$3.00 gas?

Johnny..you had gruel? And sheet metal!?!

We used to have to eat hot gravel for breakfast, just before we walked 40 miles to school, uphill both ways, in a raging blizzard. We had no shoes, so by the time we got to school, we had no feet left.

But we were happy.
Th; some great monty phython there! :D "You had a shoe box!?" He,he.

Anyway; I can't wait to price reaches $3/gallon! That is almost half price compared to today! (In my Scandinavien home country).
If gas gets to $3/gal, I may try to add cheap vodka to my tank as a budget measure.
Speaking of which, anyone see that experiment where these guys took a bottle of the cheapest vodka they could find and passed it through a brita pitcher? After 3-4 'charcoal filtrations' they taste tested it against premium vodkas and it compared favorably.

Do a google for "brita vodka" and you'll probably get it. Interesting. Only thing I couldnt find is any info on whether the brita filter was hosed after those 3-4 passes, if it was good for another couple of bottles, or if it was still good for water.

I wonder what happens if you put gas through a brita?
LOL! I'm trying not to wake my family right now, but my face is hurting holding back the laughter! :D

That Brita vodka filter story reminds me of my days at the University of Hawaii when we took an empty 2 litre bottle of coke, a bucket half full of water, a shower head, and a half pound of a local's "crop" and in the end had every smoke alarm in the dorm building going off....creative spirit of youth. :)
Do not mix soda pop and dry ice inside a plastic bottle.
The local police will call in the bomb squad and call it a felony for having explosives.

Don't ask me how I know.
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