Are you tired of CO shooter coverage yet?

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But this seems important to me and I feel so deeply for those who have suffered. I want to know and remember them.

This strikes me as a curious sentiment. Why do you want to know and remember them? I feel for them and can easily envision myself in their place, but I don't want to know them. They deserve their privacy.
The answer to all that is to turn it off and get a life. It's a load of crap.

Pretty much my view. I read the financial media, but I don't take it too seriously. The general media news? Useless irritainment. The only thing I want to know from those buttholes is when the zombie apocalypse has started. But even then I figure it will be pretty obvious.
I gave up on CNN years ago. Their coverage is superficial and inane. Once upon a time it was quite good. No longer.

Agree. But the great thing about having cable, I have probably 75 other stations to watch if I get tired of certain news.
Once the networks see us tune out, or skip through, this coverage the sooner it will go away. No advertiser wants to loose eyes.
This strikes me as a curious sentiment. Why do you want to know and remember them? I feel for them and can easily envision myself in their place, but I don't want to know them. They deserve their privacy.

You're right brewer. In my haste, I worded this all wrong and didn't correctly express what's in my heart. I don't want to forget them and hope we can learn something from this. They sure do deserve their privacy and I'd never want to invade that. Just heartbroken about this. Can't even begin to imagine what they're going through.
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Like Audrey I don't have tv. I don't listen to radio either. I have four or five news sources feeds on my IGoogle home page, so can see at a glance any major headline, though I rarely click on them to read. I scan the homepage of my local newspaper every day at lunch,and look at the WSJ and Economist sites most days. Beyond that, I tune out.
Highly recommended to not get involved in news stories. I mean, who is to say these people suffered more than those injured or killed in Syria this month, or in the floods of China? I find the higher valuation of American lives curious in this context.
And as for crazy people? They are damn near everywhere.
... I mean, who is to say these people suffered more than those injured or killed in Syria this month, or in the floods of China? I find the higher valuation of American lives curious in this context.

I imagine those tragedies were covered in greater extent in Syria and China, Sarah, vs. the Colorado shootings.
You're right brewer. In my haste, I worded this all wrong and didn't correctly express what's in my heart. I don't want to forget them and hope we can learn something from this. They sure do deserve their privacy and I'd never want to invade that. Just heartbroken about this. Can't even begin to imagine what they're going through.

Don't go watch mediocre pablum in movie theatres? Crazy people are everywhere? I don't see an obvious lessn. Its just another senseless tragedy. Strangers die every day, unfortunately.
Ont thing which will be very helpful in reducing the future coverage of this is if Holmes and the DA agree to a plea deal and spare us all the media circus of a trial.
The news people love it when something like this happens. It gives them weeks worth of coverage. I watched for the first day or two and stopped when they started talking about each victim.

It's a very tragic situation but learning about each person that was affected will not help anything.

I don't have cable either but for some reason I get MSNBC. I haven't been able to watch in days. Well, the crap they spew is hard to watch anytime but I don't have many alternatives.
What I can't understand is why this is a big deal on Canadian news feeds. [-]Don't we have[/-] Doesn't Toronto have enough of this that we can stick to domestic content?
Totally tired of the way the media saturates all these type of tragedies. I wish they would bring on the happy news, but I guess nobody would tune in to that:facepalm:
I mostly tune out when the story gets extensive coverage, but I do wish they would cover stories like this a lot less. I fear that the media circus is just the kind of attention that makes potential unbalanced future perpetrators more attracted to attempting spectacular crimes, not to mention gives potential copycats ideas.
No. I'm not tired of it. I live less than a mile from Aurora, that devil was in my town's court, and is currently housed in my town's jail. I don't like his name called so I use a few pet names of my own.

Fortunately, I can get ample coverage on our local new channels and online.
Whenever I see this stuff I get defensive. Basically I need to know it will not happen to me. I suspect this is a common emotion. So one might think "I never go to the theater to see something like this, let alone at 12 midnight". Is that a logical defense? Not sure.

One positive about this sort of coverage, it makes you think about how to respond should some deranged person start shooting.

