Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2007 to 2010: Evidence from the Survey of Consum

While I don't look at a house necessarily as an investment asset (unless I was a landlord), it may or may not affect your cash flow/budget/SWR vs living in card board box (or renting).

(emphasis mine) Ah!! I see you have discovered my Plan C. :D That, food stamps, and a tin cup + cardboard sign.

As for how net worth is computed, I agree with those who say that depends on one's intended use for the numbers.
Mom had a house for 36 years that was paid in full soon after buying it. She lived cheap but decided to move out and pay rent. She is collecting a mortgage until she is 112 so it became income. Her new rent is 1,500 a month including food, utilities, cell phone, housekeeping and laundry. The mortgage income pays a large part of her cost of living. She lives with my brother who even helps her balance her checkbook but having zero bill since she sold her car makes living easy. Without the old house paying her now she would be worried about money, now she can spend all she wants.
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