Boomer Women

Early in the recession, men's unemployment rate was higher than women's. It was even called a "mancession".

Then, in early in 2012, the numbers were reported as being equal. So, men got hurt too.
They are saying. "I never saved any money, now I have none." Why is it a big surprise? Why is it anyone else's problem?

Note the cigarette boxes holding up the laptop in the picture.
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Early in the recession, men's unemployment rate was higher than women's. It was even called a "mancession".

Then, in early in 2012, the numbers were reported as being equal. So, men got hurt too.
In the first couple of years after the meltdown, the "safest" occupations -- the ones that seemed the most "layoff-resistant" -- were in health services, education and government -- all disproportionately female occupations. It was primarily men losing their jobs through about 2010 or so. But once the craptastic economy trickled down into state and local government budgets, when teachers and civilian public sector jobs started getting whacked as well, that began to change.
Two can play at the gender inequality game. See below. But does it matter which gender a person is? Alas, many of the new poor are formerly middle class folks who have slid into poverty.

As far as what the candidates are saying and promising, I can assure you that if you don't live in a battleground state, the candidates don't seem to care (except when they show up for a quick fund raiser from wealthy donors.) I do not believe either major candidate has made a stop in my home state since before the conventions.

Note: Women now occupy the majority of slots in colleges, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Boys have more discipline problems in school, and are more likely to need special education benefits. It seems like it is time for an affirmative action program for males who want a decent education.

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