7.8 Billion people on planet earth


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 30, 2016
I seen this and copied because I thought it was quite interesting and supposedly it is facts.

The current population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion.

For most people, it is a large figure, that is all.

However, someone has condensed the 7.8 billion in the world into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics.

The resulting analysis is much easier to comprehend.

Out of 100 (you can consider the below as percentage figures)

11 are in Europe

5 are in North America

9 are in South America

15 are in Africa

60 are in Asia

49 live in the countryside

51 live in cities

12 speak Chinese

5 speak Spanish

5 speak English

3 speak Arabic

3 speak Hindi

3 speak Bengali

3 speak Portuguese

2 speak Russian

2 speak Japanese

62 speak their own language.

77 have their own houses

23 have no place to live.

21 are over-nourished

63 can eat full

15 are under-nourished

1 ate the last meal, but did not make it to the next meal.

The daily cost of living for 48 is less than US$2.

87 have clean drinking water

13 either lack clean drinking water or have access to a water source that is polluted.

75 have mobile phones

25 do not.

30 have internet access

70 do not

7 received university education

93 did not attend college.

83 can read

17 are illiterate.

33 are Christians

22 are Muslims

14 are Hindus

7 are Buddhists

12 are other religions

12 have no religious beliefs.

26 live less than 14 years

66 died between 15 - 64 years of age

8 are over 65 years old.

If you have your own home, eat full meals, drink clean water,

have a mobile phone, can surf the internet, and have gone to college, you are in the privileged less than 7% category.

Among 100 people in the world, only 8 can exceed the age of 65.

If you are over 65 years old, be content & grateful. Cherish life, grasp the moment.

You did not leave this world before the age of 64 years like the 92 persons who have gone before you. You are already the blessed amongst mankind.

Take good care of your own health.

Cherish every remaining moment.
Out of 100 (you can consider the below as percentage figures)

11 are in Europe

5 are in North America

9 are in South America

15 are in Africa

60 are in Asia

[emphasis added]

Why do so many people seem to think that Mexico is in South America?? (I am guessing.)

The approximate real figures should be:

7 are in North America (population ~580 million)

5 are in South America (population ~424 million)

I think even this ignores the 48 million in Central America.
And is getting more populated by the minute. A running total of births, deaths, health expenditure etc.
Births are roughly double of deaths. Covid does not seem to put a dent in the population explosion.

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1 is a psychopath.

Actually: "Incidence. Hare reports that about 1 percent of the general population meets the clinical criteria for psychopathy."

Unless this was meant as a confession.... ?... :LOL:
So using the 7.8b number, that would say "about" 0.00045258974358974% are members of this board. :)
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Yes, we should be thankful in general.
With about 15.77 billion acres of habitable land on Earth, that means a little over 2 acres per person.
With about 15.77 billion acres of habitable land on Earth, that means a little over 2 acres per person.
Well then I certainly have a lot more than my fair share of land... Of course a lot of folks would say Texas land isn't habitable....
I guess the only big surprise to me was that 77 have their own houses. I'm not sure what that means (definition of "have") as even in the USA, I don't think 77 would "own" their homes (including WITH a mortgage.) So perhaps it means, they have someplace to live in a semi permanent fashion (i.e., NOT under a bridge or tree, etc.) YMMV
I'm confused...1 out of every 100 people won't live to see their next meal? :confused:

LOL! Not real to answer your question. I seen this and just copied\pasted thought was for interesting facts.
I'm confused...1 out of every 100 people won't live to see their next meal? :confused:

Given that the numbers on North and South America were also messed up, it causes one to doubt their calculations.
So...can we compromise and assert that there are a fair number of assorted people worldwide living in numerous locations under a variety of circumstances?
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Saw an interesting "fact" that if every person on earth stood shoulder to shoulder, they would all fit within the Los Angeles basin. That's hard to imagine.
A lot of us complain about population increase, but how many actually do something about it in their own lives?
A lot of us complain about population increase, but how many actually do something about it in their own lives?

You're right.....I'm off to poison the neighbours right now! Thanks for the incentive.
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