I think I'd play dead. That would be very hard to do as the more common response would be to run away.
Whenever I see this stuff I get defensive. Basically I need to know it will not happen to me. I suspect this is a common emotion. So one might think "I never go to the theater to see something like this, let alone at 12 midnight". Is that a logical defense? Not sure.

One positive about this sort of coverage, it makes you think about how to respond should some deranged person start shooting.

I think I'd play dead. That would be very hard to do as the more common response would be to run away.
I never worry about "what I'd do" at all thanks to the 91 movie Grand Canyon (a personal fav) and the scene between Kevin Cline and Danny Glover early on. "When a lawyer's (Kevin Kline) car breaks down in a dangerous Los Angeles neighborhood, a tow-truck driver (Danny Glover) arrives just in time to save his life." His line about sharks was profoundly true IMO and it has stuck with me ever since. I tried to find a video clip to post but couldn't...sorry. YMMV
I think the media has turned all this stuff into entertainment. Not much real news like it used to be. Remember the days of Walter Cronkite?
Can I ask why this keeps happening in Colorado a lot ? Is it something to do with the state laws, the culture or something ? I'd be interested in having it explained since I've been to Colorado a few times and I honestly think it is a great state.. probably top 5 in the Union.
Can I ask why this keeps happening in Colorado a lot ? Is it something to do with the state laws, the culture or something ? I'd be interested in having it explained since I've been to Colorado a few times and I honestly think it is a great state.. probably top 5 in the Union.

That is right! We are all crazed gunmen just waiting for our opportunity! Its much worse than scorpions, chiggers and armadillos they have in Texas. You should all move there instead.
Can I ask why this keeps happening in Colorado a lot ? Is it something to do with the state laws, the culture or something ? I'd be interested in having it explained since I've been to Colorado a few times and I honestly think it is a great state.. probably top 5 in the Union.
It is a great state. We do have very loose gun laws, however. Good luck ever seeing that change. It will NEVER, EVER happen as long as all lawmakers are in the pocket of or afraid of the NRA.
Highly recommended to not get involved in news stories. I mean, who is to say these people suffered more than those injured or killed in Syria this month, or in the floods of China? I find the higher valuation of American lives curious in this context.
And as for crazy people? They are damn near everywhere.

I feel the same way. Why are those 12 lives lost in Colorado any more relevant than the other thousands that die every day in our own communities and abroad? At any given time there are at least a couple active genocidal dictators somewhere in the world efficiently killing their people or some group of people. Locally we have had lots of drowning deaths and drunk driving deaths this summer. Why don't we see more headline coverage of genocidal killings or drownings or drunk drivers? It all boils down to the mass media business model. The need to maximize eyeballs on the screen/page for ad sales purposes. Relevancy of news has nothing to do with it.
I fear that the media circus is just the kind of attention that makes potential unbalanced future perpetrators more attracted to attempting spectacular crimes, not to mention gives potential copycats ideas.
This. I cringe EVERY time the media speak their names, show their faces and examine their lives. You are giving these sick and tormented minds exactly what they crave -- attention, fame, notoriety. Maybe they should stop giving them what they crave?

They figured this out in sports telecasts years ago when they stopped showing idiots running out on to the field. But the news media don't get it.

I wish the media would refuse to divulge their identities the way they do for victims of sexual assault. For different reasons, obviously.
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I feel the same way. Why are those 12 lives lost in Colorado any more relevant than the other thousands that die every day in our own communities and abroad? At any given time there are at least a couple active genocidal dictators somewhere in the world efficiently killing ....
What we need is for the news to have one of those tickers running at the bottom of the screen. Then we need to show all the ways of unnaturally dieing in a simple graphic and the probabilities. Then the tickers could update the deaths due to those categories on a daily basis. Example:

Todays entertainment:
...shooting murders 15....African famines 150....mideast suicides 125...airplane disasters 2....drug violence 112....genocidal dictators 87
I mostly tune out when the story gets extensive coverage, but I do wish they would cover stories like this a lot less. I fear that the media circus is just the kind of attention that makes potential unbalanced future perpetrators more attracted to attempting spectacular crimes, not to mention gives potential copycats ideas.
Thanks, that's what I was asking in post #1. And Ziggy reinforced with his sport coverage example.
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