Childhood friends & how their life went?

I really have not thought of my high school or college friends in years and years, but, being back in my hometown the past years has really brought alot of repressed memories back...where they will go again when I leave here. But it has been an interesting experience...
I may be in the minority on this, but I find little pleasure in looking back at my high school days. I wasn't bullied; got great grades; enjoyed the experience, but have had no desire to go to reunions or look up any former classmates -- beyond the five or six who were good friends back then and remain so to this day.

But then again, I never drive by the "old neighborhood" or go back to my old office or for that matter, spend much time reminiscing about the good old days. I have always been more interested in looking forward rather than in the rear view mirror, I guess.

Achiever51 - I do agree with you for the most part - I just find it interesting to see what has happened - I don't want to go back and enjoy my life now much better; a datapoint, if you will.

I had this discussion with my husband the other day - he had sent a survey to his young son about what people wished they had done in high school - high on the list were studying more and getting better grades - I didn't have that regret (I had done well in high school) -what I regretted was inhibiting myself from some activities due to what I thought the other thought of me (overly sensitive to peer opinions) - as I look back, I haven't interacted in any professional or other way with any of those people in the 28 years since and have only maintained true friendship with two people - bottom line - I shouldn't have given a damn what any of them thought and done what I wanted and gained the experience.
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