I like the ones by Paul Eugene a lot. He is very motivating and says some goofy stuff that makes me laugh while working out. Yesterday I did one that was 49 minutes long - Disco Dance, March, Walk workout. He also has one for 2022 that is 22 minutes of cardio, 22 minutes of strength, and 22 minutes of stretching. What other YouTube workouts do people like?
I am also using Apple watch 7 for following my training activities.

Typical day is two 30 minutes treadmill walking sessions indoors (about 8500 steps daily). I have an electric blower simulating tailwind so it is nicer to exercise and not so swetty.

I usually go outdoors every day.
- If weather is good, I do outdoor utility activities, such as firewood cutting.
- If weather is bad (cold or rain), I do spinning wheel bike that is located outdoors on balcony under roof protected from wind and rain.

Active daily calories are in 300-500 range as shown by Apple watch.

One problem I have with Apple watch is that it keeps hitting the handle bar in the treadmill. I hope watch doesn’t break. I wonder if watch works (pulse, steps and blood oxygen) if I turn it under the wrist?
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Walk - 45 minutes

Resistance bands:

overhead press - 4 x 10
bent over rows - 4 x 10
deadlifts - 4 x 10
About 1.5 hours walking spread out over 2.5 hours at an outdoor outlet mall. It's a little more than I thought my knee could handle but it seems to be okay.
3.8 miles today over 2 walks (morning and evening) with the dog.
-2 deg this morning and a balmy 6 deg above zero this afternoon. Lots of o clothing!:)

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