An update on TheFed's popular "Should I Get Married" thread

she's gone from cooperative to vindictive over night. all she has control over is my kids. she is hiding them from me, wont let me with them alone. stole money. false police reportS. its getting ugly. so sad for the kids.

life sucks
she's gone from cooperative to vindictive over night. all she has control over is my kids. she is hiding them from me, wont let me with them alone. stole money. false police reportS. its getting ugly. so sad for the kids.

life sucks
Get the meanest divorce female lawyer you can find. And if you get criminally charged, spend whatever you have to on an ace criminal lawyer.

You have to forget that she was once your "loving wife"- now she is your greatest enemy and needs to be understood as such.

I'm sorry it has come to this. Hang in there and think of the kids through this. Document anything and get a good divorce attorney.
After reading the old thread and this one I would be asking myself a few questions if I were in your shoes.
1. Are the children mine? As painful as this question is your old thread talked of some infidelity on her part.
2. What is my moral obligation to the children? What part do I want in their lives? How do I want them to view me? What part of my childhood that was not good do I want to try to protect them from? What good things do I want to teach and show them?
obviously the legal aspect of your financial obligation will be decided by the courts- unless things have changed your ex did not work and has been home raising children and will be for many years, so your financial obligation will probably include supporting her as well.
3. since this is an early retirement forum and I assume that is why we post here, what can I do to move forward in my own financial security?
4. Where do I see myself in five years, ten years, fifteen years? At this time you must be about 28 so you have a lot of years ahead of you.

just because you made mistakes in the past (like most of us) doesn't mean you have to keep making mistakes in the future.
I am so sorry for the mess you are in.
I am sure you will try to the partnership issues apart from the parental issues and will do your best to protect the kids, even if your wife might not.
Can you protect the bouncehouse business or is it all in her name?
Whatever, please take care of yourself.
thefed, don't forget these boards are public and your comments may be picked up by the last person you expect (and always a remote possibility that they might be used against you).
thefed, don't forget these boards are public and your comments may be picked up by the last person you expect (and always a remote possibility that they might be used against you).

excellent advice that didn't even cross my mind
well it's still an ugly ride guys. civil protection order. limited time with kids. she's in the house, getting everything paid for by me. luckily the magistrate sees through her vindictive b.s. and just ruled for temporary orders that are WAAAY in my favor. it's looking a little brighter...
Thanks for the update, thefed. Sorry to hear that things are going so poorly. It is hard to keep your eye on the future when the present is so miserable. I hope this gets resolved quickly so you can move ahead.
Thanks for the update. I hope you get some resolution soon.....I think you said she was pregnant; when is the baby due?
well it's still an ugly ride guys. civil protection order. limited time with kids. she's in the house, getting everything paid for by me. luckily the magistrate sees through her vindictive b.s. and just ruled for temporary orders that are WAAAY in my favor. it's looking a little brighter...

I hope you don't become vindictive and decide not to pay child support etc. etc.... or talk down about her to the children....

Just move on... life can be great and there is no reason to keep anger as it eats away at you, not them...
Sent you a PM with info on a great fathers rights divorce site. Helped me out a lot.
yes...the baby is here! Evan was born July 26 ...a healthy baby boy!
still dragging along. court system is sooooo slow. looks like we should have a final divorce trial (no negotiating looks possible due to her atty) by dec 6 2012.
thefed said:
still dragging along. court system is sooooo slow. looks like we should have a final divorce trial (no negotiating looks possible due to her atty) by dec 6 2012.

Wow, a full year? A friend of mine got divorced in just over a month. But then again, we live in Las Vegas, quick marriages and divorces are a lot more common here.

Sorry to hear that will drag out so long.
Sorry you're having to go through this, Fed. Best wishes to you.
still dragging on...gonna be DEC before it's wrapped up...18 months for a 2 yr marriage! It's craaazy. Luckily she has a nimrod for an atty and he is so far behind the eighball it looks like SHE may be owing me money in the end!
14 months...NOT ONE issue resolved. Kids are suffering, I've sunk 50k into the deal...NOTHING

what a joke marriage is...imho
Today is our 27th wedding anniversary and we've never taken our marriage as a joke. :confused:

This is kind of like telling someone that is in a wheel chair from an drunk driver how good a driver you are.
This is kind of like telling someone that is in a wheel chair from an drunk driver how good a driver you are.
Not sure I quite understand how that analogy relates. Or maybe you're saying I was wrong to say I don't think marriage is a this context?

Guess I missed that class.
14 months...NOT ONE issue resolved. Kids are suffering, I've sunk 50k into the deal...NOTHING

what a joke MY marriage is...imho

Let me fix that for you;)

Also, hope situation gets better.

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