Becoming a Prepper

Other than Katrina, nothing I remember was on that scale or intensity of that, all the catastrophic events in this country have resolved themselves within days, a week or maybe two.

Desperate people do desperate things.

Katrina was the first of three pretty devastating hurricanes, and was highly publicized but not much worse than the other two (Rita and Ike).

Ike was especially bad as it took a community (Crystal Beach) and removed it from the face of the earth. And I mean gone!

Ike caused a lot of damage and took power out of a town of 4+ million people for two weeks. We survived and somehow didn't starve to death, dry up from no water, have to use our homes for firewood, deliver babies on street corners, etc.

Heck, I didn't even get any good shots off with my Walther P99!

But, when that asteroid hits............:nonono:
It's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out huh? Lot's of glib replies here, got it all figured out huh?

Well I'm not a prepper but as I see it there there are two kinds of prepping.

The 1st is when nature takes away electricity. You see how crazed people are when they predict a 6-8" snow storm, you'd think no one had any food in their house. You'd think that bread and milk were never going to be available again for months. You need some supplies to make it 2 or 4 maybe 7 days. Then your world returns to normal.

And then there's the other kind, the we're not in Kansas anymore Toto and that kind is no joke. You can have that nice farm and big garden, you can stock pile firewood and water you can have gold and silver. But when TSHTF, to be honest when the hordes come from the populated suburbs and especially the urban cities, you need people in addition to all that. You need people you can trust your life with and they can trust theirs with you and you'll need guns and lots of ammo.

People riot when their "team" wins whatever championship game they played. What do you think they'll do when they haven't eaten in 5 days, when their children are hungry and sick? People have zero clue how to feed themselves if the stores are out of food. Few if any have any real survival skills and they are coming to take what you have, by any and all means they possess - mark my words.

I laugh at the prepper shows because I can find holes in just about every one of their compounds and TEOTWAWKI plans. But just let a 1 or 2 kilometer wide meteor create a Tunguska event or the one that hit the Yucatan 65 M years ago or the side of an unstable mountain range on the coast of west African (sorry I forget the country) drop 25 cubic miles of dirt and rock into the ocean sending a 600 or 900' tidal wave screaming at the east coast traveling at the speed of a jet or a solar flare/EMP destroy the electrical grid or the super volcano under Yellowstone blow and you'll see things you only saw in your nightmares. And guess what - all these things will happen it's just a matter of when. It might be next year or it might be 200 years (in which case we are off the hook) but eventually these catastrophic events will happen, it is just a matter of time, a matter of when.

Other than Katrina, nothing I remember was on that scale or intensity of that, all the catastrophic events in this country have resolved themselves within days, a week or maybe two. Other than those whose homes were destroyed and loved ones died for the most part things were getting back to some semblance of normal but what if it takes months or years. It was readily apparent on the evening news each night just how society collapsed after Katrina, the law of the jungle was on display, he with the largest club or the firearms was going to get what they wanted. It won't be pretty and it won't matter what you have as much as how you'll protect it from those that have nothing and nothing to lose. If you think you can share, if you think you can reason, if you think because you're well educated and a civil and just person means anything in those scenarios, well pardner you have a huge wake up call coming.

Desperate people do desperate things.

Aren't we a ray of sunshine! :LOL:
Anything is possible, but is it probable? You can only plan for so much before losing your mind, and frankly I do not include asteroid strike as something probable worth planning for. On the other hand, in picking our vacation/retirement home we avoided places known to be a target for devastating natural events. We'll keep those areas for our travels. We bought on a river, but a home that is out of the flood plain and geographically set so that the flood water will run to the other side of the river in substantial amounts before it encroaches on our home, (ie: across from a field, not a wall of rock, as pleasant as those are to look at.) We avoided places known to have the potential for running out of water. Does this guarantee our safety? No, particularly not with the uncertainty of climate change, but it makes it probable.

Life has to be lived, and when I can no longer be true to myself, I don't want to live anymore.
Anything is possible, but is it probable?

I am reading Against the Gods currently, and it has a an interesting story on just that topic. A Soviet professor refused to go to the air raid shelters during German bombing in WWII, because he said with seven million people in Moscow, what were the odds he would get hit? Then one night he showed up at the bomb shelter because he said there were seven million people in Moscow and one elephant, and last night they got the elephant.
This seems to be an appropriate thread theme song:

Interesting thread. Not a lot of new, groundbreaking ideas though. It really is as simple as Aesop's fable, "The Ant and the Grasshopper", IMO.
Thankfully we are free to live as we choose. You can be the ant or the grasshopper or something in between. I can respect the decisions made by each individual.
I don't really understand why there are such strong opinions about which way is "right" and which is "wrong". It seems we should be content to let others choose how they want to live and we can only hope to be afforded the same respect.
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It seems we should be content to let others chose how they want to live and we can only hope to be afforded the same respect.

Typically, this forum does not operate with that philosophy.

There are a number of exceptions, of course! :)
Interesting thread. Not a lot of new, groundbreaking ideas though. It really is as simple as Aesop's fable, "The Ant and the Grasshopper", IMO.
Thankfully we are free to live as we choose. You can be the ant or the grasshopper or something in between. I can respect the decisions made by each individual.
I don't really understand why there are such strong opinions about which way is "right" and which is "wrong". It seems we should be content to let others chose how they want to live and we can only hope to be afforded the same respect.

Most of us have strong opinions on any number of subjects, this included. But IMO having a strong personal opinion does not equate at all with disrespect for the strong opinions held by others.

The very fact that we have joined this forum suggests that most of us are in the "save for winter" camp. But unlike the ant, sometimes we like to sing a little in the summer too. It just a matter of optimizing the two for the short time we have
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