Animals we share our lives with

Here are two photos photo I took out our window five minutes ago of a fox (kit fox?) that we see around here now and then. She's the size of a large cat. I'll keep the camera handy and try to get some better shots next time.

Yesterday she was carrying one of her offspring (I think -- it may have been another animal) in her mouth.

These are cool pic's.
I love seeing wild life like this.
I never seem to have a camera handy though.
Right now, the one dog is the best choice for us, as we get all the benefits of a dog with a more intense one-on-one relationship with her. She's also easier to walk, feed, exercise, etc. than two dogs would be, and we don't have room for another crate in the house

Same here. Two would certainly complicate things under my current set up. Here's a pic from yesterday before I crashed on the sofa after pigging out on some grilled burgers.:blush:

Here's Scooby, our shih tzu. He is at the top of Volcán del Estribo Grande (The Stirrup), in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. This arduous climb makes San Francisco's hills look like child's play. Our little trooper made it all the way to the top and back down...with a few stops for [-]me[/-] him to rest.
Tomorrow marks one week since I lost my beloved cat. Today I cleaned the house for the first time since he died. It was a heartbreaking experience. Signs of him everywhere. Here's the last picture I took of him while he was still himself. After this, he declined very quickly.

He was a very handsome cat, and he looks quite content in that photo. :flowers:

Have you considered some sort of tribute to him? After my beloved orange tabby died, I planted a tiger lily in his honor (my nickname for him was "Tiger"). More recently, I made a photobook of his life in pictures. Since he lived to age 20 (19 1/2 years with me), I had a *lot* of photos. It was a considerable amount of work, since many of those photos were before the days of digital cameras, and I had to dig them out of albums and scan them. But it was SO worth it, and I treasure that book.
I hope he had plenty of water and shade along the way...

Yup! We never go anywhere without his water bowl and bottled water...spoiled dog won't drink tap water. Fortunately, the gazillion steps to the top were lined with trees offering lots of shade. We made the hike on a weekend and there were lots of people to stop and chat with along the that as lots of stops to rest, especially on the steepest part of the trail.
This is a picture of newest grand-critter, Cricket. She zonked out on the way to her new home. We get to meet her in a couple of weeks when we visit with our kids. She's making her home with two old schnauzers and one curious lab.

I love tummy pictures. Cricket is one cutie pie. Bet she'll teach those dogs what's up in no time;)
Cool Al, very cool.

I need to make the effort to capture photos of the roadrunner in my back yard. Haven't seen Wylie E. - at least not yet.
Standing ovation for T-Al's fox pics!!
OK, I got her! I kept the camera right next to the piano, so that when I saw the fox I could get a bunch of good photos:

Wow, those photos are awesome and she's a beauty!
Nothing a lab loves more than water! Have you ever seen the dock dogs competitions? They have them in Charleston and I love watching the videos! Looks like the dogs are having a blast!
A 2-year old photo I just found this morning while organizing my albums.

Cats reading - and making sure I am not dilapidating their inheritance:
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Cute kitties--the one on the left looks like my May white/calico and the one on the right like my much-loved and missed Henry-girl who was a gray/calico.
Our latest kitty, Pancake, is mostly white with the tabby splotches instead of calico markings.
These are young ones, from their size--do they run around the house like the Indy 500 like my youngsters?
Cute kitties--the one on the left looks like my May white/calico and the one on the right like my much-loved and missed Henry-girl who was a gray/calico.
Our latest kitty, Pancake, is mostly white with the tabby splotches instead of calico markings.
These are young ones, from their size--do they run around the house like the Indy 500 like my youngsters?

They are 2.5 years old now, and a lot bigger! And while they have slowed down quite a bit, they are still racing around the house several times a day... :)
I took this picture of a young deer at a picnic area near Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park on July 29. I call her Lupie.


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I took this picture of a young deer at a picnic area near Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park on July 29. I call her Lupie.

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