2022 workout thread

Do folks here have time set aside for workouts? I find that if I don’t get a workout in sometime in the early morning then it won’t happen. So I’ve set aside 8-9:15am for running and weights. Hiking and biking I set aside a bigger part of the am. So far the set aside is working.
Simple plan. Not allowed to eat until after the days workout. Put it off as long as you like [emoji4]
Morning is my best time of day to go for a walk. It does not always work, but that is what I shoot for. Today I got in my car and drove five minutes to our local lake and walked 1.23 miles. It was nice to do something different. I am signed up for an online yoga class today at 5:30 with https://studio.mary-mccarthy.com/.

Happy Valentines Day!
Back on the regular routine. 1-1/2 hours of cardio and strength training at the gym, couple hours back home working out in the Orchard and wrapped up my day with an hour on the bike (10 miles & 1,400 ft of elevation) on my favorite gravel roads.
Training for a marathon (in three weeks) involves faster track workouts. This mornings went great and my Garmin watch gave me an upgrade on my VO2 max estimate to 60!

Did not think I would ever see that number again as I have not been there since my late 40’s now 55.

Sadly my max heart rate is quite a bit lower these days and I can not run as fast. Still managed six miles x 6:22 pace today which should put me around 3hr 5 mins if all holds up to race day.
YIKES! Sunday (as reported just above) I had a glorious run. Monday I'm in the hospital for cardiac problem, and tomorrow (Wednesday) getting catheterization to clear a clogged artery. There goes my plan to do at least one exercise every day this month. But at least after the dust settles I should be in better shape than before.
Well, I made up for several days of inactivity today. We had a blizzard overnight and I shoveled my driveway.

- three 1 hour sets of shoveling
On my normal schedule today, GYB. That’s Gym, Yardwork, Bike ride.

I’m an amateur bike racing junkie, and these last six months all my races have been short cyclocross and mountain bike races, around one hour duration. Just registered for 100k (62 mile) gravel road race in early March. Time to change up my workouts and put some miles on my legs.
I've never done so much shoveling in my life!! The combination of a blizzard on Friday, plus the bare minimum done while we were in Florida left a heck of a lot of snow to clear. My wife thinks I'm crazy, I can easily afford a snowblower plus my parents live a block away and I could borrow theirs, but I still don't mind the workout. Today I cleaned up the last of the snow leftover from our trip (mostly just widened the driveway) and the Friday night blizzard. There is still a deck to clear but that's for another day.

Today's workout:

- 2 hours heavy shoveling
Today - 40 mins (or thereabouts) running on treadmill. Minor interruption due to power outage. Interesting when the room goes dark and the treadmill stops abruptly during a run. Good thing that treadmills have grab bars. Generator turned on and I resumed.
My foot is feeling fine now, so went on a short walk (around a mile) outside yesterday and today. I am going to slowly increase my walks.
Just the typical gym, yardwork and afternoon bike ride today. Breezy and cool today and has taken some time to warm back up after my ride.

Tomorrow morning headed over to Moms place and will hit the trails for a ride after spending a few quality hours at her place.
22 miles this morning at 8:18 mile pace and 131 ave HR. Followed by a bag of Jelly Babies. Four weeks to Napa marathon hoping to run under 3hr10.

Amazing pace! It's similar to what my dad ran in his running years, and oldest DD can still run. My own pace in top form is closer to 9:00 per mile. I got their endurance ability, but not their speed. :LOL:

Napa was my first marathon, and it was great. They let us all sit on the warm, heated busses until it was time to line up. It was cooold in the AM, so that was very much appreciated! And such a gorgeous course in the spring, though I only know that from driving the course the night before. I saw none of it during the race, only the asphalt at my feet. YMMV

Good luck and hope to see a follow up here on how it went!
YIKES! Sunday (as reported just above) I had a glorious run. Monday I'm in the hospital for cardiac problem, and tomorrow (Wednesday) getting catheterization to clear a clogged artery. There goes my plan to do at least one exercise every day this month. But at least after the dust settles I should be in better shape than before.

wow--Hope you are recovering well. Take care.

We just discovered a locally owned, small fitness center accepts silver and fit, and our medicare covers it in full. The owner gave me all the steps to take to get the correct info and register. Now we are playing phone tag to do the final sign up.
It is a really nice small fully equipped gym, within walking distance. Open 24/7. DH and I are looking forward to using it. The little free gym at the local Sr Center closed for remodel and they do not intend to bring back the free use equipment :(
So this new place will be wonderful!
Racing mtn bike tomorrow so just went out on an easy pace mtn bike ride this morning; 12 miles and 1,700 ft of hill climbing.

Hitting the jacuzzi at the gym this afternoon to warm up and relax. Then some stretching tonight and again tomorrow morning to loosen up tight muscles.
Had a great weekend. Lined up on Sunday morning for a mountain bike race with my 50+ year old pals. Took 2nd place. Might have been a threat for first but missed a turn out on the course that cost me a couple minutes.

Back to the routine today. An hour of intervals on the treadmill at the gym followed by strength training. Got home and after mowing the front lawn headed out for an hour (10 miles & 1,500’ of hill climbing) on my bike.
I was able to ride my bike today and got in a nice 30 minute bike ride. I also walked 2 miles this morning and did a good zoom yoga class this evening. I think I might be a little sore tomorrow.
We're in Michigan trying out winter sports. We went skate skiing today. It was a miserable mile and a dozen falls before I caught on, but a lot of fun after that. I am going to hurt tomorrow!
Today was our third day of 60 degrees plus yay! I walked a total of seven miles and rode my bike around the neighborhood. It was so nice to get outside without coats boots etc.
Hit the gym early for an hour doing intervals on the treadmill, 30 minutes of strength training and a few minutes in the jacuzzi soothing sore muscles.

Weather is warm and wonderful so got home and took off on an hour and a half mountain bike workout on my favorite dirt track; 15 miles and 2,000 ft of vertical.
Dog walking everyday rain/shine ~ 1.5 miles; gym workout 3x/week: 5 minutes on rowing machine, bench press (free weights) 3 sets/10 reps - 95/125/145 lbs, seat curls 130 lbs, lateral raise 40 lbs; squat machine 180 lbs, cable pull 100 lbs, pull downs 100 lbs, calf raise 180 lbs, kettlebell deadlift 75 lbs, crunch machine 55 lbs, leg extensions 140 lbs, leg press 180 lbs. Except for bench press, just do 2 sets of 10. Playing pickleball 4-5x week, lower back and legs iget pretty sore when I workout and play pickleball on the same day. My biggest issue is gained 20 lbs during 2020-21 due to too much snacking.
20 or 30 minutes of HIIT - low impact exercise daily, if I'm not birding. Yes, laughable in comparison to you athletes out there! But, right now, I feel wonderful nearly every day in my mid-60s. And that's my goal. No injuries, no surgeries, no painful feet, good sleep, good digestion, and the ability to keep on walking and exploring and birding the rest of my life.
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Hiked / climbed Flatiron trail in Apache Junction, Az.
7.7 miles with 2612’ Elevation gain.
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continuing to get my workouts in most days, did the base workout today, 2miles onthe treadmill at various speeds and inclines interspersed with burpees, cable leg kickbacks, jumping jacks, front lunges, and assorted core exercises.
Normal gym cardio and strength training session this morning. Weather is so nice that went out and did an extended mountain bike ride, 16 miles and 2k ft of hill climbing.

The hill climb is an old gold rush era stage coach road. It’s a steep 2 mile ascent on rocky terrain. At many places you can see where the steel rims of the stagecoaches wore grooves in the base rock. It’s a real special place and had it all to myself today.

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